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Comments 94

M29 toadally4boobs October 30 2008, 23:53:18 UTC
Jiraiya had been unfortunately unsuccessful in finding Naruto before the next shift, and even after then, Naruto had remained elusive. He had wanted to warn him, having heard of how Uchiha's father had visited him. If they used Jiraiya's memories to bring back Naruto's parents as visitors, then....

But he never got to warn him, and the nurses wouldn't tell Jiraiya if Naruto had visitors. Frustrated, Jiraiya had quickly eaten his dinner, trying to keep himself from thinking about what could have happened had he not warned Naruto in time; his roommate seemed to be missing, so he didn't even have conversation to distract him from his thoughts. It probably didn't happen, because those two--Minato and Kushina--were impossible to imitate. They were unique. No one could have remade look-alikes fashioned after them.

That's what he told himself, anyways.

When the doors finally unlocked, it was a relief. Jiraiya gathered his stuff in his pillowcase once more, then headed off to meet his student.


Re: M29 toadally4boobs October 31 2008, 00:02:03 UTC
He'd know the truth, soon enough. There was no point worrying about it until then.

[To here.]


lost_metal October 31 2008, 00:36:26 UTC
Ed scooped up his glass of juice once the intercom sounded, wanting to go and see Hughes as quickly as he could. It wasn't fair to keep him waiting for this. He paused after a moment and then quickly scribbled a message for Adel, leaving it on his desk conspicuously.

Gone to see Hughes in M6. Toast for Mustang.

Grab me when you're done.


With that, he slipped out into the corridor and hurried to Hughes' room.

[To here]


M25 notmyfather November 1 2008, 17:34:10 UTC
The desire to leave his room wasn't even stirring in it's sleep by the time the doors unlocked. Valyn found himself lying on his bed, hands behind his head, lost in thought. A part of him niggled and bothered at him, reminding him that he should get going, but the rest of his mind was content to simply lay there and think.

He had enough on his mind, that much was certain.

At least he bothered to light a mage-light, to let the others find them if they wanted. Hopefully Shadow or Shana would come by....

Though there was no predicting Shana whatsoever.


bitofboth November 3 2008, 20:55:42 UTC
Spike left his room without much comment to his roommate and headed down the hallway.

The note had said F12... shouldn't be too hard to find.

[to here]


vladville November 4 2008, 21:53:47 UTC
[from here]

Looking at the numbers, this should be the right hallway, but there was no sign of Daniel yet. That was no surprise. Turning off his flashlight and waiting against the corridor's wall, Vlad wasn't going to try to start a meeting that had been arranged with Daniel in the first place before the boy showed up. Who knew how that would be taken? His little fit on the boards, while perfectly justifiable, had been potentially troublesome enough in retrospect.


notaghostreally November 5 2008, 21:11:08 UTC
[skipping in from here.]

And of course Vlad had gotten there before him. Sometimes, Danny thought the man did it just so that he could bother him about being late and about the importance of being prompt or whatever. Danny wasn't in the mood to launch into a childish argument with him, though, so as soon as Danny was within range, he began to speak first.

"We should go in now," he said, approaching Vlad as he got closer and closer to M23.


vladville November 6 2008, 00:12:09 UTC
Vlad found himself a bit put off by Daniel's abrupt attitude, but gestured widely towards the door and agreed in a sarcastic tone, "By all means. It is your meeting, after all, I'm just here to be helpful. You may want to knock first."

Whatever had gone into Daniel's head to inspire this recent suicidal urge, Vlad hoped it would be out of his system soon. It was annoying enough trying to keep track of the boy as things were, although at least Daniel did seem to have not lost the use of any limbs or anything since Vlad had last seen him.


notaghostreally November 6 2008, 15:58:24 UTC
Danny forced himself to ignore Vlad's tone and open the door. He just had to remind himself that Vlad wasn't worth the effort, especially not here, where he had no way to get near his lab or Danny's parents.

He took a few steps into the room. "Hello?" No answer, and the room was entirely empty, to Danny's surprise. He looked around before walking to the middle of the room. It was completely empty...either Hitsugaya left, or he was hiding in a closet. And Danny was pretty sure that it was the former.

"He's gone..." he muttered to himself, shocked. Danny didn't know him all that well, but he was pretty sure Hitsugaya wasn't the type to cancel meetings like that.


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