Day 30: Staff, Morning

Feb 14, 2008 03:14

Burly orderlies and agile Calm Effect nurses flooded the cafeteria from the Courtyard while regular hall nurses filed in from the Sun Room and ushered out those not involved in the rebellion. It indeed seemed as if Landel was sending out all the cavalry, and an effective cavalry they were: The riot didn't continue for much longer after the alarm ( Read more... )

diva, raine, axel, anya, kagura, edward elric, saber, tyler, nia, danny phantom, ken amada, mason, allen, jack skellington, simon (gl), clark kent, angel, zelnick, misa, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, signum, artemis, raiden, knives millions, harry, mello, rena, hikaru, matsumoto, ion, xellos, heiji, peter petrelli, yohji, archer, ritsuka, zuko, farfarello, zoro, okita, takaya, mozenrath, sanosuke, hitsugaya, haku, yukari, wolverine, nathan petrelli, willow, haseo, kunzite, rubedo, sanji, rhode, rinali, obi-wan kenobi, kenshin, bella, siegfried, adelheid, tenchi, kaito, fayt, momo (xenosaga), sora, heiderich, saïx, usagi, luffy, reinforce, ashton, seishirou, river, birkin, reno, albel, keman, amelia, mark, rukia, edgeworth, itachi, sousuke, faust, max, roland, harley, peony, argilla, kenren, dib, hanyuu, armand, kairi, hinamori momo, zelgadis, vlad, roy, frey, cid, fai, cloud, leon magnus, sai, sasuke, schuldig, daemon, aidou, sierra, falis, beatrix, edward cullen, brooklyn, ashe, scar (tlk), hisoka, gin, omi, rangiku, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 977

M21 dawning_dreams February 14 2008, 12:11:08 UTC
Cid felt tired when he got back to his room, and he hadn't even been one of the damn rioters. Hell, he kinda wish he had, but then he wouldn't have had the leisure to flop down on his cot and... do nothing.

Shit, this place really was killing his brain cells. What the hell did they put in the food, engine oil? And speaking of engine oil, he wondered what the hell kind of transportation they used around here. Sure, there were buses from that field trip mentioned in the bulletins that he'd apparently slept through, but he doubted Head Doc traveled the country in a Greychocobo, and there must've been some kind of garage somewhere. Of course, there was also the question of how the hell an endless supply of chumps seemed to be constantly cycled through the Institute's halls, and though Cid already had a theory on that, he didn't want to think too hard about it.

See? His thoughts started rising up against him like some punk kid. You ain't getting dumber, you're just getting scareder.Cid thought his brain had a pretty good sense of humor ( ... )


fly_petrelli February 14 2008, 16:51:22 UTC
Just as Nathan had been more than prepared to take a punch from the asshole standing over Claire, all hell had broken loose, sparing him from a bruised face but separating him from his daughter at the same time. He'd tried to reach her, tried to do something to protect her, futile as it might've been, but there'd been nurses between them in an instant, and what could he hope to do? Take a few hits for her if things got bad? Nathan wasn't a fighter, and he never had been. Not like Peter was ( ... )


dawning_dreams February 14 2008, 20:20:22 UTC
Cid glanced up from his scribblings and eyed the guy who walked in through the door. Well, looked like his ex-roomie was screwed and he wouldn't be getting a super single. Fuckin' bummer ( ... )


fly_petrelli February 14 2008, 21:28:58 UTC
Nathan looked over from his seat on the bed, craning his neck to get a look at the notes that his roommate pointed out. Glancing over the list only briefly, he wondered if making it was a good thing or not. For that matter, he wondered if even keeping a journal was a smart idea; if the Company had any hand in this, he had little doubt that their "private thoughts" would actually be kept from a nurse's prying eyes.

"Nathan Petrelli," he offered without any hesitation; the man's gruff demeanor hadn't put him off in the slightest as Nathan himself wasn't in the best of moods after his little run-in with Claire and her bodyguard earlier in the day. "You can put 'fresh meat' next to my name when you add me."


M93 shyboyblue February 14 2008, 12:35:36 UTC
Tyler drifted for a long time, caught somewhere between unconsciousness and waking for a long time as whatever drug had been in the syringe coursed through his system. He could feel himself being moved - once, twice - and then felt himself in bed, dreaming about strange things and hearing unfamiliar voices, though he didn't wake. His arms hurt and he was uncomfortable, and he tried to move them, but he felt trapped, unable to move. He tried to call for his magic, but again, nothing happened, and some part of his brain recognized that this had to be a nightmare, and when he'd wake up he'd be back in his dorm room and Reid would laugh at him for being a baby.

Except when Tyler slowly started to rouse, it wasn't to his bedroom, but to unfamiliar and undecorated white-washed walls and ceiling. This wasn't his room. He felt lethargic and out of it, half-caught in a stupor that made him wonder if he was even awake at all of it this was just another dream.

He still couldn't move his arms. What was going on?


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 15 2008, 20:56:04 UTC
(AGH, sorry for fail! ; ;)

Heiji was wheeled into his room by his nurse, praising him for staying out of the riot and trying to get out of the way. Of course, the teen detective was laughing all the way to the bank on this one--since Okita had been planning on rushing the orderlies and escaping. But once the wave of orderlies and nurses rushed into the cafeteria, he'd felt drowsy. Almost as though he were falling asleep or passing out again. But he hadn't done anything to aggravate his wounds--he'd been in a wheelchair for crying out loud ( ... )


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 15 2008, 23:17:27 UTC
Hazy blue eyes struggled to focus on the source of the unfamiliar voice as Tyler slowly awakened further. His head hurt.

"What happened?" he managed to mumble in what he hoped sounded as coherent allowed as it had in his head. Everything felt strange and heavy.


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 16 2008, 07:37:03 UTC
"Well," Heiji crossed his legs and leaned up against the wall. His injuries still hurt, so leaning against something was a must. "Y'see, there was this riot, and a buncha people got involved I guess, and this--" He pointed to the boy. "--is how they're punishin' the wrong-doers. Sedation and restraints. So I'm guessin' you pissed some nurse off, hm?" He laughed a little.


M67 contentincloset February 14 2008, 12:40:50 UTC
Kurogane had no qualms with being led off this time and was actually somewhat thankful for it. Being unable to enter a fight was irritating, to say the least, even if he'd somewhat made that decision himself. He very well could have joined regardless of any lingering sedation effects and might have gotten in a hit or two, but it would not have ended well for him. Getting "drugged" again was not on his agenda ( ... )


M67 notahangedman February 14 2008, 20:03:19 UTC
There was nothing wrong with a little violence as far as Seishirou was concerned. It had been somewhat refreshing even, sensing the electricity in the air. Not to mention having Subaru to keep him company, willing Subaru to be exact. Now, it had been the most entertaining breakfast for a long time ( ... )


Re: M67 contentincloset February 16 2008, 03:23:33 UTC
He'd had his eyes closed when the voice had sounded but he hadn't needed to see to recognize it. It was imprinted in his mind along with every other detail of his journeys. Sifting through the haze took a moment, but once he managed it, his attention snapped to as best it could.

"You...!" he hissed, tone hardening instantly as his eyes came up. Focus wasn't needed either; he knew who he was looking at. Tall, dark, handsome with that calm look of a murderer. Seishirou.

The drugs refused to let him process enough. He couldn't think that it might not be the man he had once attempted to kill, couldn't think that he wasn't in any condition to face him were it the same man, and couldn't think to stop himself from moving against the man right after he entered. All that was important was not letting himself be caught off guard in such a state, and that meant making the first move. If noting else, Kurogane was at least acting on a defensive impulse.


Re: M67 notahangedman February 17 2008, 16:36:35 UTC
"Me?" Seishirou murmured, surprised. However, he wasn't incapable of recognizing a tone of pure anger and disdain. Obviously he had done something to piss off this person.

Ah well, life was complicated like that.

Without wasting time, he brought up his fingers that were still entangled with the fuda he had pulled out at the cafeteria, muttered few words and hold onto the invisible shield that spread around him from the bloodied piece of paper wrapped around his fingers.

"It seems introductions are needless?" he purred, a slight chuckle escaping his lips.


M2 bastard_sadi February 14 2008, 12:49:42 UTC
The first thing Daemon was aware of was a pounding in his head, the complaint of aching and sore muscles, and a strange taste in his mouth. His jaw hurt and he could feel a bruise forming ( ... )


F26 sugarsweetblood February 14 2008, 12:55:58 UTC
That guy had been so much fun! Even if she hadn't gotten a name for him. He wasn't hard to find though with that hair and injuries. If she needed to talk blood and death again, she'd be sure to track him down.

She was in a remarkable goo mood when she was taken back to her room. Blood and sugar just made the morning start fresh. Hopefully today would be a lot better than her recent experiences had been. She would be especially happy if she didn't have to deal with any version of a Tyki other than her own (and the following burning of the building) today or ever again.

Climbing up onto the bed, she kicked off her slippers and began bouncing up and down on it for something entertaining to do. The fight in the Cafeteria had been fun, and she'd managed to get just a little bit of blood to lick from one of the tables, but now there was no fighting or blood or sugar. Just Rhode and her room for now. That human roommate was sure to be coming in any time. Maybe they would play!


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