Nightshift 30: Main Hallway 1-Center

Feb 27, 2008 14:47

[ Coming from here.]Luckily, they were at the far end of the hall and could back away from the fight now taking place in the hallway outside the patient blocks. Tyler kept casting backwards glances over his shoulder as he and Reid fled. As they dashed to a safe distance down into the main stretch of hall, he finally had to slow and stop, feeling ( Read more... )

subzero, yuber, anya, kimbley, armand, reid, tyler, ken amada, momo (xenosaga), roy, mason, zex, angel, takaya, schuldig, zelnick, itachi, peter parker, yukari, statesman, eddie brock, knives millions, scar (tlk), willow, brad

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Comments 89

longlivetehking March 2 2008, 22:55:26 UTC
[From here]

So they were close to the Sun room now. There were a few other persons within this hall, but Scar payed them no mind. No, it was the commotion within the Sun room that attracted the King's attention. Another fight?

He offered Mason a glance. He hopefully didn't intend to go through it.


vintage_brit March 5 2008, 01:49:39 UTC
Mason glanced through the doors of the Sun Room, and gulped.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself.

"Maybe we can sneak around the fight?" he suggested to his companion. "Last night we snuck around... Oh, fuck it," the reaper said. "The map says there's an outdoor entrance to the caf. Let's just go that way."

Moving quickly, the reaper walked past the Sun Room doors and turned down the next hallway.

[ being cowardly this way]


at_patera March 4 2008, 02:52:15 UTC
((Coming from here, complete with group tagging along behind him.))

As they stepped into the main hallway (with something happening in the other direction), Crawford kept his senses alert. So far, there weren't too many people around here, and the Sun Room seemed quiet for the most part (or maybe he just wasn't close enough to judge that quite yet). He stopped a few feet from the door, casting a glance back at Schuldig and Yohji.

"What's happening in there?" he asked Schuldig, all but ignoring the Weiss member for the moment.


never_learns March 5 2008, 01:44:33 UTC
Yohji folloed the two psychics silently as they traversed the halls, not really wanting to draw any more attention to himself. He dragged his mind away from Cliff and forced himself to think only of this, a mission. That was what it was.

He paused a little way away from the other two when they stopped outside the Sun Room. He really doubted that it was clear. Too many people had talked about it being guarded, and if something important was beyond it...


k4t4str0ph4l March 5 2008, 03:36:15 UTC
"Shit," Schuldig muttered, studying the doorway with a scowl. "There's nobody in there I don't know what's there. And there was a kid in there - not a patient, I don't think, I don't recall ever seeing any patient like him around, so he must be one of the institute's special treats. He's definitely got powers I'd rather not mess with, and he attacks patients...and there's no one distracting him at the moment so we can't just run past, either."

Fuck. How were they supposed to get to the basement without idiots trying to pull off heroics that they could use as a cover?


at_patera March 7 2008, 01:53:06 UTC
At the mention that there was currently nobody in the Sun Room to distract their enemy, Crawford frowned. He, too, peered into the doorway, not enough to open the doors entirely but just enough to see the faint shadows cast by whatever moonlight might be coming through the massive windows.

"We have two choices," he said darkly, turning to his companions. "We can wait for someone else to try and get through to serve as a distraction, or we can go around to the recreation field or greenhouse area and jump the walls into the courtyard. It's longer, but it will bypass the Sun Room entirely."

His preference would be to wait - there was bound to be someone stupid, honorable, or bloodthirsty enough to want to go through the room. Then again, unless they were good enough fighters, they likely wouldn't be a distraction for long enough ...


youlackmascara March 4 2008, 21:15:20 UTC
[from here]

Itachi backed into the hallway, keeping eye contact with the monster until it was out of sight. He quickly took into account the people in the hallway, determined them not to be threats, and turned his attention back to the door. He had to be ready for possible pursuit.

Keeping his eyes on the door and a modicum of attention on the other patients in the area, Itachi backed away towards his right. No pursuit. Very well. Should he follow Takaya's instructions? The boy seemed inclined to help people, even to his own detriment, so as foolish as he was Itachi could probably trust him. Still, he'd prefer to know where the boy was sending him. He had had enough of not being in control of his own movements. How -- no, he needed to concentrate on the matter at hand.

Itachi stood against the wall and examined his map, suppressing his rage and ignoring the sound of his blood dripping all over the floor.


forgot_my_life March 4 2008, 22:14:23 UTC
(Running from here.0

Takaya stumbled out of the Sun Room, the bleeding man still in his arms. He was breathing heavily and looked down. "You ... still awake," he managed to gasped out.


not_rly_fai March 4 2008, 22:31:36 UTC
The journey had been another jarring one and it was getting more and more difficult to keep his eyes open. They were out of danger, so a little bit of sleep was ok, wasn't it? Just for a minute. "Mm," he mumbled, his head dropping slowly down until his chin was almost touching his chest.


forgot_my_life March 4 2008, 23:21:20 UTC
"Hey," he hissed. "Don't you dare go to sleep on me." Takaya might not have known why sleep was such a bad idea, but Kagetora's insistance that this man not do so was enough.

This was no time to sit aorund the halls and fret though. The only safe places were the rooms so....

(Moving to here.)


remedying March 5 2008, 02:30:28 UTC
[from here.]

By the time the both of them had successfully exited the entry room, Yukari slammed the door behind her harder than necessary. She kept her back against it for a few seconds before thinking the spider might do something like slam up against it from the other side, so she quickly slid away from it. That didn't happen after waiting, and Yukari let out a huge sigh of relief.

Oh, god.

Her knees felt like they were about to give out, but before that happened, Yukari allowed herself to collapse to a sit on the floor. That was... she didn't even know how to describe it, it must have been a million things, with none of them being good.

"Are... are you okay?" she asked her teammate through her heavy breathing.


rectifies March 5 2008, 02:46:47 UTC
They were lucky to be alive, let alone okay, but Ken--struggling to catch his breath--stared down at himself to assess the damage. His fingers and arms were cut while blood was dripping from his shoulder when the spider had stabbed him. The swollen feeling in his back indicated the area had been bruised; no surprise considering how hard he had been slammed.

On top of it all, he lost his only weapon.

He wasn't going to be telling Yukari any of that, however. "I... I'm okay," he managed. "...You?"


remedying March 5 2008, 03:15:09 UTC
Not really.

Yukari let out a very wry, short laugh; it was way too close of a call not to. "I- I think so," she said. "I only need a moment." If it were up to her, she would have preferred to stay there and not get up at all for the rest of the night. Of course, she knew she couldn't do that-- there were others out in the hall, but it was entirely possible it wasn't safe out here, either.

She finally looked up at Ken, and, as well as she could without her flashlight, got a good look at his condition. Instantly, she felt terrible; once again she couldn't rely on Io to perform a Dia spell to make things better for the both of them. And once again, this was another time she failed to protect someone the way she wanted to.

Come on, Io, please. It didn't matter how much she willed for her Persona to emerge, they simply didn't work that way, and Yukari knew that; it didn't keep her from wishing it, though.

She shook her head slowly. "Sorry," she apologized. "I couldn't do much."


rectifies March 6 2008, 21:00:39 UTC
Ken heaved an exhausted sigh and sank slowly onto the floor besides Yukari. He, too, was regretting the lack of Evokers; a Dia spell would be perfect. That, and Nemesis would have had no trouble keeping the eight-legged monstrosity at bay. It made the boy swear internally thinking how easy the situation could have been handled.

Still, they weren't dead. The cuts and bruises were far from serious; they could eventually be mended. That had to count for something. "It's all right," Ken told Yukari. "If anything, I should have kept a better eye out." He brushed a stray strand of hair away from his eyes and sighed.

"Guess spiders really hate us, huh?" he added as an afterthought.


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