Day 28: Bus 2

Oct 26, 2007 08:37

Momo tugged on the collar of the light blue sweater she was wearing as she followed her nurse to wherever these buses were, winding her hair up into its customary bun as she went. It was an odd feeling, knowing she was about to go outside of the institute's borders. Maybe the Head Doctor was about to make an error and the shinigami, as well as ( Read more... )

kyon, axel, bella, lust, heiderich, sam winchester, saetan, miku, river, keman, albel, ami, hakkai, luxord, rena, hikaru, m, sparda, hk-47, ren, albedo, hanyuu, kairi, ken, usopp, quatre, hinamori momo, phibrizzo, ritsuka, stork, farfarello, snape, daemon, hitsugaya, edward cullen, ururu, barret, kaoru, eddie brock, nadie, hisoka, jean, l, bridget

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0bnoxious October 26 2007, 17:37:13 UTC
Growling upon awakening almost seemed like a normal routine in the morning. Albel woke up in a foul mood, pissed at the blonde maggot who had stopped him from defeating that decaying wench. Why did that idiot insisted on meddling anyway? It was only some nurse changed into a monster. He was merely going to put her out of her misery!

But no! That worm decided to throw furniture around and generally being an annoying pain the ass.


Speaking of scum, a day-time wench entered his room (Albel barely managed to hide the knife he was holding) and greeted him with a smile so cheery that it should have been forbidden. The Elicoorian eyed the clothes she was holding, only for him to remember they were supposed to go on a field-trip today. Figures they'd have some useless activity again.

With a scoff he climbed out of bed and changed into his new clothing. He was given faded black jeans along with a lime-green shirt, but both garments were way too baggy for Albel's thin form. After having to listen to his nurse's prattling that 'he should gain some weight' he was finally escorted to one of the yellow vehicles outside. Albel didn't knew what they were -- nor did he care. He wanted to get this useless activity over with.

He plopped down on a random chair and began to eat his sad excuse for lunch.


damned_ivy October 27 2007, 15:39:41 UTC
It really seemed that Hakkai had gotten luckier than most with his clothes, seeing as they all fit. Of course, with the plaid flannel shirt, black combat boots, and torn up jeans, he looked rather like a renegade grunge rocker, but that was beside the point.

He was directed onto a bus by his nurse, nudged toward a seat, and told to 'play nice.' Right. At least the breakfast wasn't anything too heavy.


0bnoxious October 27 2007, 15:48:46 UTC
Albel was already half-way eating his sad breakfast when someone was nudged towards the seat next to him. His crimson eyes looked up, only to return glaring to the back of the seat in front of him.

Hopefully, this maggot wasn't the nagging type. He had plenty of those already while staying in this dump.


damned_ivy October 27 2007, 15:59:50 UTC
Hakkai shook his head and laughed quietly. Another angry, stoic type it seemed. One almost had to wonder if there was something in the water. He'd had more than enough practice with Sanzo being surly and glaring at nothing in particular, so he wasn't exactly fazed by it.

At least Hakkai only nagged those he liked? ...Usually.


0bnoxious October 28 2007, 13:57:10 UTC
Hmph, no silly conversations so far. Good. The last thing Albel wanted was to talk about this supposed town they were going to visit. He was blissfully unaware of the other patient's amusement.

Ignoring the man sitting next to him, he turned his attention to the juice box. This was obviously some kind of drink, but how the hell was he supposed to drink it? He noticed the thing glued on the side

Stupid thing. Like those can things back on the Diplo weren't enough already. The captain somehow refused to ask for help, however.


damned_ivy October 28 2007, 14:21:11 UTC
Of course he did. He was an angry, stoic type. They never asked for help. It was a thing.

So, having problems, hm? While juice boxes were a bit too anachronistic even for Togenkyo, Hakkai was up to the challenge of putting tab A in slot B, so to speak. He made sure to keep his movements slow and obvious as he peeled the straw out of its wrapper and poked it into the hole, without breaking the straw, even. He hadn't really planned on drinking anything that came in a box like that, but this was for a good cause.


0bnoxious October 28 2007, 14:50:42 UTC
It was even ridiculous to think that Albel the Wicked was going to ask for help! It was an unwritten rule, one of the few that the captain actually followed.

He was just about to ignore the stupid juice box altogether when the maggot sitting next to him began to unwrap the thing and poked it into the juice box. The Elicoorian observed all this quietly from the corner of his eye.

Okay, fine. This maggot was actually useful, he had to admit. Though never out loud.

He followed the set example, ripping the wrapper open with his teeth (trying to do so with one hand would be too much of a hassle) and poked it into the hole of his own carton.


damned_ivy October 29 2007, 14:40:49 UTC
Hakkai would be very happy to know he was considered useful. Truly.

The bus rumbled into motion, and he glanced out the window. This, unfortunately, meant looking over his seat partner. He took the opportunity to get a good look at the man without being overly obvious about it. The lack of an arm got a pair of raised eyebrows, but Hakkai quickly turned his attention back to the window. It wouldn't do to be caught staring, after all.


0bnoxious October 29 2007, 16:55:33 UTC
It was too bad for Hakkai that Albel hardly gave any compliments.

When the bus began moving, he also glanced out of the window to see where this dump was located. The trees quickly lost the Elicoorian's interest, and he proceeded to glare at the back of the chair in front of him for the second time today.

He still hadn't said a word to the man sitting next to him, and Albel was actually surprised the maggot in question hadn't spoken up yet. Most of the scum in this dump would have opened their irritating traps already.

He spared the maggot next to him a quick glance, noticing he was staring out of the window.

Not that Albel cared, by the way.


damned_ivy October 30 2007, 15:07:12 UTC
It felt odd to be in a vehicle and not be driving. Hakkai couldn't remember the last time he'd just ridden in Jeep excepting grievous injuries, and he didn't remember most of those rides, period.

Had Albel known Hakkai better, he'd know better than to assume Hakkai was anything like normal. At the moment, for instance, he was more than happy to pick at his 'breakfast' (and really, had no one heard of rice here?) and watch the trees go by in silence.

It was a good thing Albel didn't care.


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