Outside of F/M Halls - Nightshift 18

Oct 08, 2006 13:10

[continued from here]So far, Naminé's excursion outside of her room had been relatively safe. Maybe her theory about the monsters having no interest in Nobodies was true. Well, there was no need for Naminé to try and press her luck. The layout here seemed different too... She sighed into the empty hallway. All that work she put into memorizing the ( Read more... )

caim, naminé, cid, zoro, albedo, river, axel, rosiel, dias, luxord, riku replica, eddie brock, scar, rubedo, daniella

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Comments 83

theycutitout October 8 2006, 17:28:18 UTC
"You shouldn't call for them. Messages get warped and dirty, find their way to new ears. Even when they were never meant for them in the first place."

River's voice was quiet when she spoke up behind Naminé. Her own flashlight hadn't been turned on, but somehow she'd managed to find her way to the younger girl's side regardless.

In the dim light of Naminé's flashlight, River tilted her head toward the ceiling, cocking it curiously to one side as she slowly turned to "observe" her new surroundings. A single, careful step was taken to move just ahead of the smaller blonde.

"Always dark outside. Nighttime comes the same every day. Different this time. Like daylight without sun. New dawning." River turned again to look Naminé in the eye. "You shouldn't be alone."


clockmongler October 8 2006, 17:45:50 UTC
The halls appeared to have changed in a manner of seconds, and lacking a flashlight, where as everyone else had one, was grating on his nerves. Luxord was not one to be ungraceful, but with the darkness, being lost, the drugs running through his veins, and the general headache he had, it was hard to keep balance.

It was safe to say that a few walls decided to jump out in front of him when he wasn't looking.

After a while, though, the halls' pattern became clear. He clutched the deck of cards in his hand, reaching with the other to open that last door that promised freedom. Well, from this hall, at least. From there, he would could examine what other changes took place, put the pieces together, escapeExiting through the door proved to help him run into another, smaller form across the hall. Two, actually. His eyes squinted towards the light, trying to figure the vague shapes. One, he knew rather well ( ... )


angels_inflight October 8 2006, 17:52:41 UTC
It was strange; Naminé did not hear River approaching, but she heard Luxord's footsteps. Her feelings of relief were great, however empty though; two people she knew! Maybe she should have wandered the halls instead of calling out. She had found two others, but what if she also attracted the attention of something dangerous?

"River, Luxord!" Naminé quietly beamed. "I'm sorry, I know it's dangerous but I ... The building changed and I don't know where everyone is," She added, looking around to confirm this. It seemed like River had noticed. Her words implied that the building did change every night, or did she mean that every night was simply a new risk?

"Have you both seen -" Naminé was about to ask, but Luxord had alerted her to a hissing noise, like cool water touching hot metal. She instinctively drew back, close to where River and Luxord were.

"What was that noise?"


bond_off_lame October 8 2006, 20:46:17 UTC
[Came from Here]

Since it was still so early into the Night, Axel had no problem honing in on Naminé's voice the moment he left the Men's Hall and came out into the open. It was actually more of a convenience for him since the redhead had been meaning to talk to the blond about both Sora and Roxas.

"Naminé?" He called out, walking down and turning the corner and grinning when he found the girl on the other side. But before Axel could come over he had to groan when he saw Luxord, their previous encounter still fresh in his memory. And something like that was enough to turn him off talking to Naminé for a while, or at least while the drugged bastard was around her.

He hid the other flashlight behind his back when he walked over to them, grinning down at the girl but made no effort to actually stay and talk. Axel did catch sight of River and nodded to his acquaintance appropriately before skittering passed them and running into the set of doors that lead to the Female Hall.

[Continued Here]


red_dragon_mode October 9 2006, 04:05:16 UTC
(( Coming from here ))"I'm not too sure what a devil's fruit is. I suppose you could say that I inherited them from my idiot father." Junior chuckled softly, trying to keep the noise down in case there were any monsters running around. However, as he came to one area that already seemed to have some people in it, he fell completely silent. It was more like an open area between the enclosed rooms, but either way there was a weird hissing noise and Junior could have sworn he caught the tail end of an emotionless voice saying something. It wasn't about failure, like the monsters that he'd been cautioned to avoid, but something about punishing bad patients. Or so he believed. And there were footsteps, loud footsteps walking towards them from the opposite direction of where Junior and Luffy were ( ... )


dawning_dreams October 11 2006, 02:47:39 UTC
[ From here. ]

Cid and Brock hadn't spoken much after their last exchange. Both, it seemed, were battle-worn enough by both their lives and this place to know that now wasn't the time to make idle chit-chat, at least after they'd gotten out of the direct vicinity of the patient rooms. Some scuffle was going on nearby, and although Cid usually wasn't the kind to leave fellow human beings to an almost-certain beating, he wasn't dumb enough to get caught up in all of it when he had far more important people whose asses needed saving.

Hell if he knew Brock would help with any of it. Cid wasn't sure if he trusted the guy yet, especially since he hadn't yet gotten a good look at him, but it was better to have anyone with you than no one. Unless it was, for example, Sephiroth or something, though even then the pilot had to wonder ( ... )


blacksustenance October 11 2006, 03:02:48 UTC
Brock came up behind Cid, sensing the sounds of fighting in the distance at the same time he did.

"There's Crane," Brock said, "and a kid called Luffy. That's about it."

He decided not to mention River. Something about her turned them all possessive...possessive in a way that made Brock decidedly uncomfortable, even if his Other viewed it as simply promising. At least this Cid didn't feel anything like another symbiote, which was one major point in his favor, as far as Brock was concerned. He lifted his head, noticing the uneasy stillness that had caught his companion's attention.

Other predators are hunting, the symbiote hissed. We'd best be careful, in our weakened state.

"Look, what's going on?" Brock demanded, glancing at Cid. The other man's face swam out of the dusk in his night vision, his drawn expression doing little to hide his unease. "How come it's so quiet?"


dawning_dreams October 11 2006, 04:48:39 UTC
[ Moved here.]


tripleswordflow October 12 2006, 06:08:27 UTC
It felt like Zoro hadn't awoken for days. When he did, it wasn't hard to make out the voices in the hall just beyond his door.

Fucking door, keeping him from being outside.

But the room was dark, even though strikes of lightning illuminated it from time to time. A dark room could mean an unlocked door. It had the two other times he'd known it.

Zoro's thoughts flickered from Luffy -- sitting with him in his own dark room, concerned over his captain's injuries, over the way Luffy seemed to be falling more and more out-of-it as time dragged on -- to Roy, the way the asshole had directed them to the kitchen without bothering to inform them it had been locked.

A key, first.

Then knives.

Then magical-whatevers, and he'd have a sword again.

Where to find a key was beyond him. But sitting around in this damn room wasn't doing any good.

It didn't take Zoro long to find his way to the door. It was unlocked. He pushed through into the hallway, and when he did, he heard something very familiar -- the echoings of a voice.

Luffy.Zoro moved ( ... )


lord_of_heaven October 12 2006, 06:44:29 UTC
It hadn't taken the angel long to find the flashlight. It was mechanical. And while he couldn't seem to feel every single machine that was anywhere in the vacinity, he wasn't called Inorganic for nothing. There was only one set of batteries, but for the moment, it did not matter...

The darkness would be welcome in the end.

There were a few people in the hallway, but not one of them was Katan. Even in total darkness, he'd have known Katan in less than a human heartbeat - his most beautiful creation could never escape from him. And had better not try.

No, no....
There was no sign of Katan.
Wrath flowed through Rosiel, and his eyes narrowed again.
But this anger, well....
This simply would not do! Not here, in front of these disgusting crawling mewling should be dying people.
First impressions, of course. One had to remember their manners.

He managed to his more than picture-perfect smile slide onto his face.

Never let anyone see how ugly I am. If they see, then I shall have to destroy them. And for now, I am tired, I am not in the ( ... )


tripleswordflow October 12 2006, 22:56:20 UTC
The beam fell into Zoro's face, blinding him, and he stumbled back for a moment, lifting his arm to cover his face. He couldn't see anything, and he didn't like that at all. It only took a moment for his eyes to adjust, luckily, and he could see that it was a person holding a flashlight -- one he hadn't seen before. He gritted his teeth in a mixture of annoyance and anger. More people?

"Watch where you're shining that fucking thing," he said, just loud enough to be heard. He didn't have time for this bullshit. He needed to find that goddamn key.


lord_of_heaven October 13 2006, 04:57:04 UTC
Rosiel's smile never faded. It degenerated simply changed, from nearly-shining, entirely false warmth...to much darker, icy hatred anger.

"Oh, my, I suppose you could say I didn't see you coming."
His tone was pure velvet, torn at the edges, frayed only at the corners, the barest hint that he was not what he seemed. God himself would hardly notice.

It is such a pity that God is a lie...

He lowered the flashlight, not failing to memorize the human's face body form. He had rarely never been one to forget.


angels_inflight October 12 2006, 23:35:09 UTC
[coming from here with Luxord]

Naminé hadn't noticed that Luxord decided to come with her, looking surprised she realized the footsteps echoing her own were his and not some monster's.

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to come..." Naminé was not used to having members of the Organization be concerned for her safety anymore. There was a time when it mattered when she was alive or not, but that time had passed. Yet was Luxord trying to watch out for her?

Naminé could hear the sounds of battle ahead, and she didn't know who or even what was fighting. There were muffled noises, shouts and scuffles, but the small blonde bravely pressed on. She would not get too close. The last thing the battling parties would need was another distraction (good for the monster, she supposed, but bad for the people fighting the monster). Staying close to the wall, Naminé peered around the corner.

And let out a horrified gasp, quickly flinging herself back out of sight. That man... she remembered him, the one from the night before. Was he skewered with that ( ... )


clockmongler October 12 2006, 23:58:52 UTC
It was odd, how she could feel such fear and concern for perfect strangers like this. It was uncommon for a Nobody, no matter the circumstance, to display true affection for others, to seriously believe they were capable of such a thing. Being able to find one was one of the rarest things in all of the universe.

A startling probability of 9,345,687,342 to 1 against. That was why he was protecting her. That was his reasoning to himself as he grasped onto the girl's hand and gently led her away from the scuffle.

That's why he was helping. "It's quite all right, love," he replied to her concern, flicking his gaze over to inspect the currant damage. Afterwards, he looked back to her, questioning. "You still have your flashlight? If you want to help them, we'll need to see." Slipping the other cards back into their deck, a few remained to slide in between his knuckles, lest they actually need to fight.

"The halls have changed. Where do you think the medwing is?"


angels_inflight October 13 2006, 00:29:14 UTC
"River knew where it was in the old building..." Naminé remembered, but the memorized path was meaningless now. She fiddled with the flashlight she was holding, but did not turn it on. "I don't want to attract any more monsters..." She explained. But eventually, she would have to turn on the flashlight, because Naminé only knew so much. Soon, she could not rely on her memory to guide them.

"I guess we should just start looking... it must be past this hall. I didn't see anything in the patient halls," Naminé had only been in the female one, yes, but they should be indentical to teach other. If there even was a medical wing or infirmary, it was most likely on the other side of the building they hadn't explored yet.

But it meant going past ... there.

"Is there a way we can go by without being noticed? Maybe we should wait for the battle to be over, but it might be too late..." Naminé observed glumly. It killed her to be unable to help those who had helped her so much. Perhaps they should just take their chances and run...


clockmongler October 13 2006, 01:01:49 UTC
Hmm… The girl brought a good point. Without powers, this adventure would call for a little more stealth than normal, and Luxord was lucky to note that one does not make friends with No. II and not learn a few tricks.

Tip toeing silently to press his back against one of the walls, he tugged on slightly on the smaller Nobody's palm. "Follow me," he commanded, signaling with his other hand that they were going to, at least, attempt to make it past unnoticed. Crouching down to his knees, the gambler peaked his head out from the corner, looking for any open paths in the hall they could make it through.

There. All the fighters seemed rather preoccupied against the odd woman from before, leaving a space for the two Nobodies. He signaled an ol' fashion "moving out" sign to the girl, beginning to sneak quietly to the end of the hall, still pressed to the wall and shadows to avoid detection. It looked silly, yes, but what doesn't look of the norm might just save you.


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