Nightshift 26: Hallway between F and M Blocks

Aug 24, 2007 09:08

[From here.]

Still no sign of any patients or monsters, and no word from the radio man yet. Turning right, Rukia continued on around to the first M-Block.

raine, axel, anise, cyrille, sora, jade, usagi, birkin, clark kent, albel, ami, hokuto, rukia, claire bennet, peter parker, gremio, mion, signum, peony, rena, celes, hk-47, matsumoto, yuber, subzero, guy, hinamori momo, wesker, leon magnus, ashe, wolverine, jean

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Comments 114

rappigs August 26 2007, 20:30:01 UTC
[ From here ]

Peony had sped up a little bit once leaving the F-Block, the bigger hallway a little more free, a little less stifling to him. Though he wouldn't mind getting in close quarters with these two little cuties, he'd have to wait. Now he had to - he sighed - do some explaining ( ... )


gald_digger August 26 2007, 22:03:28 UTC
[Following from here!]

Anise gave a quick wave with her flashlight (as she didn't have a free hand) before hurrying after the emperor. His Majesty certainly seemed to be looking forward to exploring the facility--but who wouldn't, with a cute girl at each side?

He mentioned a bulletin. Was there something like that around? She would have to keep an eye out next time she had a chance. It sounded like a good source of information.

Even the emperor believed that stuff about other worlds. Anise was starting to wonder if she was the only one who didn't. How could everyone just accept something so unbelievable?

In response to his suggestion, she gave an enthusiastic nod. "Okay! I'll try it." Anise was curious to find out just how limited her abilities were, too.


noblewhite August 27 2007, 00:19:28 UTC
[ Ditto! From here! ]

She's the navigator? Cyrille fumbled with the folded pieces of paper again, studying and scrutinizing every last bit of what she could see. She made sure nothing left her sight, it would be dangerous to walk around without a good path to follow and a good exit in case of emergencies. Her face crinkled as she read, as if she was using all her mental abilities to make sure she got everything right.

Top left... Cyrille was slightly confused. It appeared as if the map wasn't finished, there was absolutely nothing there! She sighed, perhaps there was a reason these areas were not as well known. If walls could talk...

"We need to go down towards the stairs, there's a set south and," Huh, there were two sets of stairs near them. "I think we should make a left turn. It's probably much safer than being cornered against a walled staircase." Cyrille sighed, There's also more ways to escape in case things go wrongShe cleared her throat and continued, "Once we reach the stairs, we'll see a..." She paused to squint ( ... )


noblewhite August 27 2007, 00:28:35 UTC
[ To Here! ]


visualize August 27 2007, 13:42:55 UTC
[From here.]

"Guy, tell me the last thing you remembered." This was becoming all too repetitive, but it was necessary to see which level everyone was playing at. So far, the only three he were sure of were Anise, Luke, and that other annoying man whose name chose to flee him. He hadn’t gotten the exact date for Peony, so that was something to consider once they crossed paths again.

The Hallway was as equally empty as when he entered earlier, but the echo voices down the hall was nearly evident. If Jade listened hard enough then he could make out said voices coming from the very group that split from them, and from what he could gather it looked as if his Majesty was coming on as a little too excitable. As usual.


razing_phoenix August 27 2007, 21:42:04 UTC
"Yeah, I heard about those alchemists. It kind of sounds like I'd be waiting for forever, but I should probably sign myself up anyway." There was nothing wrong with getting his foot in the door, even if it never amounted to anything. He would just use the bat or whatever else until then, and hope he didn't get himself too hurt. Jade seemed unconcerned, but when was he anything but ( ... )


visualize August 27 2007, 22:50:00 UTC
"I see. Well, you'll be happy to know that we’re on the same boat." This made everything a little more bearable, even though it ruined his chance to poke a little fun at 'seeing into everyone else's future'. Unfortunately for them both, Jade was still unsure of how to go about this. He'd have to seek out others who've had similar cases and try to formulate something out of that.

Guy's approach to Peony's own memory was enough to coax out a chuckle. He'd long since put that part of the past behind him, or at least, when it came to that monster he so wrongfully created back in his younger years. Yes, there wasn't much else he could do but move forward.

"I suppose it could be worse. It'd be rather unfortunate if the others arrived in more or less the same condition as those three."

And then there was... ah yes.

"Is it true that Asch managed to arrive as well?"


razing_phoenix August 27 2007, 23:52:55 UTC
It seemed that he and Jade were the farthest along, then. Asch obviously didn't remember anything after his death, and the others were behind by varying amounts of time. Granted, none of that really mattered while they were here, but it would become more of a problem when they all got back to Auldrant. Although what was going on in their own world when they returned might give them an idea of what had caused the memory loss in the first place ( ... )


ex_northswai344 August 29 2007, 14:55:37 UTC
[[ from here. ]]

It was a path commonly traveled by male a female prisoners alike, or so it would appear. Briefly, the young woman wondered if Cliff's plans for the previous even had been seen to. She would have to apologize to him again some time for deterring him.

Ashe kept a brisk pace, not hurrying at a staggering speed so that all of her surroundings could be observed. So far, this area seemed devoid of the monsters so many had spoken as well. She was beginning to wonder if perhaps Cliff had been exaggerating.

Of course, her mind was focused solely on finding an arm until the gentlemen from the posting board could provide her with the blade she had asked for. Despite the day's previous encounters, no ill will would be held against the Archadian Emperor and his brother's dog, who had executed her father. At the least, she would have to refrain from letting her uglier emotions cloud her judgment. They all sought to leave this place, but it would be a difficult task.


nadine_he_loves August 29 2007, 19:16:22 UTC
"A cop," Nadine said, following after the girl. "A police man, an officer of the law. What are you talking about, not knowing what a cop is?" Where the hell was this girl from?

This place just got weirder and weirder. But there were no voices in her mind, even if this whole place felt like Flagg.


ex_northswai344 August 29 2007, 19:34:56 UTC
"I doubt we hail from the same world," Ashe snapped probably a bit more harshly then she needed to. Her current situation was trying her patience as it were; a woman acting as though she were a fool for not understanding her world's terminology for a law enforcer only added to that irritation, though, in hindsight, she supposed she couldn't blame Nadine. With a sigh, she continued.

"Where I come from, we refer to those that hold such positions as guards or, the supreme Judge Magisters of the Archadian Empire who proclaim themselves the authority on justice and injustice in Ivalice." But there was that bitterness seeping into her voice. Ashe bit her lip, and continued down the hall to the larger one that could lead to either a set of stairs or the Sun Room.

[[ to here. ]]


0bnoxious August 30 2007, 12:18:04 UTC
[From here]

And Albel moved in yet another busy hallway. There were more female scum here, so it seemed the female block was nearby.

He quietly moved further down the hallway.


0bnoxious August 30 2007, 12:35:01 UTC
[To here]


0bnoxious August 30 2007, 12:59:09 UTC
[From here]

It seemed the hallway was just as busy as it was when Albel first got here. It seemed those maggots were keen on wasting their time here, standing around in the hallways. Hmph, how useless!

Ignoring those particular worms, he reached the end of the hallway. It was here when he stopped, contemplating which direction to take now. Perhaps he could find material for the katana, but where would he be able to find enough metal?


face_of_chaos August 30 2007, 13:10:46 UTC
[ coming back from here]

Rounding the corner Yuber’s movements slowed to a complete halt as he caught sight of a familiar figure. The short burst of amusement he felt previously returned as he realised just who it was. Ignoring all the others around him, Yuber didn’t bother to hide his amusement as he sauntered over to the other patient.

“Keep this up and I might start thinking that you’re stalking me.” Yuber murmured.


0bnoxious August 30 2007, 13:18:39 UTC
Albel looked up at the familiar voice, recognizing the maggot in question.

"Hmph, and here I thought it would be the other way around." he replied. He'd cross his arms if he could. "After all, you're the maggot who keeps approaching me." The Elicoorian knew for sure he wouldn't give this idiot his room number.


face_of_chaos August 30 2007, 13:23:51 UTC
“Perhaps it is, and it seems like such a pleasant change from the normal.” Yuber didn’t bother to hide the chuckle at the others words even though he had been expecting that response. He always did find Albel entertaining to play with, and it seemed that the other patient simply didn’t want to change that fact about it either. That was something that suited the black knight just fine.

“And perhaps I find your mere presence entertaining enough to remain around me as well.” Ambling his way over towards the other, the back of one hand comfortably came to rest on the side of his hip as he regarded Albel. “Have you done what you needed to do tonight?”


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