Nightshift 19: Soccer/Recreational Field

Nov 10, 2006 05:43

[Coming from herePushing the door open, Kurama was surprised to find himself stepping out into the dark night, cool air meeting his skin and giving the redhead goosebumps. Almost surprised enough to forget his present annoyance with Karasu. Almost ( Read more... )

naminé, xigbar, karasu, luxord, sora, rubedo, daniella, kurama, saïx

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explosives_r_us November 10 2006, 06:05:05 UTC
Holding the door open only long enough to slip out after Kurama, Karasu also took a glance around, observing and taking in every detail that he could see at the current moment in time.

Upon shining the light of his flashlight down onto the grass, the crow demon froze for a brief period, various thoughts running through his head as he took a mere step further and look around a bit more, continuing to observe and scan the area for anything out of place. A quaint little gaming field. How… lovely; for humans, he supposed.

Even as ‘quaint’ and ‘lovely’ as it was however, the whole idea about being outside left the crow demon with a rather uneasy feeling-surprisingly uneasy. It wasn’t the courtyard, no, but it was an outside facility. Shrugging it off after a moments pause, he moved to follow a short distance after Kurama, looking the direction opposite of the other as he stepped further out onto the field with care. Nothing could go overlooked.

Especially not after what Eric had told him and the Scarecrow earlier. He could hardly imagine what else could possibly lurk about outside. He made note then to never allow his guard to drop even in the least bit...

Keeping a vow to his silence, he said nothing as he made a brief glance over to Kurama and then continued with his scanning, moving farther along to the left side upon spotting a smaller building at the end of the field.


foxyroses November 10 2006, 15:38:01 UTC
Kurama was likewise cautious as he moved away from the goal and headed left along the wall. He wasn't naive enough to run out into the open when he didn't know what could be lurking in the shadows nearby. Moving slowly, he swept his flashlight in a large arc, scanning the ground in front of him. Nothing just yet...

He was still rather annoyed at the fact that Karasu was still following him, but he let it rest for now. What was he really going to do about it? Yell at him? That was a ridiculous notion. Not only would it prove futile since Karasu wasn't above not listening to him, but it would only prove that the crow's presence made him uneasy. It wasn't like he could force him to go away either. Karasu was most likely physically stronger than the redhead, and he wasn't going to waste what limited abilities he did have on something so petty. Not to mention he'd rather cut off a limb from his body than admit to Karasu exactly how weak he was right now. That would be like saying 'Hey, look. I'm vulnerable. Come get me.' And he wasn't that stupid.

I need to find a decent weapon... Kurama mused to himself, a slight frown slipping across his lips. He knew it was only a matter of time before they came across something vicious, considering the stories and battle wounds that others had. His little darts weren't going to do too much to monstrosities such as those.

It wasn't long before he came upon another door, leading back into the building. As curious as he was to where this headed, he wanted to finish scouting the rest of the outdoor area before heading back inside. Making a mental note of the door, he continued past.


explosives_r_us November 10 2006, 20:21:00 UTC
Karasu continued off the same way as Kurama, though not as closely to the wall as the other. Close enough, however, to seek refuge through one of the doors along the wall if needed; having noted the second door as well.

Turning his gaze back over to the said smaller building, he could only half-wonder if there would be anything of particular use held within-if not some monster that decided to make a small place its abode for unsuspecting wanders. He had from then until he and the fox demon reached it to think about what to do if that was the case-or if a monster decided to show up before them.

There was nothing yet, though-not that he was able to see. Keeping true to his wandering gaze, he continued to observe the unmoving environment taking pleasure in the foreboding silence of the night. It certainly made things all the more exciting. Traveling with a rather annoyed Kurama only made things all the merrier.


foxyroses November 11 2006, 03:42:04 UTC
By this point, Kurama had seen the small shed-like structure as well, and was likewise curious. Perhaps there was something that could be used as a weapon? He doubted it would be that easy, but it was worth a try.

He took his time approaching the shed, keeping to the wall until he'd reached the outer wall. Turning right, he headed up behind the other goal, his flashlight sweeping the area ahead of him. He was becoming more and more unsettled, the farther he got from the doorway, though outwardly he remained calmed. Finally, he paused at the door of the shed.

It was almost a relief not to be doing this alone... Though that relief was mostly (if not completely) dampened by the fact that it was Karasu that was with him, but at least it made things easier. Two sets of eyes were always better than one.

Grasping the handle of the door, Kurama pushed against it, but to no avail. Pulling yielded the same result. Locked, perhaps. Frowning just a bit more, the redhead kneeled down to look at the lock. In his past life, he'd made a career out of breaking locks and other devices. The more complicated, the better. He wasn't half bad at it as a human, either... Perhaps he could pick this one, too? It was worth a shot.


not_complete November 11 2006, 04:10:45 UTC
"Breaking and entering is not advised," a woman's voice rang out, painfully robotic and devoid of all emotion. But she was promised emotion, wasn't she? Promised to be made into a real girl if she did as told by her superiors.

Daniella was not one to disobey, and the moonlight shimmering off something very reflective, very sharp beside her figure might have been proof enough, had they known what it was. Her footsteps slowly, dreadfully so, became louder, closer to the men. Her shape became closer and closer with them, insane cackles beginning to erupt from her lips.

Picking locks would just have to wait for now.


explosives_r_us November 12 2006, 01:58:22 UTC
Karasu followed suite, walking a bit closer to Kurama no sooner had he turned right to start off closer toward the shed. No harm in that, right? After all, he hadn't been touching him even as much as he may have wished to. This, however, was not the time and place to break out in another argument with the fox demon.

Observing the shed door as Kurama had tried to pull it open; the crow felt the corner of his eye twitch softly upon the sound of another's voice--a rather unfamiliar voice at that. Though rather annoyed by the fact that he had momentarily dropped his guard, he set that disappointment aside to abruptly turn and face the source of the strange voice, narrowed eyes observing with caution as he moved his hand to place it gently upon Kurama's shoulder.

"It appears that we have a little guest in our midst…" he murmured just loud enough for Kurama to hear, hardly able to help himself from smirking at the very excitement. Though he wasn't about to allow his masochistic nature get in the way of staying alive.


foxyroses November 13 2006, 16:56:46 UTC
Kurama nearly jumped at the sound of the voice, a very inhuman voice from what he could hear. A small number of curses passed through his thoughts, but the only reaction he showed was to pause in what he was doing and look towards the source of the voice, turning his flashlight as well.

A woman, from what he could see. She didn't look like the monsters he'd heard of, but the glint of metal that she was holding looked very intimidating. He didn't like the emotionless tone in her voice either. "So I noticed..." Kurama replied just as quietly to Karasu's comment, shrugging the hand off his shoulder and making a mental note to rebuke the crow for touching him at a later time.

For now, as ridiculous as the notion was, he was going to need Karasu's cooperation. The very thought made absolutely no sense, but according to the circumstances, that's how it was. "Do you think you could keep her entertained for about a minute?" Kurama continued, his voice still at a whisper. "It shouldn't take any longer than that."


not_complete November 13 2006, 21:52:53 UTC
Getting closer, her cackles eventually died down under the movement of cloth and heels against grass. Her expression did not change in the slightest after the light rested on her features, save for the small twitch in her lips, curling them upwards in a disgusting display of a smile. Now with the light on her properly, however, what she had been holding, what also happened to be stained with an odd, pink liquid, could be identified.

What it happened to be, unfortunately enough for the two men infront of her, was razor-sharp glass. The maid clutched onto it tighter as she came into enough distance, eyeing the man who had disobeyed her command in the first place. Her arm raised, the smile becoming wider as she ignored the other in favor of punishing the little thief.

"Naughty, naughty boy," she shrieked with glee before swinging her weapon back down.


explosives_r_us November 14 2006, 05:04:10 UTC
(( Pardon the error in my last post. ><; ))

Karasu barely had time to answer as his eyes narrowed in on the vicious shard of glass that was very quickly making its merry way toward the red-head. He didn’t even have a second to think; stepping forward, he swung his hand forward, taking a bruising hold on the arm containing the glass, paying mind to grab her nearest to her wrist to hold better control just in case she might try to stab forward at him.

Acting on instinct, he spread his fingers apart from one another and allowing the sharp ends to sink deep into the flesh, in attempt to cause her to drop the questionable shard of glass; his mind’s eye certainly did not like the very thought of the foreign-looking substance held upon it or what it could possibly do.

With his free hand, he reached forward to grip tightly onto the maid’s neck, pressing his palm forcefully against the middle of it; if she was even remotely human-of which even the very idea was still withholding much questioning to Karasu-then she perhaps would not be able to breath. How effective this would prove to be, he knew not, but it was certainly worth trying.


foxyroses November 14 2006, 05:57:31 UTC
Seeing the glint of the glass, Kurama jumped back away from the psychotic woman out of sheer instinct. Yes, glass, Kurama's mind noted almost just as instinctively upon seeing the weapon. Not metal. He was still expecting to be hit, until he realized that Karasu had stepped forward to stop her. A rather surprising detail... He was almost certain the crow would have liked to see him bleed to death, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak.

Well, if Karasu was going to cooperate, he might as well get to work...quickly. Normally, he'd just slip one of his plants into the lock, break it from the inside and that would be that. At this point in his career, normal locks were so simple that they were boring. But he couldn't rely on his plants this time. Not with his powers as they were. He'd have to pick the lock the old-fashioned way. And he'd have to make his tools from scratch as well.

Slipping his fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, he expertly untangled a seed from his locks, pulling it out once more. He hadn't tried this yet, but he hoped it would work. Transferring some of his energy through to the seed, a shoot rapidly broke out of its encasing and began to lengthen. Unlike a normal flower, however, the shoot only formed one blossom with no leaves, while the roots were replaced by a pointed tip.

It didn't take much more than a few seconds for the rose dart to form, but the result left Kurama disoriented from the energy loss. It took him by surprise at first, having never experienced such a thing before, and he quickly placed a hand against the shed to steady himself, trying to keep an eye on Karasu and the woman at the same time. Was this strange effect also the building's doing? It had to be...


not_complete November 16 2006, 00:26:38 UTC
ahahaaa yes, yes bad patients are to be punished, they die, they whither and rot, naughty naught patients naughttyyy naugghttyyy- These thoughts were cut of the second those hands shot out and grasped onto her.

Normally, one would expect someone to shriek or loosen his or her grip on a weapon when injured and/or lacking air. Sadly, Daniella was not normal. In fact, she had continued to cackle until the hand decided to choke her, and even then, her main response was an annoyed groan at being held down. She struggled, her hand tightening the grip on the glass even still, no matter the ugly cuts she retained, or the pink, transparent liquid that slowly trailed from these wounds.

"Azoth… will. Be… mine," she said quietly, raising her free hand to strike the man whose grip she had found herself in.


explosives_r_us November 16 2006, 02:13:29 UTC
Keeping a firm grip upon the maid’s arm, the demon looked anything but surprised at the fact that he grip around her neck had been anything but helpful to him. She wasn’t human-and if she was-or used to be, she was obvious bubbling over with insanity. He was one to talk…

Upon seeing her moving hand coming across in hopes of making rough contact with his cheek, he quickly ducked back, though not enough to catch a rather large portion of the blow. Cursing incoherently, Karasu ignored the stinging sensation in his cheek, refusing to release the woman’s arm as he sunk his nails in even deeper and moved his hand away from her neck to quickly reach for her other arm as he made a rough lunge forward as though in attempt to knock her backwards.

If he could get her on the ground and pin her there, that would be a miracle in itself. Perhaps if she was as weak as her apperance made her seem, he could buy Kurama a bit more time with his lock-picking.


foxyroses November 16 2006, 02:53:14 UTC
Shaking his head a bit, Kurama managed to dispel the dizziness. Karasu seemed to be handling that woman just fine for now... Which was fine with the redhead so long as she didn't attack him again. It was difficult to concentrate on both his current actions as well as the fight taking place close by, so Kurama put it out of his mind for the time being. He'd just have to trust that Karasu would be able to handle her... Trust Karasu. Two words that just didn't see to fit in the same sentence.

Shoving his thoughts aside, Kurama took the rose dart firmly in his hand and snapped it in half. One down... Kurama thought, looking over the broken tip. The slim pointed end would make a fair enough pick...but the wrench was going to be harder to make.

After sticking the pick through the cloth of his shirt to keep from losing it, Kurama then took up the blossom half of the dart. Grasping the broken end firmly between his fingers, he began bending it, putting small amounts of energy into it while doing so to keep it from snapping like it had before--almost as if he were forcing it to grow to a right angle. He felt the dizziness begin to cloud his mind a bit, but it wasn't nearly as bad as a few moments ago. Still, it was enough to cause his fingers to slip, a hiss of pain following as he cut open his thumb on one of the thorns. If he had been brought up as any less of a gentleman, there might have been a cuss or two.

Bringing the cut to his lips, he sucked on it for a moment before picking up the bent stem he'd dropped and moving to the door.


not_complete November 18 2006, 06:10:13 UTC
She gasped, half in surprise and half in insane glee, when the back of her head collided with the ground, and she cackled and she squirmed underneath the man's grip. Not give up, not give up, punish them, punish the bad, bad children punissh puniiissh killkillkiill

Her laughing became more manic as she pushed back against who was weighing her down, struggling to get free before her mouth opened wider in a maddened shriek. She was not strong, she knew that, but nothing they could do would hurt her.

Nothing could hurt her.

It only made her laugh louder, much as it did when she freed her leg to shove it quickly into the gut of the rather feisty patient. Manners were just harder and harder to find these days…


explosives_r_us November 19 2006, 06:21:12 UTC
Everything had been working out rather well; insane laughing of the maniacal maid aside. Well enough until the crow demon felt a sudden jolt of pain in his stomach, very nearly causing him to release the woman altogether-but he couldn’t do that.

But he did-he released once of her wrists, that is, the other grip having loosened considerably before it tightened again, his place over the maid having faintly faltered, though he tried his hardest to keep his ground.

The maid’s laughing was unnerving, -very- unnerving. It wasn’t about to affect his grip on her, but it certainly was putting a loud ringing tone in his ears as she only got louder and louder. He almost felt that he had no place to call himself crazy-not after seeing But then again…

Moving his other hand again he went to grab at the manically giddy woman’s momentarily freed hand. The pain in his stomach was slowly diminishing, allowing him better movement and his adrenaline along with the idea of staying alive added to it.

“How are you doing…?” he asked Kurama, a bit surprised at himself for even asking or thinking to ask to begin with.


foxyroses November 19 2006, 19:39:37 UTC
Kneeling in front of the door, Kurama expertly shoved the stem into the lower part of the keyhole, pulling it to the side just enough to create a force of torque on the lock without breaking the stem. Pulling the pick from his clothing, he inserted that into the upper part of the lock and began bouncing the tumblers up, trying to get them to catch.

It was tedious work, which made Kurama all the more on edge considering the psychotic woman that Karasu was currently grappling with. It would have been frustrating to anyone else, trying to hurriedly complete a task that by nature took concentration and patience, but Kurama was used to it. This was how he'd started off his career about 300 years ago.

The redhead barely heard Karasu's question, he was so intent on his lock-picking skills. "Getting there..." he muttered back in a preoccupied tone, his gaze fixed on the lock as he heard another tumbler click into place. He couldn't afford to look away, couldn't afford to break his concentration. If he loosened the torque on the lock, he'd lose the progress he'd made so far and would have to start over.


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