Day 26: Intercom, Evening

Aug 22, 2007 05:47

The intercom clicked on with its usual jingle, the Head Doctor clearing his throat before he made his last shift-changing announcement of the day.

"Well, now that everyone is clean and having fun, I suppose it's time for everyone to be escorted back to their rooms for dinner! Yes, yes, I know the game room can be entertaining and doctor sessions can be fulfilling, but we only have so much time in the day, don't we?

"Ah, and speaking of dinner, tonight, we'll be having an old favorite--seasoned steak, a baked potato, and peas! Yum, yum. You also get a choice of vegetable soup or caesar salad--just tell your nurse which you'd prefer--and may also choose from our usual variety of drinks."

He made his usual pause, perhaps contemplating what the night would have in store once the sun fully set. Now, however, wasn't the time to reveal such musings, and so he ended on his usual cheery note:

"That's about all for now! I hope you all enjoy your suppers."

And again the intercom turned off.

carnage, axel, intercom, anise, goku, kougaiji, jade, naoya, allen, larxene, asch, light, clark kent, tsuzuki, hakkai, hiei, claire bennet, peter parker, luxord, artemis, rena, xemnas, aya, sparda, matsumoto, subzero, riddick, xellos, usopp, ken, integra, quatre, lord recluse, phibrizzo, yuffie, farfarello, hitsugaya, kadaj, gabranth, wolverine, l, citan, renji, kurama, jack horner, rhode, obi-wan kenobi, homura, siegfried, cyrille, larsa, ravi, duo, sora, excel, luffy, ashton, leon (so2), zakharov, river, birkin, claude, albel, ami, kikyo, rukia, ichigo, sousuke, javert, max, roland, peony, hk-47, sakura, yuber, auel, guy, heat, armand, kairi, nadine, roy, wesker, valyn, cloud, leon magnus, relena, sai, sasuke, daemon, aidou, riku replica, gluttony, ashe, eddie brock, hisoka, gin, omi, sanzo, tatsumi

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