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Comments 94

M28 atoyboxworld October 28 2008, 19:48:25 UTC
When the night time announcements came, Near made no move to head out the door. It was more familiar, to be the one waiting as opposed to the one expected to advance. It certainly was easier to focus as he sat at his desk, pushing his car around the tray which had once held a whole dinner, and now held less than half of a half. Commander Rester would be proud ( ... )


Re: M28 manhattan_red October 29 2008, 03:11:37 UTC
[from here]

Brooklyn had indeed remembered to bring the flashlight, along with the other items Near had wanted. Reaching the boy's door, the gargoyle knocked a couple times. "Hey, Nate? I've got your flashlight..."

He didn't think he would have left. It would make things a lot more difficult if he had. Didn't seem like Nate's style, though. Should he go ahead and open the door? It wasn't as if the boy was likely to be indecent or anything.


Re: M28 atoyboxworld October 29 2008, 22:39:58 UTC
"Come in." Near opened a desk drawer when Brooklyn knocked, carefully putting the car within. As much as he enjoyed having an actual toy, Near knew he would be too busy to utilize it properly during the night. Taking it along would amount to nothing more than risking it being lost along the way, something Near absolutely wouldn't have. Also in the drawer went the two letters he had received from Roger. There was no need to hide them, as Mello was busy that night, and had no knowledge of Near's room number. Not yet at least ( ... )


Re: M28 manhattan_red October 30 2008, 01:57:11 UTC
Setting the items on the bed, Brooklyn stepped into the room with a shrug. "Not bad. A bit dull." He hadn't gotten a visitor himself, and had in fact done nothing much at all that day. The highlight had probably been when he almost got to play a card game with someone. That had to say something.

At least Near was starting off trying to be friendly. Kinda. "How about you?"


nakanai_toboe October 28 2008, 20:06:15 UTC
[ from here]

Toboe slid to a stop in front of what he thought was M23, waiting a minute or two to fully examine the number and compare it to the rumpled sheet of paper still clenched in his hand. Well, it looked right.

Satisfied, Toboe nodded and knocked on the door. He didn't want to just barge in unannounced...


whiteychan October 29 2008, 00:12:39 UTC
Hitsugaya had slept away the entirety of his dinner, which was fine. He didn't really want to deal with Sanzo--the man had disappeared again anyways--and his stomach revolted at the thought of real food at this point anyways ( ... )


nakanai_toboe October 29 2008, 03:21:11 UTC
Unfortunately for Hitsugaya, Toboe still had a far and away better nose than any human ever did, but he did know better than to point out that Hitsugaya smelled like sickness. He just looked concerned--it could have been concern for the other man for all Hitsugaya knew.

The wolf just nodded. "Alright."


whiteychan October 30 2008, 23:18:34 UTC
Hitsugaya stepped out into the hallway and leaned against the wall. Thankfully leaning against the wall as he waited for his team was part of his normal routine. He could easily use it to hide the fact that tonight he was using the wall as a form of support. He probably could have managed to stand until Artemis showed up, but he knew the value of conserving his energy.

For the time being he also left his light off, relying on the light of others in the hall to provide faint illumination for him.

"If I say to run," Hitsugaya explained to Toboe briefly. "You run. You don't look back, you don't wait for me. Meet up back here if we have to."


remedying October 28 2008, 23:10:21 UTC
[from here. knock knock adel |D]


As soon as Yukari reached the appropriate door, she was quick to set her things down, if only to give her arms a break from the trip. Oh, jeez, she was never going to pull something like that off on her own again.

After a breath, she lifted a hand to knock on the door of M22. "Adelheid-san? I'm here!"


grosse_sklaven October 29 2008, 01:24:15 UTC
"Come in," Adelheid called out, though he was careful to turn his back to the door in question. He could, mm... ah hah! He pretended to be searching for something in his closet, so that his face couldn't be seen by the girl.

"...and you can just lay your things inside if you wish."


remedying October 29 2008, 01:36:25 UTC
Yukari opened the door, propping the door open with an arm while she hovered by the doorway. She intended to greet him first before dragging everything back inside, but it looked as though she had caught him in the middle of something.

"Oh, sorry to disturb you," she apologized, first grabbing the two brooms and setting them against the wall by the door. Quickly, she gathered the table legs in her arms again, glancing around to pick the best spot for them before setting them somewhere on the floor by Adelheid's bed.

She then paused, curiously glancing over in his direction. "Is that all you need from me?"


grosse_sklaven October 29 2008, 02:06:24 UTC
"Oh no, I'm the one who should apologize." The last thing he wanted was to potentially offend someone like Yukari. Granted, no one was quite like his own sister, but Adelheid was still willing to be cautious.

He half-turned, his left eye focused on Yukari- his right with its intricate tattoo turned away from her, hopefully- and offered a slight smile as he glanced at what she'd brought. "I just need your preferences. Height, general shape, things of that nature. There's a good difference between a long bow, a recurved bow, and a Japanese bow, after all." At least, he sure hoped that was what she was asking about. The events of the previous two nights had left Adelheid just a bit... disoriented.


arrogantflame October 29 2008, 05:52:27 UTC
Wolfram's conversation with Kaoru had been interesting enough, but what bothered him more than anything else was that Yuuri was late. He waited far later than he probably should have, hoping for some sign of his fiance knocking. But the evening got later, and there was still nothing.

He should have known that Yuuri would get into trouble if left on his own.

Grabbing his sword, Yuuri's reinforced bat, the useless radio, and his flashlight, Wolfram set off in the direction of Yuuri's room, deciding to start there before jumping to any conclusions.

What worried him was that the light in his flashlight was flickering just a little. It probably wouldn't last too much longer without new batteries.


arrogantflame October 29 2008, 05:57:34 UTC
[To here.]


Outside M25 ellectriclights October 30 2008, 06:46:38 UTC
[to here]

Elle paused outside Eddie's door, running a hand through her hair and once again attempting to tug her shirt down to reveal more of her cleavage. Of course it didn't work. She wanted a new shirt.

She rapped her knuckles against the door, accidentally leaving a pattern of charred spots as the electricity she was using to see by came in contact with it. Then she pushed the door open, holding her hand in front of her to see the interior of the room.

"Eddie?" she called softly.

He wasn't there. His roommate was, asleep on the bed, but no Eddie.

Why would he do this? Why would he ask her here and then leave before she arrived? That made no sense. He was the one who had brought it up in the first place! The electricity in her hand flared angrily as her eyes scanned the empty room for a clue to where he'd gone.

Nothing. Just a sleeping guy and no Eddie.

Slamming the door loudly, Elle turned on her heel and walked away.


ellectriclights October 30 2008, 06:53:14 UTC
[to here]


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