Nightshift 25: M21-M30 Hallway

Jul 15, 2007 16:23

As soon as the doors had unlocked, Xemnas already headed outside. His amber eyes scanned the dark hallway, but there were patients nor monsters lurking within the darkness. Keeping his flashlight off as to avoid any unwanted attention, the Superior quickly proceeded ( Read more... )

kyon, homura, edward elric, hinamori momo, larsa, sora, roy, valyn, tsuzuki, tamaki, reno, hiei, gremio, kurikara, hitsugaya, gabranth, signum, artemis, hughes, greed, renji, xemnas, kurama, sanzo, alucard

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stray_shinigami July 19 2007, 23:06:18 UTC
Renji smiled slightly, strangely amused at the way both Artemis and Tamaki were acting. Both of them must have had it easy growing up, that was for sure. He grunted when Artemis mentioned helping him; if the boy picking splintered teeth from his arm bothered him or hurt in the least, he showed no sign. "Don't worry about it. There were only three. Easy stuff." He was nice enough - and gods alone knew why he still felt like being at all nice to Artemis - not to point out that Artemis would have just been dead weight. He shrugged one shoulder - not one the side Artemis was working on. "What's done is done ( ... )


byname_bynature July 21 2007, 19:00:25 UTC
the_clown_king July 23 2007, 02:54:13 UTC

Tamaki exclaimed the word, blushing just slightly. "I suppose we should get started then. Should we collect Miss Sheska, do you think?" He had no idea what anyone thought of him and Ed, and really, he didn't care. As long as no one decided to make it some sort of daily news item, of course.

And now was time to keep spirits up. Ed and Renji and the others would succeed in their mission, and Tamaki had promised that the room would be ready to treat the injured.

He wasn't going to break that promise!


bored_narrator July 23 2007, 07:11:39 UTC
Kyon, by now, moved completely away from the door. The amount of traffic that had come in and out had made it not worth it. So he leaned up against the wall a foot or so away from the door, instead.

Now, Kyon would have gone back to just watching in the back but suddenly his eye caught something that made his eye brows go up considerably. Not one to exaggerate emotion on his face, the brunette stared blatantly as Tamaki and Ed seemed to have ...kissed.

Wait. What!?

He thought that he had acted kinda friendly with eachother, he didn't think they were actually...


Snapping out of his semi-shock at Tamaki's sudden exclamation he studdered for half a second and responded, "Uh, sure. Help would"


the_clown_king July 23 2007, 17:07:57 UTC
"I met Miss Sheska last night," Tamaki said, remembering. He chalked Kyon's stutter up to fear and confusion. "Or, well, she was in the bathroom when I was. We didn't really talk, she was very busy with that other boy, Light. And I was busy with Hikaru and Renji." And it had been a horrid night all around.

"Though.... it's a very far room, and we may be attacked...." Hmmm. "Let's prepare for that, just in case!" He immediately began riffling through drawers and the like, looking for things that would help them if they had to fight - or run from - a monster.


bored_narrator July 23 2007, 21:35:21 UTC
Kyon made his way over to the other as he talked. He stopped a few steps behind him and looked around. He guessed he should help him look. He didn't really like the idea of getting attacked, and if the gorey mess that had been Renji's arm was any indicator, the monsters weren't all that nice.

"Attacks must happen often, then," Kyon commented on how casually Tamaki seemed to say it. He honestly already new the answer, but he felt like getting confirmation. Also, he veinly hoped that maybe he would respond, 'Oh no! Almost never!' instead.

Not likely.

"What exactly are we looking for?"


the_clown_king July 24 2007, 20:40:42 UTC
"Pretty often," Tamaki said, nodding. "Oh, anything we can use against monsters. I'm afraid I'm not very good with my sword yet. Not for real fighting, anyway."

Unfortunately, there didn't seem like much.

"I suppose we'll just have to brave the hallways, then!"


bored_narrator July 25 2007, 18:28:35 UTC
Kyon agreed, save for the small amount of furnature the room was pretty barren. Well, whatever. If they were lucky, they would have anything to worry about. Kyon liked to hope on his luck often, anyways. It always came out right in the end. If it didn't he wouldn't be standing here right now.

Still, Kyon didn't like the idea of being defenseless. Tamaki had a sword, there had to be something he could use in the room.

Frustrated that there was nothing Kyon grunted and gave up. Alright, lets get this over with. He walked towards the door and waited for Tamaki.


the_clown_king July 26 2007, 02:21:06 UTC
"Ah, well, I suppose we should just go...."

Tamaki was clearly nervous about leaving the room. What if they were attacked? Would he be able to protect Kyon? And not die? Well, he'd have to try!

"What if we run?" he suggested, staring from the door to Kyon and back. "Maybe if we're very fast, nothing will bother us...."


bored_narrator July 26 2007, 06:17:30 UTC
It wasn't hard for Kyon to pick up on the nervousness coming from Tamaki. Now that he thought about it, running was probably a good idea. the less scary rabid monsters he ran into, the better. He wasn't exactly confident in the blondes sword skills either.

"Running sounds good, actually," He regreted not having any shoes but nothing could be done about it. "So long as you know where you're going, cause I'm blind in this place."


the_clown_king July 29 2007, 02:52:06 UTC
"Right!" Tamaki nodded and threw open the door, ready to run. He at least knew the way to the girl's rooms.

"I do know where we're going! We'll be there quickly. Just keep up!" He nodded once more and flashed Kyon a bright smile, then began running towards the women's side of the wing...

(To a href="">here)


bored_narrator August 4 2007, 23:10:03 UTC
[from here.]

Kyon honestly was mroe amused than anything at what just happened between Tamaki and Sheska-san, but he kept that look from his face as he retraced their steps back down the halls to where he was sure they had started.

He didn't quite remember the room number so he waited for Tamaki to point it out. He was sure he knew.


stray_shinigami August 5 2007, 20:03:04 UTC
[from here since it's the very end of night and I'm too lazy to move us through all the intervening posts. :X]

Renji kept his pace as quick as he could without jostling Kairi too much; it certainly wasn't fast enough to give Sora any trouble following him. The halls went by without event.

It looked like Suou had indeed collected Sheska; they were all coming back to the room at the same time. Renji didn't feel like saying anything; he elbowed his way past the kids and went in to the room, to deposit Kairi gently on Ed's bed. If anyone said anything to him, he ignored it. He paused long enough to place an oddly fatherly kiss on Kairi's forehead forehead, then straightened, turning to face the door. He intended to head back out in to the hall, away from everyone.

Kairi was safe, for now, and that was all that mattered. He wanted to get out, get back in to a fight, where things were simple and made sense.


scintillatingly August 5 2007, 22:39:52 UTC
The walk back was a little awkward, mainly because Sora had known that trying to make conversation would have been a bad idea, and yet walking in silence didn't feel much better. Luckily, it didn't take them all that long to get back. The night was almost over, which meant the monsters were either already engaged in fights or they had gone back to wherever they came from...

When they reached Ed's room, Sora was surprised to see two people he recognized there. Tamaki he had spoken to a few times, and the girl he had seen the night before.

He focused on Renji as he set Kairi down, and then turned back to the others. "She's okay, I think. I mean..." He smiled, though it didn't seem as heartfelt as usual. "She's still here." She hadn't disappeared, not like some of the others.

Though then Renji tried to push past, and Sora felt pressed to grab the older man's arm. He looked up at him, determined to make eye contact. "Thank you."


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