Nightshift 26: Hallway between F and M Blocks

Aug 24, 2007 09:08

[From here.]

Still no sign of any patients or monsters, and no word from the radio man yet. Turning right, Rukia continued on around to the first M-Block.

raine, axel, anise, cyrille, sora, jade, usagi, birkin, clark kent, albel, ami, hokuto, rukia, claire bennet, peter parker, gremio, mion, signum, peony, rena, celes, hk-47, matsumoto, yuber, subzero, guy, hinamori momo, wesker, leon magnus, ashe, wolverine, jean

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ol_canucklehead August 24 2007, 15:12:29 UTC
From here.

Logan swung open the door without a thought, confident, silent, swift, the epitome of a predator. He knew his target, his goal. Half-crouched, moving at a speed that defied his adamantium-encumbered weight, he quickly reached the door that lead to the female patients' block. He took up a ready stance, eyes flicking continuously up and down the corridor, nose twitching, ears cocked, poised for not only the arrival of the assassins but also for anything that might try to get the jump on him in the meantime.


ol_canucklehead August 25 2007, 07:39:28 UTC
Once again, Logan was getting edgy. The air around him felt thick, heavy. His face was set like a stone, eyebrows pushed down into the deepest frown possible, lips apart, teeth locked together. What the hell is takin' em so long? He was starting to think that this was a bad idea, that he should have just stayed with the kid and gone exploring with him instead. But, he did say he would be here, that he would run with the assassins and the schoolgirl tonight. He just hated waiting.

Rather impatiently waiting for SubZero, HK & Ami.


arc_wrench August 25 2007, 20:43:08 UTC
[From here]

That thermal signature over there looked like the right meatbag. If not, he didn't care all that much. "Greeting: Hello, meatbag. Query: May we go kill things, now?" He'd feel so much better if he could just make something bleed.


icy_demise August 25 2007, 20:53:30 UTC
SubZero followed after HK, frowning. Didn't he recall that they were waiting for two other people to join them?

He nodded his hello to Logan and then took up a position next to the wall to wait for the girls.


ol_canucklehead August 26 2007, 00:54:32 UTC
Logan could smell the two of them as they stepped into the hallway. They approached him at a reasonable pace, which was good, he was becoming increasingly impatient. Maybe it was that...whatever it was that was making the air feel so cloying that was making him so edgy; either way, he was not in a good mood.

"'Bout damn time you two showed up. I was beginnin' ta think I'd be sat in this miserable littl' hall all night." He growled. Considering that they had offered to ally with him, he wasn't exactly being polite. Right now, he didn't care. He snapped at HK's greeting. "What, ya gotta ask permission from me?" Dammit, they were supposed to be on the same side, he'd have to try and keep his temper in check, at least until he found something hostile to take it out on. "If I remember it right, we're still waitin' on someone else, so can't start huntin' just yet." He turned and looked with disdain at the door to the female patients' block. "Ya should know how long it takes fer women ta get 'emselves ready."


icy_pole August 26 2007, 01:20:15 UTC
[From here]

Ami stepped out into the hallway to find the other three already waiting. Hopefully they hadn't been waiting too long.

"Hi," Ami said shyly. "Thank you for meeting us here." She gestured towards Usagi. "This is Usagi. Usagi Tsukino. She is from the same world I am." Ami quickly did the introductions, turning first towards Logan who was closest to her. "Usagi, this is Logan, and SubZero..." She paused as she studied the third man. He was very tanned and angular, and appeared to have a disinterested expression on his face. "And you must be HK-47. My name is Ami Mizuno. It's nice to meet you." Looking at him it was hard to believe he was actually a robot in a human body.


moon_brained August 26 2007, 01:51:14 UTC
Usagi stepped out of the hallway just behind Ami and smiled at the trio of men. They were older than most of the other patients she had met so far, and more intimidating. It surprised her that Ami would make friends with such a mean looking bunch of men. She really must be breaking out of her shell! she thought to herself, suddenly imagining Ami dressed in a leather jacket and a bandanna surrounded by bikers with the faces of the men before her...

"Hello!" she said cheerfully after a moment's hesitation, allowing Ami to introduce them all. SubZero and HK-47 sounded like names from a superhero TV show or a game at the arcade.


arc_wrench August 26 2007, 03:23:25 UTC
HK turned his head to track the new meatbags. Wonderful. And how would these two be useful, exactly? Apart from being meat shields. "Greeting: Hello, meatbags." He then turned to look down the hallway, looking for thermal signatures of potential hostiles. "Repetition: May we go kill things now?"


icy_demise August 26 2007, 03:37:41 UTC
SubZero scowled at Logan, and was about to open his mouth to say something when the girls showed up, all cheery and happy. How the hell had he ended up agreeing to let both of them come along again? It must have seemed like a good idea but he wasn't so sure anymore.

He nodded a hello to the new girl before moving on to business.

"Should we avoid the people who have been brainwashed or try to take them on and get past them. They must be guarding something," That seemed like a logical explanation for him if the head doctor was going to have them stay in one place. "We've been out to the field once already, and it's the closest."


ol_canucklehead August 26 2007, 04:00:12 UTC
Great, the gang's all here. At least now we don't gotta waste anymore time. SubZero was looking at him like he was the one in charge all of a sudden. Well, fine. He'd been the leader of a team more than once, and not only in the military. If 'Zero wasn't inclined to call the shots, then he was damned well going to do it himself. He was through screwing around. "I don' care if we take these freaks head on, or avoid 'em altogether. Either way, I ain't gonna be sittin' here all freakin' night. Let's move out, kids."

He stood to his full height, and flexed his arms. Without waiting for a response (much less a rebuttal), he started moving up the corridor, heading north.

Irritably taking off to here.


icy_pole August 26 2007, 04:09:24 UTC
Ami realised Usagi was surprised at the people she was meeting, and blushed a bright red as she looked down, suddenly very embarrassed and shy. She wasn't sure if HK's comment about being a `meatbag' was just his way of addressing people or not.

Ami was quite happy for SubZero or Logan to take the lead, particularly since she had only been in here for a short time. She nodded at SubZero's suggestion. She was nervous - it seemed like SubZero and Logan were both on edge about something. Better not to dawdle then.

Shooting a quick nervous smile to Usagi, Ami followed Logan.

[Following to here]


moon_brained August 26 2007, 13:30:42 UTC
Usagi returned Ami's smile, but she couldn't help feeling that these men were very strange, especially the HK-something or other. She followed after Ami, hoping that this night wouldn't be too dangerous but fearing the worst.

[ Choo choo]


arc_wrench August 26 2007, 21:20:10 UTC
Yes! Moving meant more chance of finding something to kill. And HK was still feeling quite nervous and agitated. Killing would probably sort it out. It was such a good way to deal with stress and other psychological problems. He had often recommended it to meatbags in the past, but few had seemed very enthusiastic about it...

[HK's body moves along with everyone else. His brain? Who knows.]


icy_demise August 26 2007, 22:29:15 UTC
SubZero scowled at Logan's back as the man lead the way, he flexed his muscles once and then followed along. Well, it did make sense for Logan to be in front, but the other man couldn't just order him around like that. However, they could sort out who was actually in charge later.

[[Following HK's body Going with everyone else.]]


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