Nightshift 19: Soccer/Recreational Field

Nov 10, 2006 05:43

[Coming from herePushing the door open, Kurama was surprised to find himself stepping out into the dark night, cool air meeting his skin and giving the redhead goosebumps. Almost surprised enough to forget his present annoyance with Karasu. Almost ( Read more... )

naminé, xigbar, karasu, luxord, sora, rubedo, daniella, kurama, saïx

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Comments 33

explosives_r_us November 10 2006, 06:05:05 UTC
Holding the door open only long enough to slip out after Kurama, Karasu also took a glance around, observing and taking in every detail that he could see at the current moment in time ( ... )


foxyroses November 10 2006, 15:38:01 UTC
Kurama was likewise cautious as he moved away from the goal and headed left along the wall. He wasn't naive enough to run out into the open when he didn't know what could be lurking in the shadows nearby. Moving slowly, he swept his flashlight in a large arc, scanning the ground in front of him. Nothing just yet...

He was still rather annoyed at the fact that Karasu was still following him, but he let it rest for now. What was he really going to do about it? Yell at him? That was a ridiculous notion. Not only would it prove futile since Karasu wasn't above not listening to him, but it would only prove that the crow's presence made him uneasy. It wasn't like he could force him to go away either. Karasu was most likely physically stronger than the redhead, and he wasn't going to waste what limited abilities he did have on something so petty. Not to mention he'd rather cut off a limb from his body than admit to Karasu exactly how weak he was right now. That would be like saying 'Hey, look. I'm vulnerable. Come get me.' And he wasn't ( ... )


explosives_r_us November 10 2006, 20:21:00 UTC
Karasu continued off the same way as Kurama, though not as closely to the wall as the other. Close enough, however, to seek refuge through one of the doors along the wall if needed; having noted the second door as well.

Turning his gaze back over to the said smaller building, he could only half-wonder if there would be anything of particular use held within-if not some monster that decided to make a small place its abode for unsuspecting wanders. He had from then until he and the fox demon reached it to think about what to do if that was the case-or if a monster decided to show up before them.

There was nothing yet, though-not that he was able to see. Keeping true to his wandering gaze, he continued to observe the unmoving environment taking pleasure in the foreboding silence of the night. It certainly made things all the more exciting. Traveling with a rather annoyed Kurama only made things all the merrier.


foxyroses November 11 2006, 03:42:04 UTC
By this point, Kurama had seen the small shed-like structure as well, and was likewise curious. Perhaps there was something that could be used as a weapon? He doubted it would be that easy, but it was worth a try.

He took his time approaching the shed, keeping to the wall until he'd reached the outer wall. Turning right, he headed up behind the other goal, his flashlight sweeping the area ahead of him. He was becoming more and more unsettled, the farther he got from the doorway, though outwardly he remained calmed. Finally, he paused at the door of the shed.

It was almost a relief not to be doing this alone... Though that relief was mostly (if not completely) dampened by the fact that it was Karasu that was with him, but at least it made things easier. Two sets of eyes were always better than one ( ... )


rage8 November 22 2006, 20:02:37 UTC
[ from here. ]

The unfamiliar darkness would've been somewhat disconcerting to any, normal being in possession of a heart to fear it. As it were, Saïx found himself unphased by the twisting hallways and corridors; though it was not the Darkness that he was so very accustomed to, it still shared the same, basic attributes. Of course, he found himself unable to mold this type, which was somewhat bothersome.

There was not a trace of any colleagues. Nor of Naminé. Nor of the Keyblade Bearer. Saïx's lip almost twitched at such a thought. How he would anticipate his next meeting with Sora, if he were able to anticipate at all.

Funny that, as he pushed a door open to find his way outdoors, that his eyes would fall upon the very boy that had just invaded his thoughts. There he was, creeping down the field toward what looked to be some sort of battle.

"I would've thought you'd learned to watch your back when you were all alone in the dark," Saïx paused as his normally expressionless eyes flashed. "Sora."


scintillatingly November 22 2006, 20:09:08 UTC
[ From here. ]

The voice was familiar, but Sora couldn't match tone with face or name for a moment. All he knew was that it was nothing good. It was sleek, solid...


The boy's shoulders were tensed uncomfortably. He forgot about the scuffle happening across the field, forget even about Junior who was close at his side. He turned slowly, his slippers squeaking in the moist grass as he faced Saïx.

He wasn't like the others. Sora knew this member of the Organization--remembered clearly everything he had done. There had been Luxord, yes, but... But Luxord hadn't said the things Saïx had. Their fight had been something of a game, whereas with Saïx the Keyblade Master had truly felt he was fighting for his life.

In this place, where his powers were weakened and he wasn't sure to what extent the Nobody could still fight, Sora was sent into a slight panic at the sight of the blue-haired man.

He didn't know what to say.


rage8 November 22 2006, 20:15:41 UTC
When the boy didn't respond, Saïx continued, taking another step toward Sora. As was commonplace with the Nobody, his blank expression would betray little of the murderous intent he could feel welling up inside the deepest depths of his being. Only his violently cruel eyes would give the Keyblade Master an inkling as to what his former opponent's motive might entail.

Sora hadn't been the brightest of souls, but Saïx was sure that even he could appreciate just how delicate a situation he was in at the moment.

"Unfortunate that the moon isn't out tonight," he commented simply before arching a single eyebrow. "Have you forgotten your manners? Or did someone do me a favor and cut out your tongue?"


red_dragon_mode November 22 2006, 21:03:21 UTC
Junior was, to say the least, quite confused as to what was going on. Sora had stopped to turn, but seemed to be at a loss for words, and then opposite them was a man who initially struck the redhead as being KOS-MOS, though he had pointed ears, a scar, and yellow eyes sort of like a realian's. Junior's companion and the other man seemed to be acquainted, but it was tough to tell much of anything from the guy's face.

Even so, simple instinct shouted that it wasn't a good idea to leave and continue looking into the fight that was going on further down the field, though the same instinct didn't decide to clue him in to the delicacy of the situation. Given his past history with tossing insults around, he'd probably end up making it worse without realizing it.

"Sora? What's wrong?" the redhead spoke up, gripping tighter on the pole in his hand.


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