Night 59: M81-M90 Hallway

Oct 24, 2011 19:38

Scott Pilgrim became aware that something was different in Landel's the moment he jumped about five feet in the air at the blaring of klaxons through M85.

No, literally, he jumped five feet in the air. He hit his head on the ceiling and everything.

"Ow! Son of a-! Unff!" Scott came crashing back down to the bed, nearly breaking the frame from the impact. Or rather he would have, had it not suddenly been covered in an impenetrable layer of glowy pink stuff. (Seriously, what was with the Institute and pink since Aguilar had come into power? First the gruel, now this. Was this the General's way of saying there was more than one reason he liked seeing strapping young men dressed in fine-ass military uniforms?)

The creepy computer voice from the previous week's portal fiasco reared its head again, announcing the most cliched and immediately understandable of all code phrases ever. Scott rubbed the sore spot on his scalp, staring up at the intercom speaker in head-trauma-induced bafflement. What... in the name of Super Metroid is going on...?

It took Scott a few minutes to regain his bearings. The alarms weren't shutting off and neither was the pink glow (force field his mind filled in as he bounced a finger off of it), so whatever was going on, it was real deal serious, moreso than anything else that had happened so far. And whatever it was, it had let him jump like he had back home without even trying. Scott shot Guybrush a look of uncertainty as he stood up, wondering if he could repeat the feat.

Scott jumped with one hand outstretched.

His hand hit the ceiling with no problem.

He backed up, drew in a short breath, then took a flying leap over his bed.

He sailed over it and went far enough to kick back off the opposite wall and land in a badass crouch on top of the mattress.

A toothy grin split open on Scott's face.

He started moving immediately. Aguilar had screwed up somehow. His stats were back up at max, and he was betting everyone else's were too. Scott wasn't sure exactly what he was going to do yet, but he knew that this opportunity probably wasn't going to come knocking again, so whatever he did, he knew it had to be epic.

Grabbing up Senna's sword plus usual gear and foregoing his flashlight (an unexpected side-effect of glowing pink walls: Night Visibility +1), he dashed out of M85, the sides of his parka flapping dramatically in his wake.

[To here]

ramona, guybrush, scott pilgrim

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