Day 30: Staff, Morning

Feb 14, 2008 03:14

Burly orderlies and agile Calm Effect nurses flooded the cafeteria from the Courtyard while regular hall nurses filed in from the Sun Room and ushered out those not involved in the rebellion. It indeed seemed as if Landel was sending out all the cavalry, and an effective cavalry they were: The riot didn't continue for much longer after the alarm ( Read more... )

diva, raine, axel, anya, kagura, edward elric, saber, tyler, nia, danny phantom, ken amada, mason, allen, jack skellington, simon (gl), clark kent, angel, zelnick, misa, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, signum, artemis, raiden, knives millions, harry, mello, rena, hikaru, matsumoto, ion, xellos, heiji, peter petrelli, yohji, archer, ritsuka, zuko, farfarello, zoro, okita, takaya, mozenrath, sanosuke, hitsugaya, haku, yukari, wolverine, nathan petrelli, willow, haseo, kunzite, rubedo, sanji, rhode, rinali, obi-wan kenobi, kenshin, bella, siegfried, adelheid, tenchi, kaito, fayt, momo (xenosaga), sora, heiderich, saïx, usagi, luffy, reinforce, ashton, seishirou, river, birkin, reno, albel, keman, amelia, mark, rukia, edgeworth, itachi, sousuke, faust, max, roland, harley, peony, argilla, kenren, dib, hanyuu, armand, kairi, hinamori momo, zelgadis, vlad, roy, frey, cid, fai, cloud, leon magnus, sai, sasuke, schuldig, daemon, aidou, sierra, falis, beatrix, edward cullen, brooklyn, ashe, scar (tlk), hisoka, gin, omi, rangiku, subaru, sanzo

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M93 shyboyblue February 14 2008, 12:35:36 UTC
Tyler drifted for a long time, caught somewhere between unconsciousness and waking for a long time as whatever drug had been in the syringe coursed through his system. He could feel himself being moved - once, twice - and then felt himself in bed, dreaming about strange things and hearing unfamiliar voices, though he didn't wake. His arms hurt and he was uncomfortable, and he tried to move them, but he felt trapped, unable to move. He tried to call for his magic, but again, nothing happened, and some part of his brain recognized that this had to be a nightmare, and when he'd wake up he'd be back in his dorm room and Reid would laugh at him for being a baby.

Except when Tyler slowly started to rouse, it wasn't to his bedroom, but to unfamiliar and undecorated white-washed walls and ceiling. This wasn't his room. He felt lethargic and out of it, half-caught in a stupor that made him wonder if he was even awake at all of it this was just another dream.

He still couldn't move his arms. What was going on?


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 15 2008, 20:56:04 UTC
(AGH, sorry for fail! ; ;)

Heiji was wheeled into his room by his nurse, praising him for staying out of the riot and trying to get out of the way. Of course, the teen detective was laughing all the way to the bank on this one--since Okita had been planning on rushing the orderlies and escaping. But once the wave of orderlies and nurses rushed into the cafeteria, he'd felt drowsy. Almost as though he were falling asleep or passing out again. But he hadn't done anything to aggravate his wounds--he'd been in a wheelchair for crying out loud ( ... )


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 15 2008, 23:17:27 UTC
Hazy blue eyes struggled to focus on the source of the unfamiliar voice as Tyler slowly awakened further. His head hurt.

"What happened?" he managed to mumble in what he hoped sounded as coherent allowed as it had in his head. Everything felt strange and heavy.


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 16 2008, 07:37:03 UTC
"Well," Heiji crossed his legs and leaned up against the wall. His injuries still hurt, so leaning against something was a must. "Y'see, there was this riot, and a buncha people got involved I guess, and this--" He pointed to the boy. "--is how they're punishin' the wrong-doers. Sedation and restraints. So I'm guessin' you pissed some nurse off, hm?" He laughed a little.


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 16 2008, 12:36:22 UTC
Tyler looked perplexed for a moment, mind struggling to work through the drug's fog. Then his eyes widened and he jerked on his restraints. "Rukia! Is she...?"

The last thing he remembered was seeing a nurse take the already-injured girl to the ground and hearing her scream.


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 16 2008, 20:06:37 UTC
"Hm?" Heiji frowned. "Dunno any girl named Rukia, but I think th'nurse who brought me here said that all the 'instigators' would be heavily sedated and restrained, like you are now. So if you were tryin' to protect her, she's probably back in her room lookin' and feelin' a lot like you are right now."


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 16 2008, 23:40:05 UTC
"Assholes," Tyler muttered under his breath, peering up at his restraints and testing them carefully. There was no give. He bit his lip for a moment before carefully reaching for his magic. There was nothing, not even a flicker. He felt panic begin to tighten about his chest, and quickly looked away, desperately seeking something to distract him from the terrifying realization that somehow, in this place, his magic was just gone.

"I'm guessing you stayed out of the fight, then?"


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 17 2008, 02:04:10 UTC
Heiji grinned, "Bingo~ Well, that's kind of a lie, really. I was in a wheelchair this mornin', and my friend was going to get me out of the cafeteria b'fore I got hurt. But we were separated when the orderlies and nurses came rushin' in."

The teen detective blinked and looked down at his new roommate, "Seriously though, y'okay? I can prob'ly get somethin' for ya if y'need."


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 17 2008, 13:49:01 UTC
"No, I don't think there's anything you can do," Tyler whispered, more to himself than to the other boy. He had to get out of here. He had to get back to the guys so they could find out what was wrong with him. Then realizing that that sounded rather pathetic, he shot the other boy a slightly rueful smirk.

"Not unless you can figure out how to get me out of these stupid things, anyway. I'm Tyler, by the way."


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 17 2008, 21:34:38 UTC
"Not that I don't just love you man, but I'd rather not get a needle to the neck for tryin' ta get you out," He grinned. "Already did that song and dance a couple days ago."

Heiji put a hand on his chest--he was in pain again. Where was that nurse with her crazy medication? The teen took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Nice ta meetcha, by the way. I'm Hattori Heiji. Y'sound Western, so you can just call me Heiji or Hattori if y'like!" He grinned.


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 18 2008, 00:50:05 UTC
"They'd do that?" Tyler asked, frowning. "Nevermind, then. I can wait. I guess. As long as they don't decide to just keep me like this."

He saw the boy pause, his hand cupped to his chest as if he were in pain. Ty finally noticed the bandages, his drug-fogged mind putting pieces together slower than usual. "Are you alright?"

Tyler almost corrected the boy that he was from the east coast, not the west, when the boy's name clicked. "Heiji. You're Japanese?" Tyler guessed he would be considered a westerner, then.


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 18 2008, 05:59:49 UTC
The teen detective snorted, "'Course they would. They're needle-happy freaks--they'd be glad t'sedate me at the drop of a hat," Heiji considered Tyler for a moment. "Otherwise, I'd be tryin' to get you out right now. That can't be comfortable."

"He?" Heiji raised his eyebrow a little when Tyler asked after him. "Oh, yeah, I'm good. Jus' ran into some cats last night. They got me pretty good. Ah!" He dropped a fist into his open palm, "That's right! Y'know what's goin' on here, right?"

"Yup!" Heiji said with a wide grin, "Osaka born 'n bred t'be exact, but Japanese covers that too, I guess."


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 18 2008, 13:41:28 UTC
"It's not, but I've had worse," Tyler replied with a crooked smile. "I'm not worried. They can't leave all of us tied like this forever. They'll let me up eventually."

"Somewhat, yeah. I woke up in the middle of it all last night and had a little explained, but I met Rukia at breakfast and she went into more detail about the monsters and what everyone's been doing. And I ran into the radio man last night, although I'm not sure how helpful he was..."

Tyler couldn't help but laugh and grin back at the other boy. "Osaka? Really? I've always wanted to go to Japan and visit all the regions, but I hadn't gotten there yet. I'm from Massachusetts, along the east coast of the states."


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 19 2008, 00:00:33 UTC
"Really~?" Heiji's eyebrows raised in extreme interest. "The man on the radio, huh? What's he like? And how come y'don't think he was useful?" First and foremost, Heiji was a detective. Asking questions was his job. Plus, he was still interested in this conflict between the head doctor and the radio man.

"Well, if y'ever make it out to Japan, y'should look me up! But stay away from Tokyo--Osaka's the best place t'go! The food 'n sights are just the beginnin'!" He grinned. Once Heiji got started on Osaka, it was really hard to shut him up. "I'll treat'cha nice, promise! 'N maybe you can take me around, uh, Massachusetts--" The word was rather difficult to say, wasn't it? "--sometime, yeah?"


Re: M93 shyboyblue February 19 2008, 00:56:05 UTC
"Well, he was tricky," Tyler shrugged - or as much as he could do so with his hands bound above his head. "No straight answers, everything was a riddle, or vague. Maybe he's always like that, though. He was granting people one thing each - a weapon or a map or something useful, I guess. The guy I was with asked for a knife; I asked for a map of the top floor. He gave the other guy a knife and I got a map of the roof. I guess I could have been more specific, but I still don't know how many floors there are to this place, so I guess this works well enough. It does have all the vents and stuff, so it'll still show exits, I guess."

Ty smiled as Heiji started talking about his home. "That sounds like fun. I'll definitely have to drop by once we get out of here. And I'm sure, compared to Osaka, Ipswich doesn't have a whole lot of interesting things to show you, unless you're a history or cult buff."


Re: M93 osakapwnzu February 19 2008, 01:15:48 UTC
Heiji laughed when Tyler told him about the map of the roof, "Aw man, them's the breaks, I guess! He must be one slippery guy if he pulled a fast one like that. Interesting," The Detective of the West was getting that familiar spark of interest in his eye, complete with smirk. "And that's true! If it shows vents and stuff, it could be useful. And you're prob'ly the only one with a map of the roof, all things considered."

"Ipswich? Sounds weird!" The teen laughed, "But I find anythin' interestin' really. I'm a detective, after all!" Heiji grinned.


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