Aug 24, 2007 23:33

From here

Logan stepped into the hallway. He was sure that Parker would be fine by himself. There was no time to wait around, he had a rendezvous to keep. Moving swiftly, silently, he all but tore down the hallway.

xellos, quatre, phibrizzo, sam winchester, keigo, excel, mewtwo, leon (so2), keman, clark kent, leon magnus, peter parker, wolverine, gluttony, dean winchester, raven

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Comments 101

canieathim August 24 2007, 14:20:38 UTC
He was going to get to see Lust again! Yay! He stepped out the moment the doors opened, completely ignoring the announcer's voice. It was time to see Lust, and that made him happy. She said he couldn't eat their partners, but that was okay. There were a lot of people, and they weren't all Lust's partners. Other ones might be edible. He was really hungry.

Lust wasn't in the hallway. He was sad at this, but knew better than to go roaming the halls. Lust would come find him. She knew better than to let him wander alone. It was big and confusing and he could easily get lost.

"Lust!" He shouted into the almost empty hallway. The other man nearby was tasty looking, but he would leave him alone for now. He had to find his Lust! His Lust had to be nearby. The large sin plopped down on the floor next to his room and waited. She would come for him, and it would be good.


hellmunchkin August 24 2007, 14:45:30 UTC
Waiting until Quatre had gone, Phibrizzo crept into the hallway and checked about for Xelloss. It wouldn't do to talk to him in such an open environment tonight. Last night, they had been fortunate to not have been seen by many others; tonight it appeared that there was a very large, very fat man sitting in the hallway.

And he was staring right at Hellmaster.

Seeing no sign of Xelloss, Phibrizzo tried his best to make his presence lingering in the hallway to appear normal and waved innocently to the large man. "H-Hello, Mister. Why are you out here all alone?"


canieathim August 24 2007, 14:51:46 UTC
Someone new! Gluttony liked meeting new people. They all looked so tasty and yummy and delicious. This one was small, almost bite-size. But he couldn't eat now. Lust might get mad if he started eating people she didn't say she could eat. Still, he did look yummy. He reminded Gluttony of a boy he got to eat a long time ago. That boy screamed and cried right before Gluttony got to eat him. He was tasty.

Gluttony was really hungry, but Lust was still more important.

"Have you seen my Lust?" was Gluttony's optimistically-voiced answer to the tasty-looking small person's question.


hellmunchkin August 24 2007, 15:36:02 UTC
Had Hellmaster SEEN his lust? That was not the sort of conversation Phibrizzo wanted to get involved in. "Lust" wasn't something that one could see, could they? Unless they looked for the signs of its manifestation, but that seemed highly inappropriate for someone of Phibrizzo's "age". And this human (he was human, right?) seemed so cheerful and optimistic about it too. Could he be one of THOSE sorts? Phibrizzo had heard of these sorts of humans before, the kind that liked little boys...

" The Mazoku lord cried, stumbling backwards. This reaction, unlike so many before, wasn't false.


mylackofeffort August 24 2007, 16:29:14 UTC
Quatre left his room and moved quickly through the hallways. He had his flashlight in hand but didn't bother turning it on. He needed to meet Duo and then find Relena.

The new tone in the doctor's voice over the intercom was a little more than unsettling and the feeling that overwhelmed him when he left his room, though not as strong as it could have been, made him feel a little more than nervous.

He hurried down the hall.

[to here]


son_ofkrypton August 24 2007, 20:56:40 UTC
Whatever he thought of Landels so far, the recent intercom announcement sealed the deal - the man on it, who sounded like he was in charge, didn't sound half so friendly once night fell, and sounded positively evil to Clark. And what was this about the three patients? Three patients who would attack the others? Why? Did they want to or were they made to? Seemed like a sick game to Clark, but he had to hope that those people weren't Kasady or Mr. Barret - they'd seemed like good guys from what he knew and the backgrounds of the attackers described didn't sound very positive ( ... )


a_spider_can August 25 2007, 00:34:28 UTC
As Peter left his room, the feeling washed over him. It caused him to hold tightly to the doorknob as he caught his breath. It had taken him by surprise, mainly because this hadn't been a factor during the short time he had been out the night before ( ... )


son_ofkrypton August 25 2007, 01:28:14 UTC
Clark pulled to a stop, for a moment startled as another patient intercepted him. This one was also another guy, but he looked to be college age and...well, somehow average, if you could describe someone even like that.

"That's what I was told," Clark said, and left it at that. He wasn't going to explain why he didn't feel too threatened by things that went bump in the night. He instead changed the subject. "Did you hear the intercom?"

Of course he did. Who hadn't? But it was better to carefully steer the conversation away from the previous topic and onto something else. He still had that feeling on the back of his neck like something heavy was pressing down on him, but he supposed that was to be expected considering he was in what Chloe would've labled as Creepsville.


a_spider_can August 25 2007, 01:50:14 UTC
This guy really didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that a 'monster' (Peter was having a hard time imagining what the things looked like) might be waiting around the corner for them. There had to be some reason for that, and he could only assume that he was someone who had powers, which meant he might be a good candidate to team up with.

How could he really know if this guy was trustworthy, though? He hated having to second guess everyone, but there were all sorts of people in this place, if his first day here was any indication. Maybe if they talked for a little longer, he could get a feel for whether or not he really wanted to spend his night with the stranger.

"Yeah, I heard it, but I didn't really know what it was talking about." Maybe this guy did? That would at least prove that he was helpful, though he wouldn't blame him if he couldn't make any sense of it, either. It felt kind of odd that they were basically just making small talk when there were more important things going on, but he didn't want to be too blunt.


Outside M89 thehellismycar August 25 2007, 13:02:52 UTC
... He totally missed the entire shift back there.

The huntsman had noticed belatedly, as he sauntered toward M38, that Sam hadn't bothered with the essentials and had forgotten to tell him his room number. Rolling his eyes, Dean had retraced his steps despite the nurse's yabbering and left the bulletin note for his brain-dead brother. Sitting cheerlessly (the sudden energy boost suggesting he'd taken a short nap, in the mean time) while awaiting a response, it seemed the duration of dinner was spent there. Ultimately receiving a reply, he was being ushered into his room when the Institute's lights flicked off and the intercom crackled to life. A bit eerie, considering he'd only just closed the door ( ... )


Re: Outside M89 neverreallyfit September 1 2007, 01:16:27 UTC
By the time the knock sounded upon the door, Sam had memorized the dimensions of the room, though the measurements were taken in paces rather than feet or inches. Patience had been all but impossible to summon, and it was by sheer force of will that he had managed to consign to the realm of illusion the sensation of time simultaneously stretching seconds into endless hours, and compressing so that the night would be out within a few heartbeats. He craved action, or at least some line to chase down that might lead to a solid explanation ( ... )


Re: Outside M89 thehellismycar September 2 2007, 14:09:35 UTC
Dean grimaced, narrowing his eyes and gaze flickering thoughtfully to the side.

"No." He glanced back up at his brother, a nonchalant hand on his hip as he sighed. "But, wouldn't hurt to check things out, give the place a once-over, if possible. Think the monsters're bad? Well," the man tapped his flashlight on his forehead and then pointed it to Sam, "That ain't the half of it. This show's got a time limit. I say we go upstairs," he concluded, nodding more to himself. "Otherwise we could scout for a way south, to that basement I keep hearin' about, and, uh..." Smirking, he tilted his head. "Fall into a trap."


Re: Outside M89 neverreallyfit September 5 2007, 04:14:13 UTC
"If this place is as bad as you say it is, it sounds like the whole place'll be a trap," Sam replied dryly. One hand rose to rake through his hair, pushing it back from his eyes, nerves and irritation expressed through pointless motion. "How long do we have?" he asked, expression pulling into a frown, gone slightly distant with his typical concentration. "Or do they just decide to call game over whenever they feel like it?" The beam of his flashlight jagged along the floor as he rolled the neck of it in his hand, idly shifting the positioning of it until the weighting felt most natural.


for_marian August 25 2007, 17:00:16 UTC
Leon had been about to comment that the "flashlight" and "radio" seemed very much like Ae'therian technology, or some of the things that Hugo's company had been experimenting with, when the other man declared that he was going to go "check it out," as though he expected Leon to stay behind in the room. Leon had plans of his own, thankyouverymuch.

Taking the flashlight and leaving the radio behind--he wasn't interested in listening to music at the moment, and doubted any news here would be pleasant or useful--Leon left his room and headed towards the door at the end of the corridor.

[heading this way.]


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