Night 59: M81-M90 Hallway

Oct 24, 2011 19:38

Scott Pilgrim became aware that something was different in Landel's the moment he jumped about five feet in the air at the blaring of klaxons through M85.

No, literally, he jumped five feet in the air. He hit his head on the ceiling and everything.

"Ow! Son of a-! Unff!" Scott came crashing back down to the bed, nearly breaking the frame from ( Read more... )

ramona, guybrush, scott pilgrim

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M83 hiddenbadass October 29 2011, 18:30:35 UTC
It was time to wait. Mike had gotten better with waiting over the years, but it was still annoying. This time, at least, there was no pain to be concerned about.

He flopped onto his bed, resting his head on his pillow. It was time for a quick catnap while waiting for Niikura to show up.

The intercom remained silent, which was odd but Mike didn't pursue to think about it further. If they didn't have anything useful to say, then that was their problem. He just hoped they weren't planning something.

Mike closed his eyes to give himself a moment to doze. Niikura would be here in a bit, and if anyone opened the door, Mike would hear it. Propping his journal up against his door so that it would fall over insured that.

Except it was Mike that fell over the edge of the bed, flailing, when sharps alarms suddenly blared through the building. He jumped onto his feet, hand groping for a pair of nunchaku that weren't there. What in shell--

Mike stilled completely as I.R.I.S. came on over the intercom. Emergency. Code Red. Oh for the love of--

And then a pink glow rushed into the bedroom, and Mike tried to jump away from it, but it covered everything by the time his feet landed on his desk. What the hell?!

He wanted to rush out of his room to find out what was going on, but he forced himself to stay put. Damnit. God damn it. Niikura was supposed to meet him here, and he couldn't abandon his post.

Mike jumped down, landing easily on his feet. He paused for a moment. Things felt... less off. He was still human, but the way he moved... It was smoother. More normal. Unrestricted. His shell wasn't there, his skin wasn't green, but he felt better. More like a turtle, but not a turtle. That wasn't quite the right way to describe it, but he wasn't Donny. Donny would be better at describing it.

He felt more like himself. That's all he knew.

"Huh," Mike made a sound, glancing at his hand.

The sometimes turtle still didn't put two and two together, that others might be feeling something similar right about then and there. He'd find out soon enough.

"Hurry up and get here, Niikura," Mike muttered to himself, glancing at his door.

Something was up, and Mike didn't like it. This felt like it was going to go south. He could only hope that Niikura made it to the room before it did.


Re: M83 oneman_onekill November 2 2011, 06:49:48 UTC
[from here]

'Hurry up and get here, Niikura', was it? Well, hopefully Mike hadn't had to wait for long; the teen had done his best to get to the older man's room as promptly as possible.

"--so yeah, just stay alert, that's all," he said, smiling apologetically at Shiina as they walked down the hall. "Worse comes to worst, people find out, and then I'll really have to teach ya how to use a sword--nah, I'm kiddin'. It's not that bad. But I'll still teach ya! Haven't forgotten!"

He turned his attention back to the doors that they were passing. "Eighty-four...ah, here it is. M83." Niikura stopped squarely in front of the right door and looked back at Shiina. "Prepare yourself, now." He sounded serious, but the smile on his face (which was looking far less apologetic now) said otherwise as he lifted a fist and knocked firmly on the door.

"Oi! Mike-san! It's Niikura! Wake up, we got stuff to do tonight--oh! And I got someone ya need to meet! So get out here 'cause it ain't nice to keep a lady waitin', ya know!"


Re: M83 hiddenbadass November 3 2011, 00:23:38 UTC
Mike heard him coming before he reached the room--sounded like he had someone with him--so Mike merely waited by the door for him to knock. No use wasting time by walking there only after Niikura knocked. So, when the announcement came, Mike only waited a second before he opened the door.

He could've made a girlfriend joke, but the situation didn't warrant it; as he spoke, he opened the door the rest of the way. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm up. It's not like I could sleep through that racket."

Looked like he had a Japanese girl with him. Maybe someone from Niikura's world? Either way, he'd find out in a second.

"Hey, I'm Mike," he nodded to her.


Re: M83 requitedfate November 3 2011, 05:23:44 UTC
Shiina wasn't sure how much she could trust Shou's words to not do something drastic to Harvey if she did tell him, but at least he wasn't likely to act without her knowing. She could generally pick out his writing on the bulletin board so if he started making threats she would be following them. "He said his name was Harvey Dent. He was really nice, so seriously, don't worry about it."

She almost sighed when he mentioned trying to keep from dragging her into his fight. That was exactly what she didn't want, for him to exclude her anymore. They had both shared the same experience, more or less. When was he going to see that she only wanted to help him? Well, she couldn't stay mad at him for any long period of time. And it seemed his promise to teach her sword fighting wasn't idle boast but sincere. "Okay. I'll stay alert."

Niikura's typical Shou-like teasing made the moment easier to swallow and put behind her. Now was the time to meet their friend, so she mentally prepared herself for whatever was to come. Nothing could have quite prepared her for Mike, however. For the second time today Shiina had to fight to keep from staring. The man looked like he had seen his fair share of battles in the past; it was obvious if not from his multitude of scars then from his half-missing left arm.

Shiina swallowed the dryness in her throat, offering Mike a small bow of her head, his voice breaking her out of her small moment of shock. "Hello. I'm Nagasawa Shiina. It's nice to meet you, Mike-san."

In an attempt to hide her awkwardness, Shiina released Shou's arm and clasped both of her hands behind her back, looking back and forth between the two males. "So, what are we up to tonight?"


Re: M83 oneman_onekill November 3 2011, 09:21:35 UTC
'Harvey Dent'--he'd keep that name in mind. It sounded vaguely familiar, so maybe he had seen it over the board once before. But either way, Niikura wouldn't be doing anything to the guy. As long as he wasn't chums with Badd or Byrne--actually, that was okay. It was more like as long as he didn't do anything funny to Shiina. That for sure would earn him a death that wouldn't fall under the umbrella of 'one man, one kill'.

And oh, good, he wouldn't have to do anything ridiculous. Looked like Mike had already been up by the time they'd arrived, unless he was able to leap across the room in a second flat. Given how short the guy was, that didn't seem very likely.

"She's a friend of a friend from back home," Niikura added for clarification, reluctant to fully illustrate their full relationship for obvious reasons (to him). The night was slipping away, and explaining the whole complicated deal of the Shou Conclave would definitely take up way too much of what they had left.

"Anyway, now that we all know each other, guess the game plan's to see if we can finally do what we've been tryin' to do for a while now," he said, scratching the back of his head. "That is, get out to that shed out on the field. Pretty simple, right? I'm guessin' we're all in consensus, so let's get goin'."


Re: M83 oneman_onekill November 3 2011, 09:28:37 UTC
[to here]


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