Day 27: Library

Sep 29, 2007 09:18

Libraries, he'd found, were rarely as dull as people made them out to be.  Though he felt no magic in these tomes, they were still full of useful information.  Maybe some of them could tell him a little bit more about this world he'd landed himself in.

For that matter, why hadn't he run into any of the others yet?  They'd all been fairly close ( Read more... )

diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, edward elric, thursday, snake, mousse, sam winchester, utena, ginji, peter parker, luxord, artemis, raiden, harry, hikaru, xemnas, aya, sparda, usopp, integra, heiji, quatre, yohji, heero, phibrizzo, fox, zoro, kadaj, barret, haku, kratos, kain, l, bridget, renji, jack horner, rhode, homura, kenshin, dairine, siegfried, touma, malik, sora, saetan, luffy, ashton, river, leon (so2), claude, keman, birkin, kikyo, rukia, faust, sousuke, raven, ren, radical edward, guy, kimbley, kairi, byakuya, roy, wesker, valyn, fai, riku, snape, sai, sasuke, daemon, statesman, gin, hisoka, rangiku, scar (tlk)

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Comments 1086

repolarization September 29 2007, 17:38:40 UTC
Ginji felt horrible. His entire body ached from overusing it during lunch. At least he still knew he couldn't jump around or anything, but he also couldn't have let the poor kid get hurt by that big creepy guy.

His nurse brought him into the library. Ginji frowned slightly. He wasn't very good at reading. He asked her to bring him something easy to read as she placed his wheelchair by a table. She grinned and came back with a children's story.

It was better than nothing, with a smile he thanked her and then looked at hte cover. Frowning, he opened it up.

He wasn't sure how much he would be able to focus on a book.


bored_narrator September 29 2007, 21:39:03 UTC
[invading~ hopefully Ginji's not waiting on anyone. If he is feel free to delete |D;;]

Kyon's nurse made the decision to lead him into the Library, going on about the different books that could be found there. She also made a point about the quiet environment, too. Maybe she had picked up on Kyon's mood since breakfast. If she did, she was good.

He glanced around the room and headed to the book shelf. He skimmed through the titles, recognizing a lot of them. None of them though, he really felt like reading. (Damn and it didn't look like they had The Blue Bird of Happiness)

Picking something random he sat down at the nearest table.


repolarization September 29 2007, 21:46:19 UTC
Ginji looked up at the person who sat next to him and smiled. "Hello Kyon-kun," he said, making a cheerful smile appear on his face despite how horrible he felt. He kept his voice low, they where in a library after all. "I'm glad to see you are okay."


bored_narrator September 29 2007, 23:53:54 UTC
Kyon looked up at who was talking to, not being really into the book he was skimming through. He gave Ginji a small smile and closed his book. "Ginji. Yeah, I'm doing alright I guess. What about you?"

He didn't forget their first meeting by a long shot, and now that he thought about it again, he was severely glad that the monster had gone for his back rather than his legs. He didn't want to think about being trapped in a wheel chair.


tartaros_avatar September 29 2007, 17:40:11 UTC
Recluse quickly opted for the library over the blinding natural light in the sun room. This could maybe give him some time to think, and maybe find a good book. He wasn't hopeful about the later, but he was still bored enough to try.

So. A little 'freedom' tomorrow. If nothing else, it would be a good time to use his skills as a thief. He wasn't going to try to escape, or attack the head doctor or some such nonsense. They had captured him easily enough when they first brought him here, when he still had all his powers. And from what he had heard of Landel's appearance in the chapel, attacking him head on was absolutely useless. But he was sure that some would still try.

Recluse wandered through the shelves, eyeing the titles. No non-fiction. How very conductive to weakening people's 'delusions'. And the only fiction he was interested in had mostly been published before he had been born. All the old science fiction novels he saw on the shelves were ones he had read when he was young. And no matter what else was going on that moment, ( ... )


sword_and_demon September 29 2007, 20:27:41 UTC
The library at least had a good selection, though it appeared someone else had already grabbed Dante's Divine Comedy. It wasn't nearly as good translated, anyway. He much preferred it in it's original language.

Instead he found himself heading towards Tartaros, who was holding... a demon summoning manual, of all things. And it wasn't even a real one.

"That one does not actually work," Sparda offered as he approached Tartaros, smiling slightly.


tartaros_avatar September 29 2007, 20:30:50 UTC
Recluse looked up. "I know. But I also know some that still try to use it." Every once in a while, some idiot from the Circle of Thorns or the Hellions would be found with a copy.

"It's truly amazing what some will believe, just because it's in an old book."


sword_and_demon September 29 2007, 20:41:58 UTC
"Hmn. Yes," Sparda did have an appreciation for irony though. He was speaking to Tartaros of greek mythology, while he himself was often considered a myth in his own world.

"Well, I suppose it's better they are trying to use that than anything that could actually summon a demon."


loyal_soldier September 29 2007, 17:46:45 UTC
622 had quietly eaten his midday meal, glad to have no one bothering him while he was eating. Getting the proper amount of food was more important than civilians seemed to think. Maybe they just didn't respect the fact that food might not be handed to them all the time.

The idea of some place where there might be information on this system was promising, but it seemed he had been too hopeful. After a little confusion, he realized all the available books (Paper books! Weren't those only kept in museums?) were stories that people had made up. Fiction. Unhelpful lies. Oh well. There might still be some information on the local culture in these things...


empty_death September 29 2007, 17:53:29 UTC
Faust had simply gone to the library. Books, even fictional books, were something of a comfort. He scanned the shelves, looking around for something that would catch his eye and then spotted his former roommate.

He walked over and frowned, worried and relieved. "Darman? What happened to you?"


loyal_soldier September 29 2007, 18:06:40 UTC
622 looked up as another prisoner approached. 'Darman'? He looked totally confused for a moment. He didn't have a name, why did this--?

Oh. "I'm not 'Darman'. There are other clones here?" That made him hopeful. If there was another clone, that meant there was another stormtrooper here. He didn't usually seem so despirate for the company of other clones, but another Imperial here would be a real relief.


empty_death September 29 2007, 18:13:48 UTC
Clones? Faust blinked and then shook his head. "I'm terribly sorry," he said. "There were two other young men that looked like you, but I have not seen either young man here for at least a day or so."

Time moved so strangly here that he found he couldn't recall the last time he'd seen his missing roommate.


sugarsweetblood September 29 2007, 17:47:10 UTC
Ewwww, reading. Of all her school-related chores, that one held the bulk of her hatred. The books she was supposed to read were so dull and boring and never kept her interest for more than a minute, at best! That's why she had usually gotten the Earl to do things for her like book reports and chapter readings, along with doing her homework for her, of course.

That being the case, she wasn't going to willingly read anything unless some title could keep her attention as she skimmed. Boring, boring, boring, bor... hey!

She drew out a book titled Lolita by: Vladimir Nabokov. She knew that word quite well as it was used to describe her often. Maybe the book could hold he attention for more than a few seconds as the title had miraculously caught her attention. The first page made it very clear that books were not, and never would be for her. Annoyed with the blandness of the beginning, she cast the book down on the floor without placing ti back onto the shelf.

"I'm booooooooooooored~" she cried, pouting.


reanalyze September 29 2007, 21:59:38 UTC
"That's no way to treat a book."

Citan had gotten the hang of wheeling himself about and no longer needed his nurse to do so for him. The library seemed a much better choice than the Sun Room, at least to a man of intellectual leanings. Despite knowing that the room was full of fiction, he still wished to skim the selections. Even fiction could give insight into a place.

Before he even made it to the shelf, he was distracted by the young woman tossing books about. His scholarly side winced at the very idea!


sugarsweetblood September 29 2007, 23:10:42 UTC
Rhode lifted her head at the voice and whipped around. Some odd guy she'd never seen before was trying to scold her for her dismissal of the boring Lolita book. She looked down at it, then back to him. "But it's booooooooring! All of the books here are boring!" she defended. And they were! This place was just too completely boring during the day. She wanted something fun to do and reading was not fun!


reanalyze September 29 2007, 23:44:54 UTC
"You've read them all?" Citan raised his eyebrows. Ah, children. Always so full of energy. It needed to be harnessed and focused to be of any use. Of course, Citan had never been a normal child. Even before the plague he'd been more inclined to try and sneak into a library than run through the streets of the slave quarters of Solaris with the other ragged children.

"I'm sure we can find you something you'd think was interesting. What do you like?"


always_a_victim September 29 2007, 18:02:46 UTC
(Unknowingly waiting for Diva.)

Kain's thoughts were mostly on the conversation he just had. It had gone fine up until just before the end of lunch, but Daemon's insistence that he travel with someone during the night left him unsettled. Kain could take care of himself (as long as he didn't get distracted), and he was sure, or at least mostly sure that Daemon could as well, so why the stubbornness? Was the night really that bad?

And why exactly did the man care, anyways?

At least he didn't have to go back to the Arts and Crafts room. Instead the intercom had announced that the library was an option, and thankfully the nurse let him pick where he wanted to go. Soon he was leaning against one shelf, immersed in The Hound of the Baskervilles.


roses_bleues September 29 2007, 18:30:36 UTC
Diva didn't like being the last, to stand and do nothing at the back of a crowd; it was like the ebbing of the tide when all the humans picked up and left for another area ( ... )


always_a_victim September 29 2007, 18:47:01 UTC
Relaxing as the familiar story was to him, Kain still tensed slightly when a voice addressed him. He just wasn't used to being singled out for conversation (and he had already talked more than he usually did in a week), so when he looked up from the words to face the young woman, he had every intention of somehow foisting her off onto someone else.

That thought quickly fled when he met her eyes. It was unmistakable, the feeling of like to like. A pureblood. But after staring at her for a few moments in wary silence, he realized she wasn't exactly like a pureblood -- something new and strange.

Kain slowly closed the book, absently making sure he remembered his place in the story. How to handle this? He couldn't ignore the subtle warning playing over his skin, a sensation that something wasn't quite right.

"Kain," he finally, finally said, watching her. "Who're you?"


roses_bleues September 29 2007, 20:02:33 UTC
Her expression changed accordingly, as though she were miffed by something. At what, who could say. There was much for Diva to be displeased by.

Not a Chevalier. Not even Saya-neesama's Chevalier.

"I'm Diva," she said, and then repeated again: "Who are you?" It wasn't names she cared about.


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