Day 28: Bus 2

Oct 26, 2007 08:37

Momo tugged on the collar of the light blue sweater she was wearing as she followed her nurse to wherever these buses were, winding her hair up into its customary bun as she went. It was an odd feeling, knowing she was about to go outside of the institute's borders. Maybe the Head Doctor was about to make an error and the shinigami, as well as ( Read more... )

kyon, axel, bella, lust, heiderich, sam winchester, saetan, miku, river, keman, albel, ami, hakkai, luxord, rena, hikaru, m, sparda, hk-47, ren, albedo, hanyuu, kairi, ken, usopp, quatre, hinamori momo, phibrizzo, ritsuka, stork, farfarello, snape, daemon, hitsugaya, edward cullen, ururu, barret, kaoru, eddie brock, nadie, hisoka, jean, l, bridget

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Comments 418

mylackofeffort October 26 2007, 18:18:17 UTC
Once again, Quatre was disappointed by the activities of the night before. Nothing had gotten accomplished. He woke up in his room and stayed there, waiting for the nurse to come.

The outfit they had him in wasn't too terrible. He was thankful for that at least. Simple blue jeans and a red t-shirt. They were more worn though, previously owned. Not that he minded. It was nice to be out of the happy faced gray.

He got onto the bus and looked around for signs of his comrades, seeing none (though he did smile at his roommate) he moved to an empty seat to sit and look out the window.


onestarknight October 28 2007, 15:50:13 UTC
[hope you don't mind a sleepy bookworm!]

Just as Touma was about to ask if they had some sort of warning bell to return to their rooms, the sudden shift back to his room answered that question. Or, more accurately, the prodding, pleading, and physical shaking answered that question. He had gone to bed in the wee hours of the morning, and now this nurse insisted he get up at the crack of dawn.

He got dressed slower than he usually would to annoy the woman. The polo, sweater, and jeans didn't bother him too much, considering they were pretty high fashion for 1987.

Shoving a paper sack in his hand, she herded him onto one of the buses and into a seat next to a blond kid about his age. "Now try not to fall asleep on Mr. Bedeau, Mr. Fujimori," she admonished, still thinking he would drop off any minute.


mylackofeffort October 28 2007, 22:49:56 UTC
Quatre smiled at the nurse that dropped off Touma and then looked at his new seating companion. "If you are tired I can move," he said very softly. "It might be better for you lie down." He frowned with a worried expression. He wasn't sure if it was possible for one patient to take up an entire seat, but at least they could try.


onestarknight October 29 2007, 03:29:21 UTC
"No, it's fine." Touma shrugged off the concern, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out. "I'm kinda used to waking up quickly, or else I wouldn't make it to school on time."

Sitting back in the seat, he got a better look at his seatmate. Blond, on the short side - though it was hard to tell sitting down - and a worried expression that seemed very familiar to his features. It definitely sounded familiar, he thought ruefully.

"Anyway, I'm Touma," he said, nodding his head.


blazingsword October 26 2007, 18:20:23 UTC
This time, Jean was actually relieved when she'd found herself in bed. They'd had no reason to anticipate the spider's presence. She'd also managed to grab two baseball bats, which she hid as soon as she saw the door open. One would make a good weapon; the other she intended to save as material for the alchemists.

She was surprised when the nurse came in holding a bundle of clothing--she'd thought they would have been going in their uniforms, but apparently they were to at least try and blend in. Eyeing the bright orange sweatshirt (was that a stain on the sleeve she saw?) and almost too tight green leggings, Jean found their effort lacking. She missed her flowing sleeves and skirts.

The nurse, mistaking her contemplation for loitering, took her by the arm and led her out to one of three big yellow vehicles, handed her some food, and then left. Finally.

Jean peered out the window. Maybe she could make a map of the town and speak to Hitsugaya-taicho or someone else about escape routes? It did seem useless at face value, but it ( ... )


jurisfictional October 27 2007, 00:31:19 UTC
[Let me know if I'm interrupting anything! ^^;]

Thursday had been surprised, to say the least, to see a giant spider lunging at her one moment and wake up in her bed, still clutching the bats and helmet, the next. She'd acted quickly, though, once she'd gotten over the initial shock, and stuffed the loot in her closet under a pile of T-shirts. Briefly, she'd wondered how she was going to get the stuff to Captain Kuchiki, but before she could worry about it further, her nurse had arrived.

And now she was standing at the front of the bus, wearing a disgustingly floral blouse and worn, overlarge brown slacks, clutching a muffin and a handful of coupons, and looking distinctly disgruntled. Just because she was bloody fifty-two didn't mean they had to dress her like her mother!She did, however, recognise one of the younger women who had been in her group last night. Thursday made her way down the aisle, smiling slightly. A familiar face was better than nothing ( ... )


blazingsword October 28 2007, 00:36:39 UTC
"Yes," Jean replied, a slight smile on her lips. "And you are Thursday Next, correct?"

To the older woman's query, Jean didn't answer, but she moved aside, allowing Thursday some more room to sit. "It doesn't look like we will be moving for a while," she said, tugging her sleeve over her right arm again. Even though nobody could see her erementar gerad through her bandages, it was a self-conscious habit.


jurisfictional October 28 2007, 00:51:38 UTC
"Yeah. Call me Thursday." She seated herself, glancing out the window as she did so. "Guess we won't. I'd imagine quite a lot of the patients have never even seen a bus before. I know I wouldn't want to get aboard one if I didn't know what it was - not exactly friendly-looking things, buses."

It could've been worse; they could have been travelling by Gravitube. The others would probably have taken that even less well. She supposed it was a good thing they weren't actually back on her world.


blacksustenance October 26 2007, 19:38:42 UTC
The problem with having a packed lunch for a change was that Brock had mowed through it within minutes of sitting down.

He was starving. After a real night's rest, combined with the symbiote's frantic efforts to go overtime on his body, his metabolism was shooting way off the charts now and all he could think of was food first, Parker next, and kicking Kasady's hick ass last. It didn't matter what kind of food was given to him or if he even liked it - Brock knew he'd eat anything and everything that was human food at this point because his body was so calorie starved right now it wasn't even funny. But he could at least walk without limping and he felt a lot more clear-headed and just better, aside from the fact that he was eyeing everyone else's lunches and debating swiping them when they weren't looking.

Pretty low, even for him. But hey, he was hungry and he'd have a better use for that then they would.

Brock still couldn't believe he was actually riding in a school bus. He hadn't been on one of this suckers since high school ( ... )


beautyforhire October 26 2007, 20:35:32 UTC
Nadie may have survived her first night, but she still knew relatively little about Landel’s. Like, for starters, how’d she get back in her room? She distinctly remembered being in the Sun Room with Max in the others, fighting against that… thing. Ugh, this stupid asylum just kept getting weirder and weirder ( ... )


blacksustenance October 27 2007, 01:51:22 UTC
Brock eyed her lunch. Goddamn it looked downright amazing right now.

"Knock yourself out," he said, sliding over in the seat. Under other circumstances, he would've been looking at the young woman - he could tell she was on the cute side - but at the moment his stomach was doing all the thinking for him. He supposed it could be worse though. He could always have been starving for that other kind of meat; having a craving for human food right now wasn't as bad as it could be. It beat staring at her forehead and thinking how delicious it'd be.

The blond wasn't surprised to find he didn't recognize this woman at all. Considering how many mutants and other assorted freaks Landels had been rounding out, it wasn't that much a stretch to believe that this woman was a newbie, another unlucky person taken from wherever and dumped in this joint.


beautyforhire October 27 2007, 21:20:14 UTC
"Thanks." she offered a smile as she sat next to him.

The bounty hunter continued to remain observant, taking note of the other people that came into the bus. She had seen L.A. last night, but didn’t seem like he was in the same bus as her. While that was one less thing for her to worry about, it also meant that she wouldn’t have a way to keep an eye on him until they arrived at their destination, wherever it might be.

"I’m Nadie." she said, remaining friendly even to a total stranger. "Nice to meet you!”


hangenki October 26 2007, 21:24:11 UTC
It was obvious to anyone looking that Kaoru wasn't in a good mood. The nurse was practically dragging him to the bus. His expression spoke volumes. He seemed to be glaring at the world itself.

Kaoru shuffled onto the bus and sat in the middle. Anyone who knew him would assume he'd find a place at the back where he could cause trouble. But today he wanted to be left alone. He sat by the window and propped his feet on the seat beside. He was even trying to convince himself that he didn't want his brother there. But he knew he'd cave. For now, however, he was going to be stubborn and turn everybody away.

He'd never felt or been as weak and humiliated as he'd been last night, taken down by a swarm of Dragonflies. He was covered in their bite marks, told by the nurses that he'd 'been bad', whatever they meant by that. They shoved pain killers down his throat when he refused to leave his room, using pain as an excuse. Truth was, he didn't know how to thank people or apologise for his attitude. Especially not Hikaru.


totallytheseme October 26 2007, 23:24:26 UTC
Hikaru's mood wasn't much better than Kaoru's. It was slightly improved by the fact that he was now wearing jeans, a gray sweater, and a scarf instead of those awful Landel's uniforms...but...

Well, they were just clothes. And what were clothes, when his brother had been so badly hurt the night before?

Whether it was twinsense or sheer luck he couldn't say, but Hikaru ended up on the same bus as his twin. He knew that Kaoru was probably feeling sulky about the night before, but he really hadn't had a choice. They'd needed help.

"Wanna switch today?" he asked, already combing his hair to the other side. It was as if last night had never even happened.


hangenki October 27 2007, 17:01:19 UTC
Kaoru shifted his feet without looking. He'd convinced himself that everybody hated him because he was weak and Hikaru was the better twin (which he totally agreed with, but still).

He slowly looked up, however, when his brother spoke. He lifted the hat to show he'd already switched. A small smile reached his lips. His jumper and scarf were almost the same as Hikaru's, only the colours were switched round...

He was gonna get teary if he thought about it too much, but he knew he had to apologise to Hikaru. Luckily, he also knew that it could be done without words. He held his big brother's hand and looked outside the window again.


totallytheseme October 27 2007, 21:58:25 UTC
Hikaru grinned. Kaoru was way ahead of him.

He sat down next to his brother, squeezing his hand. They didn't need to say anything about what had happened the night before. They were twins, right? Those bonds went far deeper than words.

Looking in his lunchsack, he sighed. "Honestly...juice boxes? What do they think we are, five?"

Apparently so, given that the nurses had dressed them almost identically. Oh well.


rope_victim October 26 2007, 22:30:28 UTC
Miku had slept relatively undisturbed throughout the night. Her dreams followed a chain of events, and when she awoke she felt well enough to smile just slightly more than usual. Best of all, her bandages had been removed from her arm. The skin was still scabbed and pink, but at least she could wiggle her fingers and not feel lip-biting pain.

"Aliiice!" Her nurse trilled as she handed Miku her clothing. "You're going to have such a good time on the field trip, won't you dear?" Miku blinked. Field trip...? Oh, yes, someone had mentioned that.

When the nurse turned so Miku could get dressed, the young woman moved quickly enough, embarrassed. The clothing, on further inspection, was almost... cute. Sure, the grey skirt was a little longer than usual for her but it had cute blue embroidery that matched the color of her long sleeved shirt. Her shoes were black, as were her jacket. Without complaint, Miku took her bagged breakfast and wandered down to the buses with the rest of the patients, finding a still-empty seat in the middle. The ( ... )


clockworkblond October 27 2007, 01:34:00 UTC
Alfons, all things considered, had made out pretty well. He hadn't been injured in the fight, much to his surprise, and the clothes he'd gotten were exactly what he usually wore- white shirt, slacks, suspenders, and the usual shoes as well. With a sack lunch and a bright morning, it almost felt like when he was studying under Mr. Oberth. Almost ( ... )


rope_victim October 27 2007, 01:57:52 UTC
Miku turned from the window and smiled fully at Alfons. "Good morning!" she replied, excitedly. Why hadn't he sat next to her? That was okay, wasn't it? As long as it was Alfons or Ritsuka, and not someone creepy (Chase, though he'd vanished), mean (her roommate also on the bus a few seats behind) or obnoxious.

With those thoughts in mind, the photographer slid out of her seat, mindful of her skirt. She plopped down right next to him, the appropriate few inches of space between them that the brown faux leather seats allowed. "It would be troublesome to the other people if we called between seats," she said and flushed embarrassedly.


clockworkblond October 27 2007, 03:18:08 UTC
Ah! Alfons hadn't expected Miku to shift over to his seat! Were women so forward in the world where she came from, that they could sit together and no one would ask questions? But then she explained the situation, and the boy nodded in understanding. "I suppose that's true," he allowed, feeling a faint blush on his face.

After a moment of awkward silence, Alfons quietly said, "You seem to be a lot better this morning. I hope that you're feeling well?"


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