Night 59: M81-M90 Hallway

Oct 24, 2011 19:38

Scott Pilgrim became aware that something was different in Landel's the moment he jumped about five feet in the air at the blaring of klaxons through M85.

No, literally, he jumped five feet in the air. He hit his head on the ceiling and everything.

"Ow! Son of a-! Unff!" Scott came crashing back down to the bed, nearly breaking the frame from ( Read more... )

ramona, guybrush, scott pilgrim

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Comments 19

M85 sheepwood October 27 2011, 09:20:19 UTC
Ominous announcement over the intercom? Spooky. Pink glow over everything in the room? Mildly disturbing. Scott suddenly regaining his much-akin-to-a-flea jumping powers? Now that was an interesting plot turn.

Guybrush didn't even get a farewell out before his roommate tore through his gear and down the hall. He was clearly a man on a mission, one who had things to do and people to see. The pirate could have said the same for himself; still, he took his time as he looked over the room, the pink sheen that covered everything making him curious. "Ever since the intercom went off, this pink stuff has been all over everything," he remarked to no one in particular as he eyed the floor. "Though seeing Scott with his powers back makes me wonder..."

Bee-lining for the bed, Guybrush picked up Elaine's sword. "This is either going to work, or I'm going to have another embarrassing injury to explain to the experienced inspector." In the familiar fashion, one he'd not used since his arrival, he reached behind him and tucked the sword ( ... )


Re: M85 inconstancy November 6 2011, 18:16:59 UTC
[ from here]

The door opened fast and they tumbled in, with Ramona letting go of Scott as quickly as possible while she made a graceful landing of her own. She looked around the room and quickly found any thoughts she might have had earlier about rooms quickly answered. There wasn't going to be any customization, because even Scott's room was left untouched. Then again, that might be the result of what his roommate wanted, which might have been the case. She noticed he had to have one because there wasn't one messed up covers, but two.

Ramona moved and dragged herself up onto one of the desks and sat with her legs out in front of her. "What do you have for me, Scott?" she asked, not drawing attention to the fact that they were in his room or that this was suddenly having the ingredients of being really awkward. Oh no, she wasn't about to bring attention to that.

But it was definitely there.


vsyourface November 9 2011, 06:41:52 UTC
Ramona knew Scott's tendencies well. Scott's landing was considerably less graceful than his girlfriend's, and involved a lot more rolling head over heels and almost hitting the end of the bed. Pink force-field-ness swirled before his eyes for a few moments while he regained his sense of spatial awareness. Ramona was lucky; in his daze, he didn't yet realize what her being in the Game Room implied about where she had been earlier ( ... )


inconstancy November 9 2011, 06:58:56 UTC
That stupid look he was giving her didn't help, and it almost made any casualness flee quickly. Some part of her wanted to go stoic and cold, but she kept her smirk up for a couple moments longer until Scott started digging.

See, in a completely different scenario, Ramona would've seen this as strange innovation for Scott. He gave her that look he always gave her when he realized he was in love with her (or she figured that was what was going on, Ramona was in his head enough to know she preferred the simple explanations) and then him going down like that would've been a nice change of pace. Not that she minded the normal pace because, mediocre and simple as it was, it was enjoyable. She had it figured out. And sometimes, on the very rare occasion, she even got something out of it. On a good month, those occasions were less rare ( ... )


M83 hiddenbadass October 29 2011, 18:30:35 UTC
It was time to wait. Mike had gotten better with waiting over the years, but it was still annoying. This time, at least, there was no pain to be concerned about ( ... )


Re: M83 oneman_onekill November 2 2011, 06:49:48 UTC
[from here]

'Hurry up and get here, Niikura', was it? Well, hopefully Mike hadn't had to wait for long; the teen had done his best to get to the older man's room as promptly as possible.

"--so yeah, just stay alert, that's all," he said, smiling apologetically at Shiina as they walked down the hall. "Worse comes to worst, people find out, and then I'll really have to teach ya how to use a sword--nah, I'm kiddin'. It's not that bad. But I'll still teach ya! Haven't forgotten!"

He turned his attention back to the doors that they were passing. "Eighty-four...ah, here it is. M83." Niikura stopped squarely in front of the right door and looked back at Shiina. "Prepare yourself, now." He sounded serious, but the smile on his face (which was looking far less apologetic now) said otherwise as he lifted a fist and knocked firmly on the door.

"Oi! Mike-san! It's Niikura! Wake up, we got stuff to do tonight--oh! And I got someone ya need to meet! So get out here 'cause it ain't nice to keep a lady waitin', ya know!"


Re: M83 hiddenbadass November 3 2011, 00:23:38 UTC
Mike heard him coming before he reached the room--sounded like he had someone with him--so Mike merely waited by the door for him to knock. No use wasting time by walking there only after Niikura knocked. So, when the announcement came, Mike only waited a second before he opened the door.

He could've made a girlfriend joke, but the situation didn't warrant it; as he spoke, he opened the door the rest of the way. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm up. It's not like I could sleep through that racket."

Looked like he had a Japanese girl with him. Maybe someone from Niikura's world? Either way, he'd find out in a second.

"Hey, I'm Mike," he nodded to her.


Re: M83 requitedfate November 3 2011, 05:23:44 UTC
Shiina wasn't sure how much she could trust Shou's words to not do something drastic to Harvey if she did tell him, but at least he wasn't likely to act without her knowing. She could generally pick out his writing on the bulletin board so if he started making threats she would be following them. "He said his name was Harvey Dent. He was really nice, so seriously, don't worry about it ( ... )


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