Nightshift 34: Rec Field

Aug 14, 2008 12:00

[from here]This was a bit more like it. Definitely a different outside area than she'd been earlier. It looked a bit like a football field, but why a hospital would have one of those... Although, why a hospital would be staffed by cats was an equally good question, but New New York had those, didn't it ( Read more... )

rinali, anya, kenshin, kaito, hanatarou, rude, yuuri, wolfram, allen, reno, albel, rukia, claire bennet, peter parker, harry osborn, roland, argilla, yuber, heat, xellos, armand, peter petrelli, elena (ffvii), yuffie, archer, cid, rose tyler, manticore, cloud, sanosuke, statesman, tyki, hohenheim

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Comments 134

intoindra August 14 2008, 22:21:42 UTC
((From here.))

It was surprisingly peaceful, all things considered. Then again, this particular stretch of the 'outside' was always peaceful before a monster burrowed through the ground or screeched in from above or wherever the latest attack would come from. That was why Roland slid along the Institute's wall, his eyes narrowed as he waited for his comrades. Once they were together, that wall shouldn't be a challenge at all to get over...


demon_beast August 15 2008, 12:56:41 UTC
[From here]

Argilla spotted ROland quickly once she slipped outside and silently made her way over to him, pressing herself against the wall to minimise the risks to herself. Much as she was less than concerned about the brainwashed patients, she also didn't want to get into a fight with one if she could avoid it. Too much temptation.

She pressed up beside Roland, leaning back against the wall. "Hey."


intoindra August 17 2008, 01:26:22 UTC
Roland was reminded of the conversation he'd had with Peony. Argilla as a warrior woman... it kind of fit, really. Especially considering her skill and tenacity; it was just a shame she didn't have a rifle to use. Not just for the sniping, but she could probably rifle butt a fair amount of creatures into submission.

Still, despite or because of those thoughts, he offered a smile as she walked up beside him. Truth be told, he was almost tempted to wrap an arm around her shoulders, as he had in the day before. "Glad you could make it so quickly."


demon_beast August 17 2008, 19:15:18 UTC
[Sorry, leather bikinis here XD]

She smiled at Roland, leaning back against the wall so that she could wait for Heat a bit more comfortably and watch the fights going on. That young man, he looked like one of the patients. Huh. Probably brainwashed like that little girl with the doll was. She wasn't overly concerned though. No matter his powers, he was still human and she wondered idly how he'd react to having a hungry demon taking bites out of him.

"It's not very far to go from my room," she replied. "Nami said she'd get me chocolate in town tomorrow."


human_sponge August 14 2008, 23:55:12 UTC
A few had passed by, and a few were lingering and waiting. It was hard to pick one out of the crowd, but he would have to move on to the others later, once he had gotten this first girl back inside.

He had already let a few slip through his fingers, and he couldn't let that keep up. This one was on her own. Didn't she know how dangerous it was to be out here?

He had been cloaking himself up until now, just watching. He moved up behind her now, letting himself become visible again as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," he started, sounding concerned, "what are you doing out here? Don't you know it isn't safe?" He was unarmed, wearing a black jacket, white shirt, and black slacks. If it wasn't for the fact that he had come out of nowhere and wasn't in the normal uniform, he might have been able to pass for any other patient. Maybe he still could.

But if the girl didn't cooperate...


got_the_bronze August 15 2008, 01:24:13 UTC
Rose jumped when what she had thought to be thin air started talking. But it turned out she was wrong - there'd been a man there all along, apparently, she'd just missed him. Unless he could turn invisible or something, which was a bit silly.

"Yeah, I've been warned, thanks," she assured him, smiling. He wasn't dressed like everyone else seemed to be, either staff or, uh, 'patient.' Maybe once you'd been here awhile you got your clothes back, or something? "Does everybody get their clothes back at night?" she asked. That was the other possibility. "I'm new here, I guess they're keeping me in the dark about some things." Wow, that joke was bad even for her. But it was, undeniably, really dark out here.

"Sorry, what was your name? I'm Rose."


human_sponge August 15 2008, 01:47:01 UTC
She kept on talking, words that didn't matter all that much in the end. He had a job to do, and he couldn't let her try to stall just because she wanted to be out here longer. They were close to the way out - if he let her get over that wall, it would be considered a failure.

Peter kept his impatience off of his face, but it was obvious enough in the way he grabbed her arm. "Listen, we don't have time for this. I can't let you stay out here."

He started walking back toward the building with the intent to pull her along, hoping that she wouldn't put up a fight. He could feel all of his power, right at his fingertips, almost asking to be used. There was so much he could do now, so many things he could pull from.


got_the_bronze August 15 2008, 02:06:08 UTC
"Hey!" Rose jerked automatically when he grabbed her arm. "Hey, lemme go!" He was stronger than she was, but she dug her heels into the soft grass, trying to stop him dragging her along. Apparently not everyone here was as friendly as the people she'd chatted with during the day.

"What d'you think you're doing?" she demanded angrily, struggling to pull free of his grasp. "I can be out here if I want!" There might not be any truth in those words - she really didn't know where she was and what was and wasn't allowed. But she knew she wasn't meant to be here at all. She needed to find the Doctor and they needed to get out of here, and that wasn't gonna happen with some scrawny bloke shoving her around whenever she did something he didn't like.


spirit_forge August 15 2008, 03:04:14 UTC
[from here]

Archer looked outside and didn't see any immediate threats, so he stepped out onto the grassy field. The cold air kissed his skin as he stood under the starry sky. Fresh air was something to be appreciated, a sign of freedom or the illusion of it, but they didn't have time to admire the view.

"Let's go," he said before moving towards the shed.


promisedawhale August 15 2008, 03:16:17 UTC
"Eh? Flashlight? I have a flashlight?!" he shrieked, mouth wide open. What he wouldn't give for one of those! But he'd gotten so accustomed to the dark - the years on his ship, wondering about in Thriller Bark - that it had never crossed his mind to look for a light source before. Maybe that was because he hadn't had a mind up until recently...


spirit_forge August 15 2008, 03:33:41 UTC
"Don't worry. I remembered for you," Archer replied, showing Brook the aforementioned item before putting it away.

[to here]


lone_arrow August 15 2008, 04:40:14 UTC
[From here.]

There were more people out here. Manticore was rather distracted by what he'd just heard... who he'd just talked to... but the woman being frozen in place by another patient, that was hard to miss. The archer's hero complex kicked in hard, but at the same time he had a bad feeling this was out of his league. He didn't have a bow, the weapons he did have probably weren't going to do much good here, and he needed to find Statesman... but he couldn't just leave this woman helpless either... he crept further from the door he'd just come out of, westwards along the wall, watching for an opening, or some better sign of just what was going on here.


zeus_incarnate August 16 2008, 19:56:05 UTC
[From here]

There were quite a few people out here already when Marcus arrived. He didn't hear or see Wolverine, though. That was a bit disappointing, but somewhat relieving.

He stayed at the wall of the institute and waited for Parker and Harry to get outside. Marcus was quite a bit more attention-catching than the rest of the patients with his costume on, and he was even more visible now that they were outside in the moonlight.


a_spider_can August 17 2008, 00:30:58 UTC
As they made their way out onto the field, Peter focused on filling his friend in. Statesman obviously wasn't going to do it, and Peter figured he was better fit for the job anyway.

"I mean that before the doors unlocked, a nurse and some orderlies came and got him. There... wasn't anything we could do," he started, and he did his best to make himself believe that. He knew Logan wouldn't hold it against him. In fact, he was probably the sort of person who was glad he had been taken instead.

"They've brainwashed him, and he's somewhere in the building now, probably... Attacking people." Now that he was speaking to Harry about it, Peter wondered what would happen if his friend was ever taken. What would that do to him, now that he had finally cleared his head? Peter just hoped it wouldn't happen.


littlegoblinjr August 17 2008, 04:26:51 UTC
Peter was obviously worked up over seeing Logan getting dragged off. While Harry may not care for the man himself, it bothered him seeing his friend upset. Trying to reassure him, he squeezed Peter's shoulder, telling him, "You're right, you couldn't have done anything, except maybe get them to take you too, which would have been worse. Don't worry, he seems like he can look after himself and most of the people I've seen here are no pushovers either. He'll be fine."

He had to wonder how they chose who to brainwash. Last night there'd been that girl with her doll and the sword-wielding woman the night before. Now Logan, would they be taking Peter next? He didn't want to fight him again, especially not when Peter wasn't concerned about hurting him. He'd already seen what Pete could do if he wanted to, Harry wasn't looking to for more scars. Never mind if he was made to hurt anyone Peter would never forgive himself and a depressed Peter was, well, depressing.


mitase August 15 2008, 08:55:04 UTC
[From here]

Hanatarou trotted along after the others as they hurried through the unfamiliar hallways, doing his best to keep up as ordered. He was starting to worry that he might have some difficulty once they got past the walls they'd spoken of, since that implied being outside, and outside meant uneven ground, and he had a hard enough time on level flooring and paved walkways.

The latest doorway had taken them outside, and the healer blinked around at the field as he emerged slightly behind the other two. There were several other people there as well, some involved with conversations and others standing around like they were waiting for something. Hanatarou got caught up in looking around for a moment, then abruptly realized his companions were leaving him behind and quickly scrambled to catch up once more.


whiteychan August 15 2008, 19:09:14 UTC
Hitsugaya paused after moving into the field and along the wall for a small bit, both giving Hanatarou a chance to catch up and also taking the time to survey the scene himself. It was dark outside, as usual, so he couldn't quite make out who the figures were in the field, but at present there didn't seem to be any major commotion. Either any obstacles Landel had set for them hadn't been triggered, or it was someone who had been taken and they simply were trying to politely convince the patients to go back to their rooms. Either way, wasting time here was a bad idea. The sooner they got over the wall, the better ( ... )


byname_bynature August 16 2008, 05:14:09 UTC
"Yes sir," Artemis responded, taking the sword. Warily, he watched the battle going on on the other side of the field. Brainwashed patient. That was something he didn't want to mess with. He nodded to Hanatarou to hurry him along. "It's dangerous to be here, move!"

He kept his back to the wall as Hanatarou went up, and then extended a hand to be helped up by the captain. It took some doing, but eventually, the three of them were perched on the wall leading to the outside.

( To here.)


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