Nightshift 37: F1-F10 Hallway

Dec 08, 2008 12:51

As far as dinner shifts went, that one had actually been enjoyable. It had been nice to have somebody to talk to, to show off for, and Sen hadn’t seemed to mind all that much. Except for that one teeny-tiny little slip, just after Yuffie’d revealed that she was a ninja…

What was with that ( Read more... )

ayumu, hanyuu, glados, kagura, yuffie, ophelia, elena (ffvii), rangiku

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Comments 82

F5 shallweplay December 8 2008, 15:03:45 UTC
Ophelia was thrown for a bit of a loop when all the light in the institute suddenly went out. She had been subconciously aware of the fact all day, but hadn't really noted it while the light had been good: her eyesight was somewhat poorer than it had been. Her night vision in particular was definitely not as penetrating as it had been in her original body, which made the warrior swear under her breath ( ... )


Re: F5 shallweplay December 8 2008, 15:09:04 UTC
[To here]


F1 rope_victim December 8 2008, 18:53:06 UTC
Dinner had come with an unexpected surprise. The gift of Miku's own proper clothing. In fact, the little photographer had been so excited, that she'd put the clothing on almost immediately, disregarding the fact it would be chilly outside if they ventured there. For the tenth time, Miku adjusted her stockings and kicked her feet back and forth in their small black shoes.

Maybe Sousuke would be pleasantly surprised as well! It felt so nice to be in clothing that she was familiar with, and most certainly had boosted the little photographer's morale. With her pillow-case bag ready beside her, Miku laid back on the bed and sighed contentedly. Tonight, she was sure, was going to be a good night.


Re: F1 rope_victim December 10 2008, 05:10:59 UTC
There was something pulling at her heart, telling her to follow something. Confused, and perhaps a bit dazed, Miku stood up and left a note hastily written on her desk, next to her meal, picked up her bag and flashlight and padded out the door.

"What's calling...?"

[ To here]


Re: F1 uruz_vii December 22 2008, 04:42:16 UTC
[ Skipping some halls from here.]

Sousuke swung Miku down gently onto her bed and immediately went for the sheets on the other bed. He could bandage her properly now, and then tend to his own wounds as well.


Re: F1 rope_victim December 22 2008, 04:58:17 UTC
Her sheets were going to get dirty with dried, sticky blood, her logic dictated as she watched Sousuke prepare to go to town on Lust's bedsheets. Her head had swam as they rushed back to the room and she'd closed her eyes to keep from getting sick.

The time between had helped her get her voice back, though it was still quiet in the dark. "Are you alright, Sousuke...?"


mizuhomaiden December 8 2008, 18:57:53 UTC
Sheena was ecstatic to find her yayoi in her closet. In record ninja time, she'd changed into the familiar purple robe, leggings, as well as her lower leg and lower arm coverings. She tied her pink obi and fluttered the tails out behind her. She felt so much better now, back to being a real ninja. No more ugly grey smiley face. No more constriction across her chest. Sure, she was giving everyone a nice view, but if she was wearing this, hopefully they'd know not to piss the ninja off ( ... )


2cuprhubarb December 8 2008, 19:12:37 UTC
Ophelia vanished out the door in a matter of seconds, leaving GLaDOS alone to gather her flashlight and radio and head out the door. She paused momentarily, looking left and right for any signs of danger (cameras really were helpful in that regard, so long as they weren't knocked off the wall by a childish test subject) before making her way toward the exit of the main block. She didn't know quite where the second floor kitchen was, but she knew it existed, and that was enough.


2cuprhubarb December 8 2008, 19:15:27 UTC
((To here.))


F10 kagurazuki December 8 2008, 20:51:39 UTC
Night came and Kagura waited for the visitors to come. She pulled her staff out from under the bed and tucked a pillowcase into her waistband. They'd have to carry things somehow and if they needed bandages, they would do in a pinch.

Next, all that was left to do was sit patiently, and wait.


Re: F10 roger_hug December 9 2008, 18:47:32 UTC
(From here. Without the fail?)

Bridget was still a little nervous about leaving Roger in his room, but he wanted to have his hands (or hand) free to help.

Ah, here it was. Smiling, glad to have made it here without getting lost or into trouble. He knocked on the door.


Re: F10 kagurazuki December 9 2008, 21:14:40 UTC
Kagura was to the door in a matter of moments when she heard the knock. She wasn't sure who to expect first, Bridget or Mello, but she supposed it didn't matter too much. She opened the door to let in the visitor, smiling when she saw it was Bridget.

"Hi," she still hadn't gotten over some of her shyness. "Did you want to come in for a bit?"


Re: F10 roger_hug December 10 2008, 20:16:45 UTC
Bridget smiled, tilting his head. "Is anyone else coming along?" If so, then,of course, he'd wait with Kagura. Otherwise, they should get going as soon as possible.


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