Day 32: Lunch

May 20, 2008 08:37

Sanosuke hadn't quite been ready to part ways from Kenshin, but his nurse was insistent, and she was offering food. That second thing was what really got Sano off the couch and headed to the cafeteria. And at the very least, the thing about Okita had been settled, which meant the fighter could focus on his meal ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, zelos, qui-gon jinn, anya, kagura, edward elric, yuna, tyler, nia, melissa, danny phantom, wolfram, jade, allen, naminé, seiya, demyx, clark kent, zex, angel, zelnick, claire bennet, misa, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, kurogane, artemis, mello, aya, ion, xellos, usopp, nakago, heiji, peter petrelli, yohji, fwiffo, archer, zuko, sync, matt, farfarello, zoro, takaya, sanosuke, haku, tyki, wolverine, esmeralda, kratos, lia, willow, haseo, bridget, rubedo, sanji, toboe, rhode, shito, glados, homura, nami, bella, kaito, elle, fayt, alexander conklin, sora, momo (xenosaga), luffy, leon (so2), albel, reno, renamon, claude, amelia, oriya, rukia, mark, edgeworth, zexion, harry osborn, max, sousuke, dean winchester, peony, brook, chopper, ren, argilla, sakura, kenren, hanyuu, yuber, guy, kimbley, kairi, armand, reid, vlad, allelujah, roy, frey, cloud, fai, sai, leon magnus, yue, sasuke, daemon, edward cullen, brooklyn, eddie brock, rangiku, omi, gin, scar (tlk), subaru

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Comments 1102

blurred_divide May 20 2008, 13:58:00 UTC
[waiting on Hitsugaya]

With his back to the wall, Angel kept one eye on the door for Hitsugaya, although he wasn't too focused on it. The captain could probably locate him easy enough.

He wasn't quite sure exactly what the reasons were for Hitsugaya to ask to speak with him specifically; he'd expected him to seek out Anya herself, but it seemed Hitsugaya was taking a bit of a roundabout route here. Either way, this likely worked out for the best. Anya had been willing to talk to him (barely), but he doubted she'd be up for explaining herself to anyone else.

He pulled a piece of pepperoni off his pizza and chewed absently on it, trying to look occupied before his nurse came over and attempted to get him to meet yet more patients.


whiteychan May 20 2008, 22:36:38 UTC
Hitsugaya was not looking forward to this conversation. The fact that the meal options sounded outright revolting didn't particularly sit well with him, either. Who knew what they had cooked into this "pizza." Ever since his 'therapy' with Dr. Lector, the idea of eating anything he didn't know sickened him...even something as seemingly harmless as pizza ( ... )


blurred_divide May 20 2008, 23:48:09 UTC
Well, all right, so none of that was entirely unexpected, although it seemed he had failed to consider that whatever group Hitsugaya was leading might've somehow become the de facto local authority. This place really was setting itself up to become a society of its own, wasn't it?

"Her name's Anya," Angel replied evenly. "I spoke with her this morning. She won't be bothering you again."

In truth, none of it was as clear-cut as he'd made it sound because while that talk had changed something, a person didn't do a complete one-eighty from a single conversation. But mentioning that would just complicate things. He didn't think Hitsugaya would understand and the last thing he needed was for someone to interfere the way the Watcher's Council had with Faith.

"If you feel it'll keep your people safe, I'm not going to stop you from letting them know about her. But I don't think you or anyone should be confronting her right now. Not in that way."


whiteychan May 21 2008, 00:05:54 UTC
Hitsugaya's entire demeanor darkened considerably when Angel mentioned her name. That annoying mental case was the one who had attacked him? "Oh, her." he said, his voice low.

Hitsugaya took another drink of his water. "I don't want anything to do with her. The woman is insane. If you think you can keep a tight enough leash on her that she won't go after any of my people again, I'll trust you on that, but if she attacks and harms any of my people again without provocaton, I won't hesitate to kill her."


crimson_handed May 20 2008, 14:15:03 UTC
((Waiting for Roland.))

The meeting with the doctor had been interesting. Not necessarily eventful or progressive, no, and certainly not helping out his "insanity", but interesting, absolutely. A psychopath and a doctor far too used to dealing with psychopaths ... well, he hadn't been sedated, so he wasn't going to complain.

Even if he'd felt there was an overall patronizing tone.

Now, then ... to find whoever had contacted him on the bulletin board. Kimbley took a tray without looking at what was on it and sat a few tables away from the entrance, waiting for someone familiar from last night. It could be the short kid, or the girl who didn't say anything, or whoever pulled him away from the bitch, or maybe the guy who'd pulled her away, or (and there was a pretty low chance of this) the bitch herself. She might be stupid enough to strike back during the day.


intoindra May 20 2008, 23:28:37 UTC
Well then, it was time. After two shifts missed, Roland had to admit that he was a little curious as to what was going to happen. The person he had met last night was at least minimally interesting, and there had to be some reason that Lust had ordered him killed. The entire situation appealed to the writer in Roland... and really, the demon was just desperate for an excuse to kill and eat someone. Anyone.

Taking some pizza- sustenance of the gods, at least back in college!- on his plate, Roland ambled over to the man from before, easing into the seat opposite from him. " Mind if I get down to business immediately?" Or else he might get distracted by thoughts of how hungry he was, and that wouldn't bode well for anyone.


crimson_handed May 20 2008, 23:33:38 UTC
Kimbley's eyes fixed on the man as soon as he headed in toward him. So the calm one from last night, who had pulled him off the bitch. Could have been worse.

"Go ahead." He didn't know what kind of business could be necessary - sure, the conversation had been cut short last night, but they hadn't exactly been talking about pressing matters. He'd given his side of the story and was ready to leave when morning came. What could be left?


intoindra May 21 2008, 23:03:59 UTC
"Very well. In short... why would Lust want you dead so badly she'd send someone after you?" After asking that, Roland tore into his pizza slice with a near-vehemence: he was so hungry that he felt like a chewing exercise would be better than nothing, and the pepperoni and sausage was at least meat. Not filling at all, but meat nevertheless.

Anything to keep him from gnawing on anyone else. He was just a tad upset that the antics of the night had kept him from finding a meal.


high_prosecutor May 20 2008, 14:23:34 UTC
[waiting for Yue]

You could almost feel the grumpiness radiating off Edgeworth as he followed his nurse to the cafeteria. The girl had tried to start a conversation with him, but one look had silenced her.

At least the bulletin board had proved useful, even if he was no closer to figuring out who was responsible for the M-U trial. That was something, and it did help to cut down the grumpiness. He moved through the line, taking two slices of vegetarian pizza, and wishing there was salad or something to cut the grease.

It seemed as if he'd gotten to the cafeteria early, and as such, had a pick of seats. He took one at a table near one of the windows, and after blotting the grease off the pizza, started his usual custom of taking out his notebook and scribbling a few notes.


winged_moon May 20 2008, 18:27:09 UTC
Yue was feeling much better by the time the nurse had returned to tell him it was time to move on for lunch. He might have even recovered entirely from whatever drug he'd been given, though with how weakened he'd already been, it was hard for him to tell for certain. When the nurse (accompanied, he noted, by a pair of the burly orderlies this time) tried to take him to the cafeteria, he insisted on stopping at the bulletin board Ururu had indicated; he very carefully drew out one of Clow's circles and posted it there, just in case - anyone from his world who mattered would recognize that ( ... )


high_prosecutor May 21 2008, 02:29:16 UTC
"Hello," Edgeworth said, looking across at the young man seated across from him. Noticing that he hadn't immediately moved to start lunch, he asked, "I take it you're not a fan of pizza either?" Most of the time, the food wasn't absolutely terrible here, but he was used to better Italian than the Institute generally provided.

He scribbled the last of the names and room numbers from the list he'd begun making on the bulletin board, having had just enough time to take a look at it before lunch. The simple act of getting the list together was brightening his mood just a bit - if it was enough to get someone assistance if it was needed, that was enough for the time being.

He closed the notebook, then added, "Miles Edgeworth, by the way. I don't think I've seen you around here before. If you don't mind my asking, are you one of the new patients they mentioned on the intercom?"

As he said that, he took note of his lunch companion's appearance, thinking, Teenagers. Maybe Wright was correct about trying to form something of an army... ( ... )


winged_moon May 21 2008, 02:50:15 UTC
Not a fan of pizza? The corners of Yue's mouth twisted down just slightly at that, and he lifted a hand to prod somewhat dubiously at one of the pieces of garlic bread where it sat on the tray next to the rapidly-cooling pizza. Not a fan of the fact that he had to eat anything, really, but he could hardly ignore the fact that he was increasingly ravenous. It was something he was only used to feeling distantly from his Yukito side, as his true self was dormant.

Mention of the bulletin board post, however, did get the irritated guardian's attention, and Yue slowly glanced back up at the other man at the table. The post had filled in some of the gaps in Ururu's explanation, though not in a really good way. "I just...arrived, this morning," Yue replied quietly, finally giving in and taking a small bite of the bread. Maybe if he didn't look while he ate it would make the whole concept a little more bearable.

After a brief hesitation, he added, "Is it truly so dangerous at night?" He was, after all, Yue. Even if he was crippled and ( ... )


captain_hunam May 20 2008, 14:44:34 UTC
Lunch, already?

Not that he was complaining; making plans with Yuber for tonight was important, and the smells wafting through the room were wonderful, especially after he had ignored his breakfast.

Glancing around a bit, it didn't look like Yuber had gotten to the cafeteria yet, so Zelnick took his time going through the line, picking out a few slices of the flatbread they were serving. (It vaguely reminded him of oversized gyros, though the toppings were different.) He topped it off with a glass of apple juice and went to sit by the door, as usual.


face_of_chaos May 20 2008, 22:43:52 UTC
Yuber entered the cafeteria after speaking with Logan. It had been unfortunate to hear that they’d yet to find any information concerning the buffer placed on their abilities, but the knight had hardly thought they’d find anything after one evening. It was a start though, and even if he wasn’t called to guide the motley group of fools tonight, Yuber knew without a doubt that the little hairy man would keep to their word ( ... )


captain_hunam May 20 2008, 22:56:42 UTC
Zelnick waved a greeting with one hand, setting down his food and swallowing the last bite he had taken. "I wish it had," he said, "but I never even made it to Usopp's room." He took a sip of his juice before continuing, "Admiral ZEX got attacked by an oversized insect, so I ended up taking care of him for the rest of the night. I guess it was, what, negative productivity? Lost too much time, gained nothing for it..."

He shrugged ruefully. "I was hoping to make up for it tonight. Obviously, I'll have to take the supplies from a couple nights ago to Usopp's room, but if you had any plans for resource gathering...?"


face_of_chaos May 20 2008, 23:13:44 UTC
“I see,” He murmured. It appeared that the sole night he’d left the captain to himself they’d been attacked. It was almost an amusing concept to consider, but the only thing that held the knight back from showing such thing was the knowledge that his part of the contract between them was to protect Zelnick from such danger. While he could find ways to easily keep the contract between them if Zelnick attempted to break it off, Yuber doubted it would be necessary. Besides it was blazingly obvious to the knight that Zelnick, and ZEXs, was obviously in need to his fighting abilities ( ... )


on_my_face May 20 2008, 15:01:00 UTC
Now Zuko could add therapy session to his list of hated things about Landel's. He wasn't too sure about this pizza thing either, so he carefully dropped some toppings on it and hoped for the best. Maybe a hot pepper would dull some of the pain from his leg.

So far the cafeteria was empty, people were still shuffling in from the last shift. Zuko noticed Sanosuke sitting by himself, and paused. The guy was annoying, but so were a lot of the people who approached the firebender whenever he was alone. So it couldn't hurt to give Sanosuke another chance...

"Hi," Zuko neutrally greeted as he sat down on the other side of the table, mentally preparing himself for whatever annoying phrase was going to come out of Sanosuke's mouth.


damnrudecock May 20 2008, 15:10:02 UTC
Well that was kind of surprising. Given his attitude, Sanosuke would've thought Zuko didn't like him. Of course, he couldn't blame the guy too much; they hadn't exactly met under the greatest of circumstances. Not getting anything done, finding yourself in the middle of no where, and from what Sano could tell, Zuko didn't even have anyone from his own world here to sympathize with.

As bad as it was for Sano, the guy could only imagine how much worse it'd be if he were alone. Especially with the Shinsengumi guys around.

"Hey Shaggy." Sano knew Zuko didn't like the nickname, but the fighter couldn't help it if it fit. And he didn't mean any harm by it, certainly not by the way he grinned. "Feels like it's been awhile, doesn't it? You still doing okay?" The kid looked better than the last night they'd been together, if nothing else.


on_my_face May 20 2008, 19:49:51 UTC
Zuko still wasn't thrilled about Sanosuke's nickname for him, but at this point he accepted that no amount of arguing was going to make him stop.

The prince nodded to Sanosuke while he dubiously eyed one of the peppers lounging on his pizza. It seemed like a good idea at the time... but eating strange foods never ended well.

"I completed my assignment last night for our club," he replied nonchalantly. He wouldn't admit to Sanosuke that it had made him reconsider working alone. "What about you and Kenshin?"


damnrudecock May 20 2008, 22:31:33 UTC
Sanosuke could see where Zuko was looking, and really, he understood the feelings. The fighter could practically smell the heat radiating off the peppers when he was near them, leaving him to question eating the ones he'd gotten as well ( ... )


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