Nightshift 26: Hallway between F and M Blocks

Aug 24, 2007 09:08

[From here.]

Still no sign of any patients or monsters, and no word from the radio man yet. Turning right, Rukia continued on around to the first M-Block.

raine, axel, anise, cyrille, sora, jade, usagi, birkin, clark kent, albel, ami, hokuto, rukia, claire bennet, peter parker, gremio, mion, signum, peony, rena, celes, hk-47, matsumoto, yuber, subzero, guy, hinamori momo, wesker, leon magnus, ashe, wolverine, jean

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Comments 114

scintillatingly August 24 2007, 22:44:40 UTC
[ From here. ]

This hallway wasn't completely empty. There was one pretty gruff, mean-looking guy that was heading into the female block, but that was about it. Which meant that Sora would be left on his own to wait for Rena. That wasn't a problem (it wasn't like he was scared or anything); it was just a little surprising.

He had to keep his eyes and ears open. Since he was on his own, he would make a good target, even though he doubted a monster would be on the prowl so soon. It was better to be safe than sorry.

He hoped Rena showed up soon. Since Kairi's abduction had distracted everyone last night, he wanted to be sure to do a good job this time to prove that he was worth having as a member of the Arts and Crafts group! Which meant they needed to get to that shed sooner rather than later. Still, the boy did his best to be patient.


kaerutokoro August 26 2007, 14:32:50 UTC
[From here.]

The moment Rena entered the hallway, she knew something was amiss. The air around her felt heavier; the doubts in her mind concerning tonight grew. Although the girl hadn't lost her confidence in the work ahead, her concern for Mion's welfare multiplied. It was requiring more concentration than usual to shove the negativity away.

When she spotted Sora, however, Rena felt some of those worries disappear. She had managed to catch both promises tonight in a timely manner. Running over to the boy, the girl offered a quick wave. "Hello. I'm sorry if I'm late."

Her lips gave a slight tug downward as a thought came to mind. "My friend...couldn't make it tonight, so I guess it will be just the two of us." They should be fine by themselves. Right?


scintillatingly August 27 2007, 02:24:44 UTC
Even though he had been getting impatient after a while (the tapping of his foot was testament to that), none of that showed through when Sora saw Rena heading over to him. He waved off her apology. "No, it's fine ( ... )


scintillatingly August 27 2007, 02:28:16 UTC
[ To here. ]


no_side_effects August 24 2007, 22:55:16 UTC
[[From here]]

Wesker had made his way out with very little trouble, standing in a place where he could most easily monitor the largest area with his enhanced vision.

It was almost useful to him that the place was colorless and drab, between the sunglasses and his night vision he could not distinguish colors very easily, and it helped to know that it was all the same anyway.

He had brought his kitchen knife, the exacto knife tucked away in his coat in case he needed it.


g_resolution August 25 2007, 01:00:15 UTC
[Skulking in from over here.]

Chaos and pandemonium aside, William was now lost. Granted, he did know the way to the unfamiliar hallway from the previous day and also the way to the only two rooms they had been allowed to roam in, but otherwise the doctor was brought up short as to where medical supplies would have been kept.

That and the hallway to his right was exceedingly tempting to follow. Perhaps he would find something interesting at its end? The doctor grinned and, without any further ado, began walking unwittingly towards the other set of patient blocks. He just hoped that whatever he found was helpful and not just annoying.


no_side_effects August 25 2007, 01:16:20 UTC
And there was Birkin, wandering along. "William," Wesker said as the scientist started walking in his direction. He could see him very easily in the dark, but no doubt William could not see him as easily.

It was somewhat irritating to be the only one to see in the dark, but at the same time the advantage was nice.


g_resolution August 25 2007, 01:28:52 UTC
A scary voice from the darkness, oh my, and a familiar one, at that. William shone his light towards the voice, mindful to keep the beam aimed at the floor lest he blind the other man.

"Wesker," William returned the greeting. "Any particular reasoning as to why you're lurking in the dark?"


for_marian August 25 2007, 17:18:07 UTC
[coming from here]Not seeing Gremio or anyone who resembled Velsown's description of herself, Leon decided he was the first here and settled in to wait. He hated waiting, though, so he studied the other people hanging about; that it was rude to do so didn't particularly bother him ( ... )


blazingsword August 26 2007, 04:10:15 UTC
[from here]

As she'd feared, one of her teammates was there already waiting...Leon Magnus, if Jean remembered correctly. Gremio had yet to appear, and she didn't see anyone around with a scar on their cheek just yet.

She approached the young man, noting how small he was; not much bigger than Lady Achea. "Leon Magnus? I am Jelio Velsown, but please call me Jean. I apologize for my tardiness, but I had an earlier meeting."

Hopefully Gremio would show up, and they would be on their way. She wondered if there would be a place where they could find metal. Maybe she could find more scalpels.


axe_of_oath August 26 2007, 05:28:09 UTC
[ from here]

Gremio slowed his steps a little as he rounded the corner, shining his flashlight out in front of him and looking for any familiar faces. Leon, Leon... just where was he?

Finally he caught a sight of that familiar scowl, and the blonde couldn't help but smile, releasing a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. "Sir Magnus," he said in greeting as he approached. "I'm glad I found you. Sorry if I held you up." He paused, turning his attention to the young woman standing nearby. Hm... five-foot-ten, dark hair, dark eyes... "And you would be Miss... Velsown, was it?"


for_marian August 26 2007, 05:42:02 UTC
Leon was relieved when the tall woman who entered the hall did in fact turn out to be "Velsown-san." She really was amazingly tall for a woman, taller even than Mary had been, though she had a similar air of cool competence about her. Leon was clearly just going to have to resign himself to being shorter than almost everyone.

He bowed briefly in greeting and said, calmly, "I was not waiting long, Lady Jean." Had Gremio been there at that point he probably would have been surprised by Leon's politeness but Leon was much more likely to be considerate with women than with men, as long as they were well-bred and not as poorly behaved as his sister.

And as though the brief thought had summoned him, Gremio then appeared. "Gremio." Leon did not reassure Gremio that he had not delayed them unduly, of course. It wasn't his way to treat other men so courteously, unless they happened to be in a position of authority over him ( ... )


son_ofkrypton August 25 2007, 22:19:57 UTC
[Peter and Clark coming from here]

Huh, easy guy to deal with. Peter seemed willing to let Clark call the shots instead of bossing him around or treating him like a kid. That was kinda cool, and Clark decided that so far, he liked Peter from what he was seeing. They took a right and ended up in yet another hall; he'd been down this way before, but it looked different in the dark, with only the flashlight as his guide. Leading the way down even more corridors, Clark eventually found them one that wasn't empty (the air still felt heavy, oppressive somehow), and paused, looking at Peter.

What do you think we should do? was the silent question. Try to talk to the other patients, or keep pressing forward? Clark might be leading, but it still felt better to look toward an adult.


a_spider_can August 25 2007, 23:29:31 UTC
Peter wasn't entirely sure why Clark had stopped, but when he glanced over, it seemed like he was searching for input. He looked around, examining the patients who were sharing the hallway with them.

Surprisingly enough, Logan was there with two other men - it looked like they were getting ready to go "hunting." Well, he wasn't going to interrupt. There were two boys who were both on their own, which concerned him. One looked like he was waiting for someone, while the other seemed to just be watching a pair of men--

Wait, was that Wesker? It was kind of odd that so many people he had met today were hanging around in this place, but since Peter wasn't looking to get tied up, he figured it would be best if they moved on.

"Let's keep going, I guess," he said, not sounding particularly sure of himself. He was new to this himself, after all. "Doesn't look like there's much to accomplish here." No one was in any danger, after all, and he wondered if monsters would be coming out any time soon.


son_ofkrypton August 26 2007, 01:58:46 UTC
[Heading down here]


hajike_tobiume August 26 2007, 07:38:03 UTC
[ From here.]

Momo lead her team down the hall quickly, not pausing to speak to the others already there. She cast a look back to make sure Hokuto was behind her, not remotely worried about Signum, and gave her a small smile. It was very odd for her smiles to not reach her eyes, but she couldn't ignore the reiatsu; she was staying alert for any changes in it and those of her friends.

She continued on to the correct M-Block. Kimbley better be there. Trying to cheat Death tonight would be a very bad thing for the alchemist.


blazing_general August 26 2007, 08:42:40 UTC
Signum brought up the rear, and though she concentrated on watching their flanks for any suspicious movement she trusted her other senses enough to take the time to study their new teammate, Hokuto ( ... )


akarusa August 26 2007, 08:58:57 UTC
Hokuto glanced back, caught her eye, and smiled. "Don't worry. I know I'm the least experienced here, but this isn't my first Nightshift. Besides, I've been studying martial arts for the last eight years, even if I'm not exactly a black belt yet, so I can take care of myself." If Signum wanted to ask anything, she was free to, although the reason she'd kept the assurance short was because this wasn't the greatest time to be talking ( ... )


hajike_tobiume August 26 2007, 09:07:27 UTC
Hokuto's words reminded her of another young over-achiever that just wanted people to believe in her. Never mind that Momo had been referring to herself.

"Sumeragi-san," Momo said as they moved along, "remember what I told you earlier." Her tone was not reprimanding, but she hoped she got her point across. Signum would draw whatever conclusions she would, regardless of what anyone told her, using her vast experience.

There was a reason the shinigami had placed the knight in rear-guard.

[to here]


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