Nightshift 36: Sun Room

Oct 28, 2008 16:54

[From here.]The Sun Room appeared no different from the time Ken entered in last night. What he could make of the floor seemed perfectly intact while sounds inside were nothing of consequence. Nothing mangled, nothing broken, at least as far as the boy could sense ( Read more... )

naruto, renamon, yue, sasuke, mitsuru, aidou, akihiko, tony castaway, ken amada, subaru, tanaka

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Comments 64

marin_karin November 5 2008, 05:29:04 UTC
[From here]

It seemed as though the Sun Room was still empty when they came back in, but Mitsuru didn't let her guard down entirely. For the moment, though, they had made it out safely. She had to admit that it looked like there was some honor in the other woman, after all.

It looked as though Amada had needed to grab something, but hopefully he would still be able to pass through safely. For the moment, she looked down at her arms, trying to gauge the best way to go about bandaging them. It wasn't recommended, but she'd likely have to tear at her sleeves and wrap long strips around the most heavily burned areas, if she could manage it.

Mitsuru glanced over at Akihiko after a moment. "What do you think that was all about?"


fourtharcana November 5 2008, 06:01:51 UTC
"What Ken did? I honestly have no idea," Akihiko answered. "It almost seemed as if he was protecting her. I can't think of any reason why he would do that, though. Unless he's seen her before? I don't know where that would be, but I can't think of another reason...he knows we're capable of holding our own in a fight." Never mind the fact that they'd both come out of it much worse for wear than they normally would have.

He glanced over to the door where they'd come from. The boy hadn't come out yet, and it was tempting to go over and check on him. "You think he'll be all right?"


rectifies November 5 2008, 06:51:29 UTC
The door clicked open just as Akihiko finished, revealing the boy in question along with his weapon and bundle. Any worries regarding Ken's safety could be brushed aside: he appeared fine. Incredibly pale and stinking of apple juice but uninjured.

Ken let out a shuddered breath before tensing himself for the inevitable barrage of questions. He couldn't blame Akihiko and Mitsuru; the seniors were probably confused as hell at his display in the previous room. Factor in the events of their last meeting and, well... The child supposed some anger was in store.

He bowed his head and silently stared down at his feet, unsure of how to approach the subject.


marin_karin November 5 2008, 13:30:17 UTC
She'd been about to respond to Akihiko when Amada finally hurried out of the room. As he came over to join them, Mitsuru gave a quiet sigh of relief. Truth be told, it had been highly likely he would be fine, but there was always that small chance. Things always seemed to go the worst route possible. They were responsible for his safety, no matter where they were, and Mitsuru wasn't angry at him.

...Not for trying to stop the fight, at least. Exposing his back to the enemy, perhaps, but that could be taken care of in time.

"It's good to see you're all right, Amada," she started. She didn't want to ask him too much at once, and hoped that he would answer some of her other questions while he was explaining. "You know what's going on? Where are we?"


yin_yang_fox November 9 2008, 05:07:24 UTC
[from here]

And the Sun Room held... nothing. No monsters, no fights. It was almost disappointing.

Feeling a little let down, Renamon continued into the Arts & Crafts room.


yin_yang_fox November 9 2008, 05:15:44 UTC
[to here]


winged_moon November 9 2008, 05:17:55 UTC
[from here]

The Sun Room was still as quiet as it had been before, fortunately, and Yue moved as quickly as he could to the nearest couch to deposit Subaru there. No matter how cold or abrupt his demeanor, he was still quite careful with his burden, setting the other down as gently as possible in order to avoid jarring the wound further.

Once that was done, the guardian knelt on the floor to examine the deep gashes on Subaru's leg, frowning in apparent annoyance at them and completely ignoring his own injuries.


broken_babylon November 9 2008, 05:24:34 UTC
"Uwaaah... Yue-san! What are you doing, you're hurt!" Subaru was not thinking about the times Seishirou had carried him around just like this, he truly wasn't. Really. It was just a shock, and he was worried for Yue-san. Fortunately, Yue-san put Subaru down relatively quickly, and Subaru sighed in relief. He also turned red as a strawberry and hid his face in embarrassment. "Yue-san, that was unnecessary."


winged_moon November 9 2008, 05:43:56 UTC
"You shouldn't be walking on that," was the guardian's only reply; he'd clearly felt that it was necessary, and wasn't about to allow for argument on that point. Besides, it was already done, so there was no point in protesting now.

Yue's frown deepened momentarily as he considered his options, emotions warring within him. He hadn't wanted anyone along with him in the first place, but once he'd failed to prevent Subaru from following he'd tacitly accepted him as a companion and thus, under his protection. It was a duty that drew him unwillingly from his desire for oblivion and forced him to focus on the present necessity.

He breathed out a quiet, resigned sigh, then pulled off his shirt and began to tear it into strips with his teeth. It wasn't as though he had anything else for bandages at the moment, and something had to be done about Subaru's leg.


broken_babylon November 9 2008, 05:51:12 UTC
Well, Subaru couldn't really walk on his bad leg at this point, probably, as casting that second spell had cost him dearly in energy; he wasn't at the point of passing out, but certainly he would have needed something to lean on in order to walk. Still, being carried around like some sort of girl was just too much! But Yue-san was right about one thing--what was done was done. Subaru sighed and shook his head. "You're hurt, too, Yue-san. Please have some care for yourself."


see_my_back November 10 2008, 05:34:36 UTC
[[from here]]

She didn't see what all the fuss was about. It looked like there were a few people in the room, but most were too busy with their own problems to bother her or Jiraiya. They were a little too slow, however, to see where Jiraiya's "friend" had gone to.

"Which way from here?"


toadally4boobs November 10 2008, 05:38:00 UTC
"The Arts and Crafts Room," Jiraiya stated with a small smirk. "The radio said that we'd know where to go if we were the 'creative sort'. It's a fairly simple riddle. Renamon would've figured it out, too."

He pointed in the direction of the room with his flashlight beam. "That way."


see_my_back November 10 2008, 06:23:56 UTC
"Alright," she frowned. Wasn't that way too easy? She could have figured it out too if she knew anything about this place. It was ridiculous! But even so, she followed the beam of light toward the door Jiraiya had pointed at.

[[to here]]


sir_savien November 13 2008, 04:36:33 UTC
from [here]

Kvothe closed the door to the Arts and Crafts room behind him as soon as he and Tony were out, and since the room had seemed so quiet and empty earlier he took a moment set to try to tear off a piece of cloth to bandage his bleeding arm. Unfortunately the fabric of the clothing and pillowcase were too sturdy to it to be very easy.


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sir_savien November 13 2008, 05:24:59 UTC
"Yeah," he said, giving up on wrapping it for the moment. "It was sharp, barely even stings." He leaned on the wall as well, looking down at the slash. The bleeding was worrying him. "It would be good to find something to use as a bandage, though. And something that we could use as a weapon."


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