Day 27: Library

Sep 29, 2007 09:18

Libraries, he'd found, were rarely as dull as people made them out to be.  Though he felt no magic in these tomes, they were still full of useful information.  Maybe some of them could tell him a little bit more about this world he'd landed himself in.

For that matter, why hadn't he run into any of the others yet?  They'd all been fairly close ( Read more... )

diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, edward elric, thursday, snake, mousse, sam winchester, utena, ginji, peter parker, luxord, artemis, raiden, harry, hikaru, xemnas, aya, sparda, usopp, integra, heiji, quatre, yohji, heero, phibrizzo, fox, zoro, kadaj, barret, haku, kratos, kain, l, bridget, renji, jack horner, rhode, homura, kenshin, dairine, siegfried, touma, malik, sora, saetan, luffy, ashton, river, leon (so2), claude, keman, birkin, kikyo, rukia, faust, sousuke, raven, ren, radical edward, guy, kimbley, kairi, byakuya, roy, wesker, valyn, fai, riku, snape, sai, sasuke, daemon, statesman, gin, hisoka, rangiku, scar (tlk)

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Comments 1086

longlivetehking September 29 2007, 18:13:26 UTC
After the awkward lunch, Scar had asked his nurse where the 'board' was located. After she had shown him its location, explaining that he could communicate with the other patients through this 'bulletin board'. At first, he wasn't quite sure how one could communicate with something such as this, but he soon discovered the symbols drawn on the paper.

Even stranger, he understood what these symbols meant. He was quite certain he had never seen such things before, yet here he was understanding them as if he hadn't known anything else all his life! He easily figured these were the means of communication, so he went through the rather awkward experience of copying them in order to write his own message. The symbols became shaky and jerky, as it was quite the chore to even hold the pen, much less draw those symbols with it ( ... )


steel_maiden September 30 2007, 02:08:20 UTC
[hope you don't mind... >_>]

She’d been to the sunroom so many times now, so heading instead to the library seemed like a slightly different way to waste one's time at least as the blonde strode her way in. Integra had to also admit a somewhat morbid curiosity as to what titles madmen would keep on hand for their prisoners to peruse anyway. If the things on the intercom were even half truth though, some of the prisoners may be being transferred as soon as tomorrow. Wherever Doyleton was a codename for. But that was not something she worried with now.

For one, she was looking for a certain vampire as she passed the different shelves, sometimes pausing to skim across their names and authors. At some point she needed to pass along the information regarding her new, experimental partnership with Colonel Mustang that had been hammered out during breakfast. But she’d never seen her servant since. Maybe he’s decided to avoid me, she thought to herself only smirking in belief that no one could see her before she rounded another corner to ( ... )


longlivetehking September 30 2007, 12:42:31 UTC
[not at all ^^]

Scar's bright, green eyes looked up from the book as he was interrupted. Being so caught up with the book he was holding (after all, it was the first time he actually saw one), he hadn't noticed a female approach him. It took a moment for the lion-changed-human to link the name she had mentioned to the book, understanding that this 'Kipling' was the one who told the story. Or wrote it, whatever. This female merely implied to his opinion.

"Difficult to say." he replied. "After all, I have just began." Not to mention Scar didn't have anything to compare it with, aside from the stories he was told at home when he was merely a cub.


steel_maiden September 30 2007, 18:16:09 UTC
Well she couldn’t say the book didn’t hold any meaning for her. Integra still remembered reading it as a child, though the details of every story held within were hardly clear any longer. She did remember Mowgli of course, from the popularity of that story alone some probably thought it was the only one the book contained. But there was the tale of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi as well of course, along with several others. With an Indian mother and an English father it shouldn’t have been surprising that she’d find ways to relate to a lot of those stories as a girl ( ... )


byname_bynature September 29 2007, 18:14:43 UTC
(Unknowingly waiting for Jack Horner I MEAN, John Trick!)

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the Sun Room Sean? Maybe rest your arm a bit?"

"Oh no, I'm fine Nurse Hedgerow,"

"Well then... Could I at least get you a book that's appropriate for your age level?"

Artemis smiled up from his copy of Socratic Dialogues. "No, thank you. I'm quite content with this one." He had Alice in Wonderland to read for later--so what was this woman complaining about? Eventually she left him alone.

Ah... peace and quiet. How wonderful. No one to talk to, no meetings to attend, just time to himself.


i_slay_giants September 29 2007, 18:28:12 UTC

Jack wondered if perhaps it would be a good time to try and pimp out his stories again. True, only a few had seemed interested in them on the bulletin board, but the patients were REQUIRED to be in the library, which meant they were also required to read something, didn't it? And what better to read than ye olde tales of adventure and heroism? Even the slower witted amongst the Mundys could manage; there had to be a children's version somewhere.

Walking past Artemis, the Fable was struck by how very...smarmy he looked for someone his age. A quick glance at the book he was reading-"Socratic Dialogues"- confirmed Jack's suspicions that this kid was undoubtedly one of those know-it-all punks that had an opinion on everything and LOVED to share, if only to hear themselves talk. Kinda like the jerk on the bulletin board ( ... )


byname_bynature September 29 2007, 18:54:34 UTC
Artemis looked up, mildly curious. A tall, scruffy-looking man with blonde hair was towering over him and, from the looks of it, he didn't seem too happy.

But what could he do to Artemis in a library? Honestly. So he smiled pleasantly at the man and set his book down on its spine. "Ironic for you to be in a library, isn't it?"


i_slay_giants September 29 2007, 19:00:39 UTC
Jack smiled sarcastically sweet at Artemis. "And where is it that you get all your information, HMMMM?"

He grabbed the teen by the collar, smirking sardonically the whole time. "Give me one reason not to wail on you here and now. And no, sedation would be a WELCOME interlude to my pain, so that doesn't count."


notmyfather September 29 2007, 18:20:40 UTC
The library. Finally a place Valyn actually wanted to go and felt as though he could relax some in. Of course, this place's library was nothing like the library's he was used to. Even the books were all wrong! He found himself wheeled into a corner and his nurse pulled a book from the shelf and setting it in his lap.

"I always loved this one," she said. Valyn eyed the title. 'King Solomon's Mines'. He didn't care. He flipped the thing open, keeping it in his lap, and began to read.


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notmyfather September 29 2007, 19:34:08 UTC
Valyn immediately began to answer, but the harsh noise that came out and the pain in his throat stopped him. Sighing internally, he fumbled one handed with the book, trying to close it without losing his place and gather up his paper and his pen.

After much near-dropping, Valyn managed to get to paper.

I don't know, he wrote. I've just started reading it.


(The comment has been removed)

theheirshinra September 29 2007, 18:26:21 UTC
The library. It had seemed better than the sunroom although he usually went there for a nap before the night came. It just didn't seem right this close to the horrors of Landel's being unleashed. Besides, it was quiet here and let him have some time to think.

Talking to Barret had pulled up memories he would have preferred to forget. Settling in a chair with some meaningless book before him, Rufus forced his mind off thoughts of Pyramid Head and back onto tonight. There was a real chance that they would be with AVALANCHE or at least one of its members, and that could be a far worse recipe for disaster than anything before.


faithful_frost September 29 2007, 18:26:22 UTC
Haku asked to be taken into the library this shift, and was glad when there was no resistance to the idea from his nurse. A quiet shift reading sounded good, she'd told him. Truthfully, he wanted to gather more information and having a place to sit and think while pretending to be otherwise occupied seemed like a good thing.

He casually picked up a large book off of a table he was seated near and began to flip through it, mind working furiously.


faithful_frost September 30 2007, 17:12:33 UTC
((Hearing voices was never a good sign. To here.))


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