Outside of F/M Halls - Nightshift 18

Oct 08, 2006 13:10

[continued from here]So far, Naminé's excursion outside of her room had been relatively safe. Maybe her theory about the monsters having no interest in Nobodies was true. Well, there was no need for Naminé to try and press her luck. The layout here seemed different too... She sighed into the empty hallway. All that work she put into memorizing the ( Read more... )

caim, naminé, cid, zoro, albedo, river, axel, rosiel, dias, luxord, riku replica, eddie brock, scar, rubedo, daniella

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angels_inflight October 12 2006, 23:35:09 UTC
[coming from here with Luxord]

Naminé hadn't noticed that Luxord decided to come with her, looking surprised she realized the footsteps echoing her own were his and not some monster's.

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to come..." Naminé was not used to having members of the Organization be concerned for her safety anymore. There was a time when it mattered when she was alive or not, but that time had passed. Yet was Luxord trying to watch out for her?

Naminé could hear the sounds of battle ahead, and she didn't know who or even what was fighting. There were muffled noises, shouts and scuffles, but the small blonde bravely pressed on. She would not get too close. The last thing the battling parties would need was another distraction (good for the monster, she supposed, but bad for the people fighting the monster). Staying close to the wall, Naminé peered around the corner.

And let out a horrified gasp, quickly flinging herself back out of sight. That man... she remembered him, the one from the night before. Was he skewered with that poker? And... it was Riku! Riku was there too?! She didn't have any time to see who else was on the scene, but Naminé wasn't sure if she wanted to look.

"It's terrible! She ... the woman... she already injured one of the patients. Luxord, we should find some medical supplies!"


clockmongler October 12 2006, 23:58:52 UTC
It was odd, how she could feel such fear and concern for perfect strangers like this. It was uncommon for a Nobody, no matter the circumstance, to display true affection for others, to seriously believe they were capable of such a thing. Being able to find one was one of the rarest things in all of the universe.

A startling probability of 9,345,687,342 to 1 against. That was why he was protecting her. That was his reasoning to himself as he grasped onto the girl's hand and gently led her away from the scuffle.

That's why he was helping. "It's quite all right, love," he replied to her concern, flicking his gaze over to inspect the currant damage. Afterwards, he looked back to her, questioning. "You still have your flashlight? If you want to help them, we'll need to see." Slipping the other cards back into their deck, a few remained to slide in between his knuckles, lest they actually need to fight.

"The halls have changed. Where do you think the medwing is?"


angels_inflight October 13 2006, 00:29:14 UTC
"River knew where it was in the old building..." Naminé remembered, but the memorized path was meaningless now. She fiddled with the flashlight she was holding, but did not turn it on. "I don't want to attract any more monsters..." She explained. But eventually, she would have to turn on the flashlight, because Naminé only knew so much. Soon, she could not rely on her memory to guide them.

"I guess we should just start looking... it must be past this hall. I didn't see anything in the patient halls," Naminé had only been in the female one, yes, but they should be indentical to teach other. If there even was a medical wing or infirmary, it was most likely on the other side of the building they hadn't explored yet.

But it meant going past ... there.

"Is there a way we can go by without being noticed? Maybe we should wait for the battle to be over, but it might be too late..." Naminé observed glumly. It killed her to be unable to help those who had helped her so much. Perhaps they should just take their chances and run...


clockmongler October 13 2006, 01:01:49 UTC
Hmm… The girl brought a good point. Without powers, this adventure would call for a little more stealth than normal, and Luxord was lucky to note that one does not make friends with No. II and not learn a few tricks.

Tip toeing silently to press his back against one of the walls, he tugged on slightly on the smaller Nobody's palm. "Follow me," he commanded, signaling with his other hand that they were going to, at least, attempt to make it past unnoticed. Crouching down to his knees, the gambler peaked his head out from the corner, looking for any open paths in the hall they could make it through.

There. All the fighters seemed rather preoccupied against the odd woman from before, leaving a space for the two Nobodies. He signaled an ol' fashion "moving out" sign to the girl, beginning to sneak quietly to the end of the hall, still pressed to the wall and shadows to avoid detection. It looked silly, yes, but what doesn't look of the norm might just save you.


angels_inflight October 13 2006, 03:04:19 UTC
Maybe in another situation, Naminé would have found Luxord's antics quite amusing, but this was a matter of survival. Still, maybe in naive childish glee, Naminé couldn't help but smile a little as Luxord instructed her on how to steathily move through the halls. Like they were playing some advanced game of Hide and Seek.

But this was no game, and all the fun was gone when Naminé remembered that they were sneaking past the middle of a battle. Keeping her eyes forward and not on the terrible scene before her, Naminé followed Luxord as the two edged their way into the darkness.

[continued here]


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