Nightshift 27: M61 - M70 Hallway

Oct 06, 2007 14:56

[ from here ]

So close. So very close. The flashlight-wielding, ponytailed asshole's door was the first one in the hallway. He hadn't seen the guy's tail end on the way here, so a few more steps was all it would take.

sanji, subzero, yuber, riddick, guy, kimbley, siegfried, duo, jade, naoto, light, seishirou, okita, kikyo, peony, greed, hk-47

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Comments 97

arc_wrench October 6 2007, 20:05:57 UTC
HK stepped out of his cell, ready to kill something. His lungs had almost completely healed thanks to the work from that pink-haired meatbag and his own modification of his unconscious subsystems. He waited impatiently for SubZero, taking out a scalpel and flipping it through his fingers in complicated little patterns, just because he could. And he loved having something dangerous readily at hand.

Until then, he'd just watch the other meatbags here... It looked like there could be fun things ahead.


icy_demise October 7 2007, 00:51:50 UTC
SubZero made his way out and found HK already waiting for him. That was good, at least, he hated waiting. HK probably did too.

He glanced over down the hallway towards what appeared to be a fight breaking out.

The Lin Kuei made his way over to stand next to HK and observe the fight, not speaking at all. He didn't want to get drawn into the kombat combat.


arc_wrench October 10 2007, 02:56:07 UTC
Oooh, it took so much willpower to not shout out corrections. There was so much more that could be done to properly disassemble that meatbag!

When the first attacker left, HK sighed. "Irritation: He wasn't doing it properly..." After a moment of regarding the new arrival, he turned to SubZero. There were more interesting things to do than just watching fights. "Query: Are we leaving now?"


icy_demise October 10 2007, 15:15:54 UTC
"He really could use a few pointers," SubZero agreed before looking at HK. Well, that had certainly been an interesting... something. They had both just watched the fight, together. Without making snide remarks to one another.

So HK was capable of not being annoying when he wanted to.

"Yes, we're leaving now," SubZero said.


visualize October 6 2007, 20:17:35 UTC
[From here.]

It was a good thing that his Majesty's room was only a single hallway away. It meant that he could keep an eye on the man, or at least, catch up with him relatively easily if he ever chose to saunter off. Of course, he had more faith in Peony than that, but one could never be completely confident in their predicaments.

His eyes grazed down upon the room numbers as he made his way down the hall, stopping right in front of room M62 and knocked twice.


M62 rappigs October 6 2007, 21:08:32 UTC
Peony was sitting alone in the dark; he hadn't bothered to turn his shine-tube on just yet, and he hadn't finished with his dinner, anyway. Regardless of whether or not it was actually healthy to eat right before bed - like Peony cared - the sudden darkness was kind of annoying. Even so, there wasn't much left on his plate.. just a few green beans, anyway. He guessed he didn't have to eat those..

Leaning up against the wall, his quite loosely bandaged (and quite naked) legs dangling over the edge of the bed, Peony didn't really feel like getting up. Not just yet, anyway. He had to show Jade the gashes on his legs, anyway! It had been somewhat serious this morning, but by now it was back to being a "cool injury" again.

"Halt! Who goes there?" the pantsless emperor shouted. "Cause, uh, evil villains aren't allowed in here, you know," he added for good measure.


Re: M62 razing_phoenix October 6 2007, 22:37:33 UTC
[ Hope it's okay if Gaylordia joins in. :[ ]

It did turn out to be rather convenient that he and the emperor had rooms so close to each other, especially when all of them were supposed to be meeting up like this. As Guy left his and Okita's room and moved out into the hall, he was lucky (or unlucky, depending on how one looked at it) enough to see Jade in front of the door to his right, no doubt waiting for Peony to let him in.

He moved over to the colonel, figuring the man would have already become aware of his presence by now.

"I thought we were meeting at F14?" he started, placing his hands on his hips as he considered the possibilities. Maybe Jade had just come to collect them (or Peony, at least) so there could be a safe escort to the F block. That made the most sense to Guy, at least.


Re: M62 visualize October 6 2007, 22:53:30 UTC
[Um no it's not. >:( *killed*]

It was common knowledge that Jade had a built-in Guydar to track the blond if he was ever feeling particularly lazy with explaining things, which was nearly all the time. Still, at least the Colonel could entrust the latter with the chore of watching the Emperor whenever he wasn't around. When Guy wandered out of the room next to him, Jade gave him a smile before turning his red-eyed gaze back towards the door.

"Oh, we are. I just came by to bolt Peony's door before we're off." He remarked in that chipper tone that couldn’t possibly lead to anything good. Jade made sure to raise his voice so his Majesty could hear through the door before moving his arm back as if preparing to cast a Fonic Arte.


notahangedman October 6 2007, 21:47:51 UTC
Haunt the dark hallways together? Maybe it was his imagination, or maybe not, but Seishirou considered it an appointment. He was in fairly good mood, which was a bit of a surprise, perhaps a bit untrue as the mood was, at least it kept him going for now.

Once the lights were turned off, the doors unlocked and the hell let loose, he felt like it was easier to breathe. He'd take Kikyo's offer for company. If for no other reason, then for distracting himself, which seemed to have become rather important point about his schedule.

Not to mention, the brief moment he had spent with the man had been entertaining to say the least.

He picked up his flashlight, and was out on the hallway before his roommate. He walked to the end of the hall and propped the door open with his elbow, then stayed there observing the darkness in case a familiar face would pass him.


black_ageha October 6 2007, 22:53:57 UTC
[ Coming from here ]

Dark halls, there were many. Which of these belonged to Seishirou, Kikyo knew not. And so it was that he passed through his own hall, and seeing no one there, took the very first turn toward the next. As he walked, his thoughts wandered to the moments just a few hours prior...the library, and Ran.

"You don't know me. You just wish you did."

His cold voice echoed through his mind. 'Aya.' A new name to go with his new face. Icy, jaded. Maybe Kikyo had done to his sacred thing, what Seishirou claimed he would do to his own. Ruined. But like Seishirou, Kikyo wanted even the ruined thing to still be his.

If he didn't 'know' him anymore, then he would reacquaint himself. Ran was bound to him...he should have known this would be so when he pushed his sword into his flesh.

Kikyo's footsteps slowed as he sensed a figure standing in a doorway. He didn't need to shine the flashlight in his direction to know he had come to the right place.

"Seishirou-san.." he said with a smile.


notahangedman October 7 2007, 10:04:22 UTC
The light glowing up from the floor where both of their flashlights were directed at gave Kikyo an eerie aura, his pale skin almost glowing in the darkness. Seishirou smiled in respond, his mismatched eyes curving in pleasant amusement, lashes shadowing his dark gaze.

"Kikyo-san, fancy meeting you here," he murmured softly as if it had been a pure coincident for them to cross paths. "You've been well?" he asked politely as he stepped back to give Kikyo more space for entering his hallway.


black_ageha October 7 2007, 16:26:58 UTC
A slight nod in thanks and Kikyo stepped through the door to the hallway behind it.

"Quite well, thank you," he replied politely, as though it were just another day in the life of the neighborhood ikebana instructor. He appreciated the carefree banter with this man, a like-minded individual who could speak calmly of the mundane when they could really give a flying fuck about the rest of the world. No better way to unwind after a tense meeting with the person who could change everything in Kikyo's world.

He paused as he waited for Seishirou to lead the way, not knowing where they were headed, or not caring either.

"And yourself? I trust you have been keeping yourself entertained," he continued with a dark smile.


crimson_handed October 6 2007, 22:38:32 UTC
Ignoring his roommate (and, for the most part, his dinner), Kimbley picked up his flashlight and headed out of the room shortly after the announcements for the night finished and the doors unlocked. No, he had no real idea where the hell he was going ... although if that woman, Lyta, had kept her interest, he had no doubt she'd find him sooner or later. She was a fucking psychic. She could pull his room number from his head easily.

He was barely out the door when a familiar silhouette appeared not far away. The guy from last night - one of them, the one he'd blown off and blinded. Kimbley frowned faintly and pointed his flashlight directly at the man, ready to blind him again - except this time, there were sunglasses in the way, or so it appeared.

And there was the faint stench of homicidal intent in the air ...


teacupdeath October 6 2007, 23:05:20 UTC
Riddick was ready for that shit this time. The light was bright, but his goggles took the brunt of the glare and he wasn't stopping for anything. The Furyan grabbed the flashlight out of the other man's hand and hurled it away, then slammed the ponytailed freak up against the wall. He held him there with his right hand while the left held the shiv and defended his half-healed ribs from whatever brilliant idea his quarry might have next.

"Miss me?" the killer growled. If anyone else coming down this hall was smart, they'd keep out of Riddick's way. It was time for a little pleasure before business.


crimson_handed October 6 2007, 23:31:56 UTC
Well, fuck. He hadn't been expecting that right off the bat. Sure, he'd expected an attack, but this guy apparently had different priorities. Flashlight first ...

Still, there wasn't much room for him to get away in, and so in a split second Kimbley's head was ringing from the crack against the wall and there was a knife just about a foot from his torso. He scowled but kept as calm as possible (under these fucking conditions).

"No," he said idly, hands itching to clap together and blow this fucker's arm off. "Why, did you get lonely during the day?"


teacupdeath October 7 2007, 03:10:01 UTC
Riddick let his blade do the talking, making a non-fatal, horizontal slice just about between where his victim's nipples would be. The resulting wound was a good six inches across; the killer smiled evilly as the scent of blood hit the air. That's more like it. The Furyan gripped the other man tighter to the wall with his right hand and arm, ready to make the next cut but also not wanting to make any mistakes while he had the guy good-and-cornered.


M63 notachick October 7 2007, 15:18:23 UTC
It didn't take long for Okita to get ready. His usual routine of gathering supplies was finished quickly and, once Guy had left, Okita moved into the hall as well. He needed to get to M77 and soon. Hijikata was either waiting for him or missing, and whichever it was, he wasn't going to be happy.

Avoiding the crowds and the fights, Okita slipped through the hallway and on to the next.

[ to here]


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