Nightshift 28: Bus 2

Nov 26, 2007 17:03

Sanji was blinking furiously, trying to figure out why he still felt awake though everything was dark. The sedatives, just recently injected into his system, were working full force and he was having difficulty figuring out which way was up and down. All the sounds were reminiscent of something out of a nightmare. Was that what this was ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, diva, sanji, jack horner, raine, qui-gon jinn, axel, kenshin, homura, saber, mousse, duo, saetan, allen, reinforce, miku, oriya, mark, rukia, sousuke, max, raiden, kenren, argilla, guy, ritsuka, fox, zoro, farfarello, okita, schuldig, omi, brad, renji, citan, sanzo

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sneak November 27 2007, 04:38:40 UTC
Their plan didn't end up going anywhere, and Raiden had been expecting that to an extent. Even with Snake and the legendary Gray Fox at the head of their attempt, it was pretty hard to sneak anywhere in broad daylight. Though, in the end, they ended up just not having enough time to try anything, and nurses were collecting them and pulling them back to the buses before they knew it.

On the way back, Raiden once again chose to sit on his own, and for once no one had come to sit with him. He had to wonder where the others were, but it seemed that none of them had made it on the same bus as him. That was all right, though - he would find them later.

The trip was peaceful enough, and he even ate some of his food, but as they reached the institute again, everything started to feel very wrong. The scream was the first thing he reacted to, and it was enough to get him to stand from his seat. It was then that he was forced to watch as the nurses morphed - if this had been happening to him before he'd been through Big Shell, it might have made his stomach turn.

As others jumped into action, Raiden tried to decide on what to do. There were more than enough people there to fight the creatures, so maybe it would be best for him to slip out, especially since some of the patients were already making their own exits. He started to move toward the center of the bus and then caught a shock of red hair illuminated by the moonlight.



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bond_off_lame November 27 2007, 13:07:27 UTC
Well damn, it didn't look like he was going to get any action after all.

Axel blinked when he heard his own voice calling out for him, glancing past all the chaos and grinned out when he spotted the familiar sight of bleach blond hair not too far away. Not paying too much mind about what was going on (it wasn't like the situation wasn't already in control) the redhead hopped right over into the next seat and sat right himself right on top.

"Fancy meeting you here, Raiden." He started, though another voice called out for them, stretching his neck out and waved over at Snake's bolting figure.

"Hey Mister, it's been a while." But enough about introductions, the bus was finally starting to empty out, catching sight of a wide gap right in the middle of the vehicle.

"It looks like we were caught in the middle of a nightly transformation. Some luck we have, huh?" Even now Axel still had it in him to joke around, already motioning both men over as he meandered over to the hole. It seemed large enough for anyone to fit through. And so, after making sure that no one was going to dive through any time soon, the redhead pushed his way passed and jumped off the bus.

[To here.]


prisonerofdeath November 28 2007, 03:28:50 UTC
Fox made his way over to the sound of Snake and Raiden shouting just in time to see their red-headed friend leave. The bus was in chaos, and there were people crowding around both ends to fight.

"We need to get off the bus." Crammed all into this little tight place they were sitting ducks.


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prisonerofdeath November 28 2007, 22:09:41 UTC
After returning the salute, Fox moved over to the hole, preparing to jump out himself, he waited for a moment before leaping out.


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