Nightshift 30: Main Hallway 1-Center

Feb 27, 2008 14:47

[ Coming from here.]Luckily, they were at the far end of the hall and could back away from the fight now taking place in the hallway outside the patient blocks. Tyler kept casting backwards glances over his shoulder as he and Reid fled. As they dashed to a safe distance down into the main stretch of hall, he finally had to slow and stop, feeling ( Read more... )

subzero, yuber, anya, kimbley, armand, reid, tyler, ken amada, momo (xenosaga), roy, mason, zex, angel, takaya, schuldig, zelnick, itachi, peter parker, yukari, statesman, eddie brock, knives millions, scar (tlk), willow, brad

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Comments 89

willhexabitch February 27 2008, 23:58:50 UTC
There it was again, that whole ‘other powers’ thing. Even if he was a warlock with secret, witchy powers, that didn’t mean he wasn’t getting that X Files sense whenever someone went all, ‘Oh yeah, brainwashing and mutant powers, completely normal’. Reid wasn’t much interested in athletics, but he knew (sometimes) when to book it, so he accepted the retreat with as much tact as Reid was capable.

Which wasn’t much. He kept spinning back on his heel, wanting to be a part of the action even if he shouldn’t.

But Tyler having to stop and catch his breath made him pause--taking everything they were normally capable of into consideration, that had been nothing. "What’s wrong with you? Can you even make it anywhere?" He wasn’t the most prolific person when it came to voicing concern.


shyboyblue February 28 2008, 00:12:46 UTC
"I don't know," Tyler answered, trying to catch his breath, a puzzled expression on his face. He shook his head, straightening, and met Reid's gaze. "Something weird. Maybe it's just the drugs still in my system. I don't know."

He glanced up and down the dark hallway, shining the beam of his flashlight down the long corridor, spotting nothing but more halls and doorways. "I don't even know where to start," he muttered in frustration. Tyler wasn't used to being the one making the decisions.


willhexabitch February 28 2008, 05:06:21 UTC
He didn't know?

Reid gave him a weird look, shooting Tyler's hunched form an up-and-down appraisal. The barb 'Maybe you're just out of shape' came to his tongue, but he didn't say it. Instead, he flicked his flashlight up to point straight at the doors to the entryway.

"Front door sound good to you?" It was a fairly rhetorical question. Glancing to the side at the sound of footsteps, his tone dipped slightly, but not by much. "But before that, let's try. Our Power. Let's try right now."


shyboyblue February 28 2008, 12:39:35 UTC
"Try it on what? How?" Tyler asked, surprised, as he glanced up to meet Reid's gaze, blue eyes wide and dark in the illumination of the flashlight.

In truth, he was half-hesitant and half-afraid to try. What would he do if it was gone? Really gone for good? Could they do that? Was it something he could restore once they left or found a way out?


crimson_handed February 28 2008, 02:01:43 UTC
((Coming from here. Waiting for Roy and Archer.))

Surprisingly, the main hallway wasn't very busy. Maybe everyone was flooding upstairs? Kimbley shrugged and leaned against the wall near the Sun Room's doors, not hearing anything from inside but not doubting that there was something in there.

He'd wait here, just like he'd promised.


muted_flame March 8 2008, 10:44:48 UTC
[ From here. ]

"So, you're basically a physical manifestation of power?" Roy asked Knives as they exited the patient block and headed toward the entrance to the Sun Room. It was an interesting concept, especially for an alchemist. If that was the case, he wondered if Knives would be able to be transmuted. He wouldn't dare trying it with his powers weakened, but it was something to think about.

He caught sight of Kimbley up ahead and immediately moved away from Knives. While using him for support had made their trip go much faster, he didn't want the other alchemist taking note of his weakened state. He straightened, doing his best not to let his body language betray his fatigue.


gone_2far March 8 2008, 11:21:28 UTC
"In a manner of speaking," Knives said. He didn't feel like explaining it completely to Roy just yet and thankfully the pair was distracted when Roy pulled away from him to go to a man who was waiting. He stayed a few steps behind his roommate and didn't speak again. Instead he waited to see the way that Roy interacted with the stranger.


crimson_handed March 9 2008, 02:33:12 UTC
((KNIVES. I meant Knives. i smrt))

Kimbley had been nearly on the verge of a nap when Roy arrived. He opened his eyes and took stock of his dear friend, then the man standing behind him. So Roy didn't care if the rest of the institute knew who he was going to owe a favor to? They hadn't specifically stated 'meet alone', but it seemed like the cliche thing to do. (Not that Kimbley had anybody to drag along with him, anyway.)

"Too scared to go with me alone?" he asked anyway, shifting away from the wall and glancing at the doors to the Sun Room. "You took long enough. Let's go before someone beats us to it."


forgot_my_life February 28 2008, 17:44:09 UTC
((Coming from here.))

The hallway was oddly empty. Takaya didn't like it, but he also couldn't bring himself to care too much. He pointed ahead, forgetting for a moment that it was fairly dark. "The door to the Sun Room is just up ahead." He could hear sounds coming from the door... and wondered if he should have just stayed in his room.


youlackmascara February 29 2008, 20:24:02 UTC
Itachi heard the sounds, too. He wondered what was happening behind the door. Even though most of the people Itachi had met here had suggested that nighttime in this place was dangerous -- and a dangerous situation would slow down his escape attempt -- he wanted to know what kinds of things occurred here at night, and whether they could be useful. If what was through the door was dangerous, Itachi would easily deal with the situation. They would go into the Sun Room.

to here


rectifies February 29 2008, 07:53:32 UTC
[From here.]

They made it unscathed.

A relieved Ken paused to lean against his broom for a moment, trying to gather information on their surroundings. There were a few people in this hall, not unlike last night. Sounds from the fight were still filtering through--again, not unlike last night. At least now they had some sort of plan.

"The door to the entrance must be there," spoke up Ken, who pointed to the door in question.


remedying February 29 2008, 08:13:32 UTC
Yukari stopped a few steps ahead of Ken, also glad to know they managed to get out of there without getting caught up in anything. She glanced over her shoulder for one last look of the scene they just left, although at their distance it was difficult to see anything. Now, it was nothing but a lot of noise.

"Yeah." She refrained from shining her flashlight everywhere like she had been doing before; there were others lingering, and they probably would not appreciate a light being shone in their faces. The door was more important anyway, so that's where she aimed her light as she walked towards it.

She almost expected the door to be locked, but when Yukari tested its knob, she was proven otherwise. "Oh," she said in slight surprise. "It's open."


rectifies February 29 2008, 19:20:25 UTC
Great, they would not have to take a detour or try to break the lock, especially the latter. Last night proved either SEES member was not skilled with locks.

Ken approached the opened door and peered through. The entry room was dark, but the silence indicated the room was free of occupants. Relieved and nervous all at once, the boy slipped through into the next room. His teammate would hopefully follow.

[To here.]


quickdrawbkiddo March 2 2008, 06:24:23 UTC
[from here]

She had arrived first.

Beatrix chuckled to herself, finding it amusing that even after she'd spent more time than she should with Mion that she still arrived at the meeting place before SubZero and HK-47 had. There was another in the hall, but the Bride did not recognize him.

Nor did she feel like acknowledging him.

Taking up a place against the wall on the other side of the doors to the Sun Room, Beatrix had a good view of both directions of the hall, the entry way and that man that was waiting. She wondered what had been keeping the other assassins. They had asked her to join them and she doubted SubZero would have let HK talk him into leaving her behind even if she had taken a little more time than intended with her future apprentice.

So, she'd wait. It's not like she knew where Martin Landel was supposed to be.


arc_wrench March 6 2008, 04:16:02 UTC
[from all the way over here!]

"Greeting: Hello, meatbag," HK's cheerful voice rang out from the darkness approached the third member of their bizarre little group, relying on his night vision capabilities to find the female without the aid of any light. He didn't actually feel as cheerful as he sounded, even though irritating SubZero was usually enough to make him happy. He just wanted to get going and not give the meatbags a chance to start threatening to kiss.


icy_demise March 6 2008, 04:51:44 UTC
SubZero followed along behind HK, wondering if he was actually getting sick. He had never been sick enough to have an actual fever like this, sure there had been times where he had felt less cold, but this was an entirely new experience for him.

"Arlene," Was all the greeting that the female assassin got from him. He was tired, and just wanted to get on with what they needed to do.


quickdrawbkiddo March 6 2008, 05:22:06 UTC
It was a little disconcerting to hear the cheerfulness of the robot killer's greeting, but Beatrix supposed that with the death of Martin Landel looming in the near future her would be cheerful. Well, as cheerful as he could get. She looked over and soon found both men when they were close enough for her to see.

She didn't say anything, but her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked the two over; SubZero looked like shit. Joy. He better not hinder them any or she'd be more than inclined to leave him behind. Hopefully, HK knew where their target was as well.

"Let's go," she said, her voice cold and professional. "Brief me of our target's location and potential capabilities along the way."


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