Day 38: Breakfast

Jan 06, 2009 16:02

What a singularly delightful evening he'd had. It was dampened, of course, by two things, but those were small things and he supposed he could overlook them for now. First was that his powers had still not returned. If he truly were on punishment as he thought, though, he couldn't very well expect those to come back. Second was that the little ( Read more... )

methos, s.t., meche, kagura, edward elric, batman, tsubaki, kaiji, anise, skuld, teisel, melissa, blitzwing, tony castaway, ken amada, wolfram, indiana jones, kaku, allen, seiya, demyx, matsuda, zex, zelnick, shinichi, hikaru, lugnut, brainiac 5, mikami, the flash, subzero, xellos, usopp, eileen, yohji, elena (ffvii), akihiko, fwiffo, yuffie, fox, sync, ayumu, honey, farfarello, shiki, masaru, yukari, tyki, kratos, haseo, rubedo, citan, tony stark, shito, homura, senna, adelheid, siegfried, kaito, hanatarou, chidori, sora, evangeline, luffy, renamon, claude, keman, kristoph, haruno sakura, superboy, hokuto, edgeworth, zexion, joshua, javert, harry osborn, dean winchester, hughes, grell, ren, hanekoma, argilla, guy, kvothe, kio, armand, hinamori momo, mitsuru, depth charge, reid, claus, soubi, vlad, allelujah, wesker, frey, valyn, tokito, fai, captain america, leon magnus, sheena, yue, schuldig, sasuke, aidou, beatrix, falis, ophelia, rangiku, gin, scar (tlk), subaru, sanzo

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Comments 1169

mizuhomaiden January 6 2009, 07:29:05 UTC
[one ninja for breakfast?]

Sheena woke up groggy, caught between wishing she'd had one of those spiders attack her and wishing she'd not asked Armand that embarrassing question. The ninja checked real quick to see if her yayoi was in the closet and she sighed in relief to find it there again. At least the evil ranch understood a woman's need to have real support and comfortable clothes.

...though she didn't understand why some had their clothes and some didn't.

Ushered into the cafeteria, Sheena gathered a tray and looked around. She didn't see anyone she recognized, but decided to sit down by a woman with long red hair. It wasn't so much that she wanted to meet someone new, but more the hair made her think of Zelos.

Oh yeah, Sheena, go ahead and torture yourself like the Idiot Chosen actually meant something to you.

"Morning," she said.


deadlyjuliet January 6 2009, 07:59:02 UTC
It was easy to watch who was coming and going when he was the first one in the room. Which meant that when a young woman started making her way toward him, Grell tried his hardest to look like he hadn't noticed her. Not that it was very hard so long as he kept his eyes trained on the plate in front of him and the food on it. What was up with the food anyway? Pigs in a blanket? Really now.

Jumping a little when he was finally addressed, Grell peered over at Sheena like he'd just noticed her coming up. "O-oh, um, g-good morning," he replied, smiling faintly, if it a bit nervously.


mizuhomaiden January 6 2009, 08:03:29 UTC
Sheena blinked at the girl's nervousness, not noticing at all that she was really talking to a man, and tilted her head a little. "I'm Sheena," she said with a warm smile. "I don't remember seeing you around before. Are you new?"


deadlyjuliet January 6 2009, 08:12:19 UTC
"It's a pleasure, Miss Sheena," Grell replied, trying his best to return her smile without showing his teeth or losing his breakfast. Mortals were so trusting, it would be sickening if it wasn't the perfect setup for disaster. It was no wonder that Shakespeare and the mortal world was just brimming with tragedies stemming from human fallacies.

Dropping his gaze, Grell pushed a big of scrambled egg about on his plate and nodded. "I-I've only been here for a day or two... Have you been here long?"


scalyfishman January 6 2009, 07:45:19 UTC
Depth Charge awoke to a flood of bewilderment, pain and, above all, frustration. So that was how they played things around here. It was difficult enough getting things done in this smelting place without being cut off in the middle of doing them!

The bruises on his back protested with a steady throb as he eased himself upright in the bed, reminding him of the injuries he’d sustained that night. Warily, he lifted the blanket from his legs and inspected the damage- in the stark light of morning his legs looked infuriatingly pale and thin, streaked with dark, thick scarlet where the blood from his wounds had clotted thickly against his skin. And they still stung like the Pit. Distracted by this grizzly new sight, he found himself wondering how Lugnut was holding up. After all, the ‘con had been hurt a slag of a lot more than he had ( ... )


rubbermancan January 6 2009, 07:54:45 UTC
Luffy always found the announcements more irritating than unnerving. It always meant the end of a mealtime, or the end of a nightshift, or the Head Doctor generally being a bastard. Sometimes he wondered if he could find a secret path to the guy if he yanked out one of the announcement box thingies. Or the woman who was talking to them lately, whoever the hell she was. That'd be pretty awesome, either way. Although getting to Landel would have been even better ( ... )


scalyfishman January 6 2009, 11:21:09 UTC
Depth Charge was still scanning the room carefully when the sound of the tray hitting the table and a voice snapped his attention back to his own table- violently. Slag, he nearly jumped clean out of his smelting plating. Sitting opposite him, as if he’d mystically materialised into the chair hours ago, was a gangly-looking human, apparently waiting for some kind of response. So much for keeping your optics focused, bright spark.

Scrabbling at whatever dignity he had left after that little reaction, he straightened up a little and eyed the newcomer with the usual penetrating suspicion. Dark hair, dark eyes, with a strangely gangly look to him- to say humans came in a variety of shapes and sizes barely covered it. Definitely not much more than a kid, though how old exactly he couldn’t say. All he could say for certain was that he definitely wasn’t X (like X would ever introduce himself with a “yo”…), and that was good enough for this Maximal. The kid passed. Just about. Over-enthusiasm had never sat well with Depth Charge, and he was ( ... )


rubbermancan January 6 2009, 19:38:04 UTC
Luffy met the stranger's suspicious gaze with a casual stare of his own, as if this sort of thing happened all the time, or he didn't entirely pick up on the man's reaction to his sudden presence. He wasn't really put off by it -- no reason to be. It wasn't like he had any reason to be suspicious of someone he just sat next to!

"Depth Charge, huh?" Well, he'd never heard a name like that before! Neat! "What do you like to be called, then? Depth? Charge? Or do you have some kind of awesome nickname?" Or maybe that was his nickname! Maybe this guy was the champion of underwater bull-fighting. (Did underwater bull-fighting even exist? Well, maybe! He'd never known anyone to say it didn't!)

He liked this guy already!

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy," he introduced himself brightly before giving an almost unnaturally wide smile. "Nice to meetcha!"


shallweplay January 6 2009, 08:21:25 UTC
And just like that, the suitable and gorgeously bloody weapon (Arlene's blood, even) that had taken Ophelia all night to finally acquire was gone. In its place was the white ceiling from the morning before and the feeling of cool, clean sheets beneath her palms. The Claymore lay in the bed for a few moments, not willing to believe that she had suddenly been snapped back into that horrible little room. When she realized that one overhead announcement had definitely lead into another and the feeling of lying on a bed suddenly was too real to be imagined, however, Ophelia let out a screech of frustration ( ... )


mind_the_sukima January 7 2009, 01:39:00 UTC
And then, suddenly she was awake.

One moment she was squabbling with that pint-sized evil mage, the next she was lying in her bed. The gap in between was missing, and it mildly irritated Yukari that she couldn't command it to return, to fill in the blanks.

Oh, well. If that was how this was going to be played, that's how she'd have to play until she found a way to cheat the system, of course.

Yawning, Yukari was about to roll over and go back to sleep when her nurse - no, wait, a nurse; this was a different one from the one that had escorted her around yesterday - came in, telling her to, of all things, rise and shine ( ... )


shallweplay January 7 2009, 05:08:42 UTC
At first, Ophelia didn't pay much mind to the tired young woman who had been seated across from her, instead opting to stare off into space in thought as she took little bites of the little pieces of meat that had been wrapped in pastry-like dough. She was far too preoccupied with the decision of whether or not to team up again with a woman who annoyed her so much if it meant discovering the secrets of the basement.

It became hard to ignore the woman, however, when she started leaning so far forward that she was practically laying her head on Ophelia's plate. Tough choices or no tough choices, she didn't like the idea of her tasty meat breakfast being ruined by a pile of blonde hair.

"So," she said abruptly in a loud, chirpy tone that she hoped would make the woman more alert. "Am I right in assuming that you had a rough night? Poor thing, you look so tired," she said with a seemingly friendly smile painted across her face.


mind_the_sukima January 7 2009, 07:24:08 UTC
Yukari shot up right at the address; just in time too, as she'd been mere inches from losing all semblance of vertical posture and simply laying her face down on the table and in anything that happened to be on it.

"What?" said Yukari, blinking owlishly. One part of her was upset for her lack of awareness, while another part reminded her that it was fairly safe during the day, supposedly. The other eight parts were too tired to chime in.

"Oh, uh, yeah," she mumbled in reply. "Fought this thing made of arms and teeth and stuff and it smelled really icky. It was even worse after I killed it, but at least it stopped trying to eat me then. Now my parasol's all bent."

She yawned then, before turning her attention to her plate. Maybe some food would help her perk up. She already had a few mouthfuls down her throat before she paused to look back to the other woman.

"The nurses call me Violet, by the way. But you can call me Yukari if you want," she said ambiguously before going back to her food.


full_score January 6 2009, 08:33:20 UTC
As usual, dayshift had a way of sneaking up him. The good thing was that last night had been incredibly productive! Guy getting his arm healed, a sword, Leon getting to see this new alchemy for himself, stuff to repay the clinic and Ed with, not to mention getting to see other parts of the building...really, he couldn't have asked for anything better. Aside from getting out, anyway. Still, the three of them made a pretty awesome team ( ... )


tender_cruelty January 6 2009, 14:07:27 UTC
Another wasted night spent with those two bickering. Allelujah sighed as he entered the cafeteria, rubbing a hand over his visible eye tiredly. Even he was going to have to sleep soon he expected. Maybe a nap during dinner perhaps. And tonight he'd just have to try slipping off on his own, quickly before Joshua arrived (and how was he always waiting anyway?).

He filled a plate with a selection of food and headed over to a free seat, smiling awkwardly at the boy who was already sitting at that table. At this point, he'd much rarther choose who he sat next to, rather than having someone choose him.

"Ah, do you mind if I sit here?"


full_score January 6 2009, 19:49:12 UTC
Claude looked up to see a young man he'd never met approaching him. He'd definitely seen him in passing before, so that was his cue that this wasn't someone new to Landel's. It was always nice to talk with people, though, so when the stranger asked if he could sit down, Claude returned the smile and gestured towards a seat.

"Oh, not at all!" he replied with a bright tone. "It'd be nice to have some company, really." It was better than being left to wallow in his own misgivings, which wouldn't do any good for anyone at the end of the day.

"I'm Claude, by the way," the blond added.


tender_cruelty January 6 2009, 21:01:10 UTC
Allelujah smiled back awkwardly and slipped into the seat, setting his plate down carefully. The other man seemed cheerful at least, and welcoming which made things easier. He didn't particularly feel like spending breakfast with someone who would give Hallelujah an excuse to snarp.

"Thank you," he replied politely. "I'm called Allelujah. Nice to meet you."


remedying January 6 2009, 08:58:09 UTC
[this space reserved.]It was like most mornings: the intercom clicked to life, and the day began. Tiredly and reluctantly, the girl began to stir awake as the routine went, feeling oddly... sore. Her arm ached, as did her shoulders, and for some long moments Yukari couldn't recall why they would-- what happened last night ( ... )


yin_yang_fox January 6 2009, 09:06:48 UTC
As for Renamon, she would have prefered to actually know what happened to her combative companions. Her night had been extremely eventful. Two rescues, two large scale fights, and more errands that she had thought. She had accomplished what she had set out to do at least, even if there were other things learned within.

When she awoke this time, she found her arm tightly bandaged from where she had taken Yukari's wound, and wraps around her chest as well. Renamon grimaced. It looked like her first instinct was correct--she had a few rib fractures. That would slow down her speed tonight.

She didn't stop at the Bulletin Board for once, heading straight to the cafeteria to search out the girl that she had went up against last night. Her nurse mentioned something about food, but backed off at the glare Renamon sent her way. Bypassing the line, Renamon found what she sought, and sat down across from her.



remedying January 6 2009, 09:15:48 UTC
The familiar voice finally came, and Yukari grimaced some, only doing as much as barely lifting her eyes at the figure that sat across from her. She wasn't looking forward to this, but at the same time it would be nice to get it done and over with. She just didn't know if the results would be what she wanted or not.

"Renamon-san," Yukari began, her voice hesitant and quiet, and then she paused again when she didn't know what to say next. It wasn't like any of this was her fault, right? The reluctance would probably be puzzling to anyone else, but Yukari knew it was much more than that. Things had been revealed that the girl never intended to mention. "I-- um..." Trailing off, she gave up on putting her thoughts into words. Instead, she finished off lamely; "... Mornin'."


yin_yang_fox January 6 2009, 09:20:36 UTC
Renamon took a moment for silence, tilting her head to study the girl. It probably went against human decorum and would make her uncomfortable but Renamon wanted to know... to understand how Yukari fared before speaking further. Like the night they went to get their possessions boxes, Renamon would not move from this place until she was sure the girl was alright.

Though, in the end, she simply blinked, tilted her head back, and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Renamon wanted (or was it needed?) to know if the girl would continue hiding things from her after this.


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