Nightshift 28: Bus 2

Nov 26, 2007 17:03

Sanji was blinking furiously, trying to figure out why he still felt awake though everything was dark. The sedatives, just recently injected into his system, were working full force and he was having difficulty figuring out which way was up and down. All the sounds were reminiscent of something out of a nightmare. Was that what this was ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, diva, sanji, jack horner, raine, qui-gon jinn, axel, kenshin, homura, saber, mousse, duo, saetan, allen, reinforce, miku, oriya, mark, rukia, sousuke, max, raiden, kenren, argilla, guy, ritsuka, fox, zoro, farfarello, okita, schuldig, omi, brad, renji, citan, sanzo

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Comments 203

arc_wrench November 26 2007, 23:24:11 UTC
HK watched for a moment, fascinated and bemused as the nurses began to scream when the world went strange. But that was only for a moment, as it quickly became clear what was happening. He was up and out of his seat, over the other meatbag and into the isle, heading straight for the closest nurse near the front of the bus. While he had no weapons, this made him very happy. The killing started early tonight!


icy_demise November 26 2007, 23:30:49 UTC
SubZero jumped up out of his seat immediately, looking around and trying to determine the best course of action for just a moment. With all these other patients around it could become complicated very quickly.

However, when HK rushed past SubZero decided there was no point in wasting time thinking, so he charged along after the other assassin. HK would be outnumbered, and SubZero was prepared to get anything that tried to gang up on him, as narrow as the isles were, even at the front of the bus and fighting over seats it would be difficult for more than three people to fight at once.


damned_nurses November 27 2007, 01:03:46 UTC
The nurses were ready for attacks. They made no move to come forward, seeing as their prey was headed for them directly. They stood side to side, a changed orderly behind them. They were waiting. One nurse sported needles and syringes across her body, the other, scalpels and small surgical scissors.



arc_wrench November 27 2007, 01:18:08 UTC
HK hated it when he had to chose who to attack first, unable to attack both at once. What he wouldn't give for a good fletchette gun with a nice wide arc of fire! He went for the nurse with the scalpels sticking out of it, dropping down out of immediate striking range and aiming a hard kick at an ankle, using his momentum to add more force to the strike.


nadine_he_loves November 26 2007, 23:30:23 UTC
Nadine had been curled up on a seat near the rear of the bus, staring out the window and ignoring her dinner and anything going on around her. She had spent most of the trip simply wandering the town, amazed at a place where nothing apocalyptic had ever happened. It was so much like how it had been before the end. It had been...nice.

Now she was snapped back to what had become her reality. Now she stared in rapt horror, feeling her gorge rise as she watched night come over the institute.

Her heart pounding so hard she thought it would burst, Nadine pressed herself tight against the back of the seat and screamed.


unmocked_lawr November 27 2007, 04:54:57 UTC
[from here. Let me know if it's a problem! ^^;]

Javert was, as a rule, not particularly good at getting people to calm down. That task had usually been delegated to a younger officer back in Paris - one more experienced in the art of the murmuring of soothing words and the offering of handkerchiefs and whatnot. Dealing with a screaming woman was not his idea of a good time.

Still, the importance of getting her out of the bus outweighed his initial reservations (he had promised to protect her, hadn't he?), and anyway, he'd been told that unpleasant as he was to be around, he did have a certain reassuring presence about him. With these thoughts in mind, he cautiously approached Nadine, careful to stay a reasonable distance away from her.

"Mademoiselle?" he said, trying to make himself heard over her screams and the surrounding noise. "Nadine? It's Javert. Let's get you out of here."


nadine_he_loves November 27 2007, 05:02:33 UTC
"Javert?" There was panic in Nadine's voice, a note of clear hysteria. "Oh God, Javert. The things...they... and right in front of us...." She was swallowing hard between fragments of sentence, and compulsively tucking her hair behind her ear.

She wanted Larry.


unmocked_lawr November 27 2007, 05:09:46 UTC
"I know," Javert said, as soothingly as he could (which wasn't very, but a man could try). "I know. But the others are dealing with them."

The transformations had stunned him as well, and he still couldn't suppress the wave of horrified fascination that swept over him every time he glanced at the front or the back of the bus. So he didn't.

"We've made holes in the sides of the bus," he continued. "We're going to leave; do you want to come with us?" It was a stupid question, but as long as he could get her to focus on the fact that there was a way out, he didn't particularly care.


fuyunohanabi November 26 2007, 23:33:44 UTC
Almost as soon as she'd seen the nurses fall to their knees and begin to... to change, Rangiku had slipped one of the knives out from beneath her shirt where she'd stashed it during dinner with Homura. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the way the nurses and orderlies transformed into grotesque shapes, not even really human. She took a moment to examine the situation. Nurses between the front and the back. They were trapped in the middle.

Holding the steak knife firmly, she tested the edge; not as sharp as she would like, but it would do some damage and it was better than nothing. Someone though, needed to get things in order before this became a massacre.

Quickly, she stood up on her seat, raising her voice so that she could hopefully be heard. "Everyone!" She was practically shouting to be heard. "Try to break the windows if you can! If you have weapons, hold them off! Move injured out of the way!" If they didn't work together, then they could quite possibly die.


fuyunohanabi December 2 2007, 14:17:34 UTC
Most of them were gone. a few still fighting, but there wasn't the room for her to join and she was probably already late for meeting Gin. It might be best just to go herself. Try to make things safe for the others who would be exploring.

[To here]


bond_off_lame November 27 2007, 00:15:03 UTC
[God, unknowingly waiting for Raiden to naked cartwheel onto him]

Ever since him and Kairi parted ways soon after their little lunch 'date' the day just seemed to get duller by the minute. It was already too late to go anywhere else, so Axel waited near the buses until everyone was eventually wrangled up back into their seats. Maybe it would've done him some good to stick it alone for a while, picking up the second bus and plopped himself near the back for the remainder of the trip.

However, just as he was close to drifting off, the curdling scream that filled the air was enough to pull him from his sleep, blinking blearily around him at the chaos that now took over the bus. Confused at first, the redhead whipped his head about the cramped space, finally catching sight of the deformed nurses that prowled the halls at night.

Except they were now in the bus.

"Grody." Was the only thing Axel could say for the moment, standing up onto his seat so he could catch a better glimpse of both ends of the buses. By then people were shouting ( ... )


sneak November 27 2007, 04:38:40 UTC
Their plan didn't end up going anywhere, and Raiden had been expecting that to an extent. Even with Snake and the legendary Gray Fox at the head of their attempt, it was pretty hard to sneak anywhere in broad daylight. Though, in the end, they ended up just not having enough time to try anything, and nurses were collecting them and pulling them back to the buses before they knew it ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

bond_off_lame November 27 2007, 13:07:27 UTC
Well damn, it didn't look like he was going to get any action after all ( ... )


roses_bleues November 27 2007, 00:35:53 UTC
Diva had been, quite frankly, discontent and bored with the unremarkable bus ride and the woman hovering at her right elbow.

But then something happened.

It was almost instantaneous, how quickly the Chiropteran perked up--her head jerked up even before her eyes tried to adjust to sudden gloom and the sight of shifting bodies. That didn't disturb her, as Chiropterans did it all the time. The inhuman screams weren't new, either. In fact, none of it was. Really, this was her first encounter with a Landel's nightshift, but by then, Diva knew when something was trying to attack and kill her.

Although it'd never happened in such close quarters. Bloodshed in such a confined space would be wonderful.

In one fluid movement, Diva was on her feet on the seat, cocking her head first one way, then the other, curiously absorbing the sights. Huh. To get out to the aisle, she had to step over (or on) Max, and that's just what she tried to do.


transgenix November 27 2007, 00:56:57 UTC
Max had hardly been prepared for the shift to happen before they'd gotten back to their quarters, and this was the first time she was out of her room to witness the effects of what actually happened when darkness fell. The sight of the nurses writhing, screaming, morphing was something that turned Max's stomach - not an easy feat - and she didn't even have the good luck of having the sight dimmed by darkness, what with her enhanced vision.

If she never watched something like that again, she'd be quite happy. Not even the old gruesome horror flicks she'd seen in the past could compare to that.

Even as the screams filled the bus - and the night outside - her seatmate perked up, showing more life than she had the entire journey. As darkness fell and panic began to flit along the buses inhabitants, the girl at her side scrambled for the aisle.

"Wait, wait! The exits are blocked!" she tried to warn the girl, certain that she must be looking for a way out in her fright.


roses_bleues November 27 2007, 01:34:22 UTC
[continuing down the aisle to Renji]


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