Nightshift 34: Activity's Shed

Aug 14, 2008 10:07

[From Here]

Taking up the rusted old lock in hand, Hohenheim investigated it. It appeared that the locking mechanism itself was intact, but the rust would make it weaker. He turned the lock over as much as possible before determining the proper angle to hit the internal mechanism to have it open with the least amount of force required. He turned his flashlight and brought it down on the lock, listening for the click and drop of the lock. It happened without causing too much damage to his flashlight, something which he was quite certain that he could repair if needed.

Drawing the broken lock off, he tucked it into his pocket and pulled open the door to the shed. He pointed his flashlight inside and peered around at all the organized equipment. He spied the baseball bats and pushed his way into the shed to grasp a wooden one then grabbed one of the aluminum ones.

He tapped the aluminum one on the side of the door, finding that it was indeed hollow. That was part of the sport, he thought, but he had never entirely been interested in such matters. The metal was malleable enough to cast force down the entirety of the bat, but if too much force was applied in one place, it would evidently buckle and dent. It would have to be reinforced, though having wood inside would do that.

Looking at the wooden baseball bat, he tapped it against the door before feeling along the length of the bat. The wood felt a little brittle and dry, and it didn't seem like the wood was the best quality. There was little he could do except alter the basic structure of the wood to strengthen it, but it would be best wrapped in a stronger material to keep the wood from shattering. The bat was a good size to fit inside the aluminum one, so it would be an easy transmutation.

He went back to grab another two baseball bats, laying them out on the floor. He had his materials, so now he simply needed the draw out the transmutation circle to fuse their elementary components together. He began to work on the floor of the Activity's Shed.

[Waiting for Yuuri & Wolfram]

yuuri, archer, hohenheim, wolfram

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