Nightshift 26: Hallway between F and M Blocks

Aug 24, 2007 09:08

[From here.]

Still no sign of any patients or monsters, and no word from the radio man yet. Turning right, Rukia continued on around to the first M-Block.

raine, axel, anise, cyrille, sora, jade, usagi, birkin, clark kent, albel, ami, hokuto, rukia, claire bennet, peter parker, gremio, mion, signum, peony, rena, celes, hk-47, matsumoto, yuber, subzero, guy, hinamori momo, wesker, leon magnus, ashe, wolverine, jean

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Comments 114

haiiro_no_chou August 24 2007, 13:14:31 UTC
[Went here.]


haiiro_no_chou September 5 2007, 05:56:36 UTC
[Coming back through from here.]

Taking a right, Rukia lead Renji toward the door to the F-block.

[And going here.]


ol_canucklehead August 24 2007, 15:12:29 UTC
From here.

Logan swung open the door without a thought, confident, silent, swift, the epitome of a predator. He knew his target, his goal. Half-crouched, moving at a speed that defied his adamantium-encumbered weight, he quickly reached the door that lead to the female patients' block. He took up a ready stance, eyes flicking continuously up and down the corridor, nose twitching, ears cocked, poised for not only the arrival of the assassins but also for anything that might try to get the jump on him in the meantime.


ol_canucklehead August 25 2007, 07:39:28 UTC
Once again, Logan was getting edgy. The air around him felt thick, heavy. His face was set like a stone, eyebrows pushed down into the deepest frown possible, lips apart, teeth locked together. What the hell is takin' em so long? He was starting to think that this was a bad idea, that he should have just stayed with the kid and gone exploring with him instead. But, he did say he would be here, that he would run with the assassins and the schoolgirl tonight. He just hated waiting.

Rather impatiently waiting for SubZero, HK & Ami.


arc_wrench August 25 2007, 20:43:08 UTC
[From here]

That thermal signature over there looked like the right meatbag. If not, he didn't care all that much. "Greeting: Hello, meatbag. Query: May we go kill things, now?" He'd feel so much better if he could just make something bleed.


icy_demise August 25 2007, 20:53:30 UTC
SubZero followed after HK, frowning. Didn't he recall that they were waiting for two other people to join them?

He nodded his hello to Logan and then took up a position next to the wall to wait for the girls.


fuyunohanabi August 24 2007, 17:03:13 UTC

She sped down the hallway, glad for once that there were so few people around so early.



bond_off_lame August 24 2007, 17:41:17 UTC
[From here.]

If Axel had to guess, he'd have to say that he hit the halfway point by now. The hallways remained as dark as ever, but it wasn't like he really minded. He was used to traveling through the darkness, and now it wasn't any different. Well, except for the fact that this darkness wasn't exactly a living creature on its own.


bond_off_lame August 24 2007, 17:46:32 UTC
[To here.]


gald_digger August 24 2007, 20:08:43 UTC
[From here]

So far so good. The men's block was nearby. Anise slowed her pace a bit, relieved. Her friends couldn't be far now! She just had to keep her eyes peeled and make sure she didn't miss them.


visualize August 24 2007, 20:52:14 UTC
[From here.]

Well well, what a pleasant coincidence.

"Well, if it isn't cute little Anise~" Jade spoke after taking a moment to confirm his beliefs. Yes, she appeared to be as short and flat-chested as the teenage girl he remembered, so this proved to be a small relief in his ever-growing laundry list of what he should've been accomplishing. The Colonel quickened his pace, stopping a few feet before the girl.


gald_digger August 24 2007, 21:09:12 UTC
"Colonel!?" Anise was expecting a familiar face, but she hadn't heard anything about him being around! "You're here, too!?" Leave it to the colonel to show up when he's least expected. But this was great! The colonel had to know more about the place than she did--and he was much more capable of dealing with dangerous situations than she was. The ideal knight in shining armor!

Anise brightened immediately, and gave him one of her cutest smiles. "Wow! I must be in luck, running into you like this!"


visualize August 24 2007, 21:24:18 UTC
"Well yes, it is a mental institute after all." Jade laughed lightly at his own joke before straightening himself. He still had a good grip on the mop that he managed to confiscate from the Janitor's closet, said object leaning over lightly as its newfound owner relaxed. However, the break didn't last long, and Jade continued along towards the direction of the F Block.

"Luck isn't the best way to describe it, seeing as that we were all taken here against our will." He started again with his usual smile. "How long have you been here anyway?"


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