Day 28: Bus 2

Oct 26, 2007 08:37

Momo tugged on the collar of the light blue sweater she was wearing as she followed her nurse to wherever these buses were, winding her hair up into its customary bun as she went. It was an odd feeling, knowing she was about to go outside of the institute's borders. Maybe the Head Doctor was about to make an error and the shinigami, as well as ( Read more... )

kyon, axel, bella, lust, heiderich, sam winchester, saetan, miku, river, keman, albel, ami, hakkai, luxord, rena, hikaru, m, sparda, hk-47, ren, albedo, hanyuu, kairi, ken, usopp, quatre, hinamori momo, phibrizzo, ritsuka, stork, farfarello, snape, daemon, hitsugaya, edward cullen, ururu, barret, kaoru, eddie brock, nadie, hisoka, jean, l, bridget

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Comments 418

deathinvitation October 26 2007, 16:36:22 UTC
Sephiroth couldn't say that he really minded the bus. He'd ridden in much worse during his time in Shin-Ra's army. Walked through worse if one wanted the truth. The change in clothing had been likewise accepted without a complaint. He was pleased to make it back to wearing something that wasn't just grey. While the black jeans were ragged at the knee and ankle, he was content with them.

There was a reason for Sephiroth's passivity today, and it wasn't druggings. Since arriving at Landel's, he'd been lucky so far in avoiding nurses with needles although there had been a few close calls such as with the Turk and his friend. No, Sephiroth had plans which probably didn't bode well for anyone. The next move was Kadaj's and Cloud's, although he was willing to speed things up himself if necessary.


jei October 26 2007, 23:05:40 UTC
Farfarello was a little disappointed that neither Schuldig, nor Artemis, nor the ShinRa bastard appeared to be on the bus he'd been hustled onto. He wanted to make sure his partner and Artemis were still in one piece after a night without his help, though he was a lot more concerned about Artemis in that sense than he was about Schuldig, and he wanted to point and laugh at ShinRa's busted nose. That had been worth the sedation, it really had.

In fact, he only saw one especially familiar face, in his cursory glance around the bus. Despite the reasonably mellow note their last communication had ended on, it was probably a really, really bad idea to approach Sephiroth.

And yet, that's exactly what Farfarello did. He was, after all, a masochist. So he sat himself down next to the silver-haire general and rummaged about in his bagged breakfast. "Yo."


deathinvitation October 27 2007, 01:48:32 UTC
Sephiroth's unblinking gaze moved to Farfarello as the man sat down, one brow arching in inquiry. There were very few people that would dare be in his immediate area. So why this one? Oh yes...

While it had been dark and Sephiroth hadn't gotten the best of looks at his attacker, this was the human that had bitten him of all things. The wound had healed, the pain gone, but Sephiroth had a long memory.

"I find myself trying to decide if you are foolish or one of those that sanity has deserted and are left uncaring what may happen to them," Sephiroth drawled thoughtfully. "I believe it is the latter. Your stomache did settle finally, did it not?"


jei October 27 2007, 02:24:10 UTC
"Got it in one. Certifiably insane, and all that. And yeah, my stomach's fine. Shoulder's fine. Head's fine, in the external kind of way. All good." Farfarello poked the straw into the juice box and sipped at it a little. "Not very creative, these nurses. Lots of ways to kill someone with a straw, especially one with a pointed end." Not that he was threatening Sephiroth, he was just making conversation.


bigshotbarret October 26 2007, 17:02:11 UTC
Barret was pissed. Really pissed. Seeing red pissed. He didn't know if Rufus was saved, or if his team was ok. Once again, another nightshift lost with virtually nothing accomplished except intervening between Reno and Yuffie to prevent death and bloodshed. Not that he didn't feel she needed a smack upside the head at the very least, but death-by-Turk was something he wasn't prepared to allow to happen. They had bigger problems.

The clothing given was a much needed improvement from the smiley pieces of shit they wore day-to-day, but the fact that the clothes he wore now were a bit on the tight side left him nearly squirming. He was pissed, AND he was chaffing. Pissed was now an understatement.

He was wary more than ever, keeping a careful eye trained on an enemy every so often, just to make sure he didn't flip his script and go cruisin' to give a bruisin'. He wanted to see his teammates, see Rufus to make sure they were at the very least...still alive.


robin_fox October 26 2007, 21:31:26 UTC
Robin's nurse had sat down with him and they'd discussed his behaviour. After promising (convincingly) that he'd behave, she decided not to dose him up on any of the small sweets they gave to trouble makers to slow them down.

Although she looked like she wanted to change her mind when Robin was given his clothes. Dungarees, she'd called them. And she'd given him a woolly red jumper to keep him warm and 'doc martins'. Heavy boots, but sturdy. They slowed him down a little, actually. It wouldn't be enough, of course, but it was a subtle start.

Robin wandered onto the bus. He was a little worried about the disappearing boy from last night, but he was learning to have faith. Spotting a familiar face, he sat down and smiled.

"Big bear, you don't look happy. Bad night?"


bigshotbarret October 27 2007, 07:02:48 UTC
He could have been mean. He could have acted like an asshole. Somehow or another, the muffin he was munching and the juice box he was sipping was ever so slowly calming his nerves. Besides, the presence of Robin seemed to soothe him as well. He wasn't intimidating or imposing, and appeared genuinely concerned for the dark skinned warrior.

Looking over at the man with a fairly subdued expression, he shrugged a little, "In a way. One of my..." He stopped, thinking of the right words to use to describe an old enemy, " was taken last night. Me and my teammates went to get him, but just before I woke, a rat bit one of the girls with us, and another three headed straight for us. Don't know what happened to anyone, and haven't seen any of 'em yet. Just this crazy fucker..." he jerked his head toward Sephiroth, "who does belong in this mental asylum if anyone here does."


robin_fox October 27 2007, 17:54:26 UTC
"Taken?" Robin asked, eyebrows raised slightly. He'd heard of people going missing, others being taken to that place....that he was supposed to get to last night. Woops. He'd have to try and talk to Miss Rukia later. He was thrilled to find he still had his spade in the morning ( ... )


lustful_thing October 26 2007, 17:04:59 UTC
Lust was less than pleased. Not because of the lack of progress made the night before - it wasn't her fault the radio man had offered nothing! - or because of the plans for the day.

No, it was the brown wool dress that covered her from chin to ankle that the nurse had thrown at her. Even cinching the belt as tightly as she could around her waist didn't improve matters much. But it was better than those ridiculous uniforms.

The event itself had her interest. She knew the first floor of the institute in and out, and she was familiar with the second, but the town? This was something new. Stabbing her juice box with a straw, Lust sat on the bus and stared out the window, curious as to what the day would bring.


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lustful_thing October 26 2007, 20:26:40 UTC
Lust perked up immediately when she was joined by her favorite sort of company. A rather young man. Those were always the perfect recipients for her attentions. The younger they were, the more innocent.

She shifted subtly, thrusting out her breasts and crossing her legs. She let the lids of her eyes drop some, subtly. She knew how to emphasize her attributes, even in something as drab as what she wore.

"You look positively miserable," she purred, her lips curved up in a small, playful smile.


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usoppsenchou October 26 2007, 17:13:44 UTC
It wasn't that Usopp thought things had gone perfectly last night, but they'd certainly gone well. Weapons made, a few more projects struck off the list, and now a new place to explore. And exploring was fun. Exploring was great. There was absolutely no point in dressing him up in sweatpants and a baggy flannel shirt, then handing him a bag that was filled with food, if they were just being herded onto the buses to make it easier to gas everyone at once, or to lock the doors and send the bus careening over a cliff, or to take them to a new testing center even worse than Landel's where the leeches were the size of Usopp and...

The nurses, with polite cajoling and a bit of pushing, managed to get him on the bus and in a seat despite his protests concerning the sudden flare-up of his chronic 'I cannot go on this field trip or I'll die' disease. Finally placed, he was shaking and staring out the windows, trying not to hyperventilate. Think about Sai smacking you on the back last night. That was funny, right? ...Poor Sai will die ( ... )


roger_hug October 26 2007, 19:09:49 UTC
((ooc: hope you don't mind a cheerful blonde. ^^;;;))

Bridget didn't know why everyone seemed so unhappy. They were going somewhere! Outside this place! They even got to wear fun clothing! He looked happily down at his own. White button up shirt covered by a pink sweater vest and tan pants with white sneakers. He thought he looked rather nice. Of course, as a boy who normally ran around in a nun's habit and mini skirt, his ideas on fashion were a bit ... odd

He picked a seat beside a boy with a long nose who looked like he was about to have a fit.

"Hi!" He smiled cheerfully. "I'm Bridget! What's your name?"


usoppsenchou October 26 2007, 20:31:46 UTC
Usopp jumped at the question, startled out of his contemplation of window size versus head and shoulder size--and the realization that the windows didn't look very easy to pry open anyhow. The top half appeared grooved to slide down into the bottom half, probably designed specially in order to prevent crazy patients from escaping jumping out.

Still, he caught his nerves and his manners enough to turn to Bridget, smiling awkwardly. "Uh, hi... I'm Usopp. The legendary Captain Usopp!" He tried not to stare as he wondered what exactly he was facing. Was this a boy or a flat-chested girl? The clothes were just slightly feminine, and a woman's chest could be hidden under that pink vest, but Usopp could imagine Sanji donning the same outfit under the right circumstances.

To stop himself from looking too hard at Bridget or thinking too hard about how difficult getting out that window would be, Usopp opened his breakfast bag and pulled out the muffin. "So, um, how long have you been here, Bridget?"


roger_hug October 26 2007, 20:43:17 UTC
"Ooh, a captain?" Bridget settled into the seat beside him. "Are you a pirate? The only captain I know is a pirate captain."

He could tell that the other young man was unhappy and uncomfortable, but maybe Bridget could help. His smile brightened. He liked cheering people up.


0bnoxious October 26 2007, 17:37:13 UTC
Growling upon awakening almost seemed like a normal routine in the morning. Albel woke up in a foul mood, pissed at the blonde maggot who had stopped him from defeating that decaying wench. Why did that idiot insisted on meddling anyway? It was only some nurse changed into a monster. He was merely going to put her out of her misery!

But no! That worm decided to throw furniture around and generally being an annoying pain the ass.

Scum!Speaking of scum, a day-time wench entered his room (Albel barely managed to hide the knife he was holding) and greeted him with a smile so cheery that it should have been forbidden. The Elicoorian eyed the clothes she was holding, only for him to remember they were supposed to go on a field-trip today. Figures they'd have some useless activity again ( ... )


damned_ivy October 27 2007, 15:39:41 UTC
It really seemed that Hakkai had gotten luckier than most with his clothes, seeing as they all fit. Of course, with the plaid flannel shirt, black combat boots, and torn up jeans, he looked rather like a renegade grunge rocker, but that was beside the point.

He was directed onto a bus by his nurse, nudged toward a seat, and told to 'play nice.' Right. At least the breakfast wasn't anything too heavy.


0bnoxious October 27 2007, 15:48:46 UTC
Albel was already half-way eating his sad breakfast when someone was nudged towards the seat next to him. His crimson eyes looked up, only to return glaring to the back of the seat in front of him.

Hopefully, this maggot wasn't the nagging type. He had plenty of those already while staying in this dump.


damned_ivy October 27 2007, 15:59:50 UTC
Hakkai shook his head and laughed quietly. Another angry, stoic type it seemed. One almost had to wonder if there was something in the water. He'd had more than enough practice with Sanzo being surly and glaring at nothing in particular, so he wasn't exactly fazed by it.

At least Hakkai only nagged those he liked? ...Usually.


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