Night 59: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Oct 24, 2011 12:11

[from here]Just like last night, Vino turned the bend to find that he was first in the main hallway again. He couldn't decide if he preferred it or not. Patience wasn't his favorite virtue, but he supposed he'd have to wait. The two meeting places he would have to be at were right next to each other, right? So that was fine. If he had to wait a ( Read more... )

seishin, zero, leanne, venom, gumshoe, rita, two-face, terra branford, rapunzel, edgar, the scarecrow, indiana jones, hakkai, rose lalonde, claire stanfield, chipp, mccoy

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melodists October 27 2011, 05:02:48 UTC
[From here and for Luke, Ritsuka, and Gumshoe.]

The central hallway proved peaceful, though it was the sort of calm one expected before a great storm. Tear noted the few in the vicinity, but they all appeared preoccupied. None seemed to be the people she was waiting for. The fact was worrisome, and she vaguely wondered if she should be searching for the youngest of the group.

That, however, would probably lead to more confusion than not, and in a place of conflict, confusion was the last element needed. Therefore, Tear stood by the doorway to the Sun Room, eyes alert for any familiarity or danger.


forgot_it_all November 2 2011, 13:32:45 UTC
[from here]

It didn't take long for Ritsuka to reach the main hallway before the Sun Room. It was a route he took every day since coming here after all and he could probably have walked in blind - may have preferred it in wake of what was going on tonight. The sounds of animals - no, monsters - being battled fell quiet behind him and Ritsuka frowned, ears swiveling back despite himself. It wasn't like he wanted to hear those things, but it was a human's nature to be curious - and his nature to think about what he'd just seen.

Thankfully, Tear's figure formed out of the darkness in front of him and took his attention away from the hallways behind him. His jog slowed to a quick walk and from that to a full stop as he came closer. "...Hey," he called out, his tail and ears flicking apprehensively. "I guess I'm the first to get here?"


dispersive November 3 2011, 21:55:46 UTC
[From here]

Oh crap, had he taken the wrong way? This place looked too different at night! And now there was blood everywhere, that didn't help. Groaning, Luke could do nothing but lumber on until he was absolutely sure he wasn't going in the right direction, which meant hitting a dead end. So far, so good.

Thankfully, it wasn't difficult to see the double doors to his left or the two people waiting next to them. Tear looked much too formal in the stiff, starched uniform they were all given. It did wonders for her chest, though.

"Made it!" He said with a snicker as he crossed the hallway and stood in front of the woman and the cat boy, whose name was already forgotten. Oops.

With Tear finally in person, you know, physically in front of him, Luke felt awkward. He tried to exude a cool, suave demeanor, but it probably came off as forced exuberance. His palms were probably starting to sweat too! Damn it!


ham_fisted November 4 2011, 15:36:36 UTC
[from here; sorry for the delay and repost!]

This was shaping up to be one of his worst nights in the institute, but he knew the only way that would happen was if he let it! The further he got from the other hall, the quicker his thoughts straightened themselves out. He considered himself really lucky that he hadn't been attacked by anything so far, knock on wood. There was no way of knowing whether any of the mess back there belonged to any "patients", especially when he didn't have a flashlight, but if there had been a way, he would have been putting himself in danger by hanging around! He had to try and remember that ( ... )


melodists November 5 2011, 04:26:44 UTC
From her vantage, Tear witnessed the peace in the central hallway deteriorate as people and monsters clashed. Most appeared to manage what was sent to them, and thus, Tear centered her efforts on securing the area. Reinforced pens worked almost as well as knives, a fact that quickly proved useful when faced against a pack of rats. The teenager had just finished dispatching the last creature when a boy approached ( ... )


forgot_it_all November 6 2011, 09:00:12 UTC
He'd been first, but they didn't have to wait for long. Soon enough a redhead who seemed just a bit too excited to be meeting up with them dropped in. Following him and his rather excited greeting came a tall guy that Ritsuka had seen around before. He had no idea what his name was, but it seemed like the confusion was mutual. Four people in a group, three who were likely to be fighters, and the sounds of things dying in the halls around them - what a joyous night. Ritsuka sighed and bowed his head shallowly in greeting to the redhead (Luke, apparently) and the taller man, hoping he'd give his name, too ( ... )


LOL he's not getting out so easily dispersive November 6 2011, 19:02:53 UTC
Ritsuka. Riiight, that was the name. Luke lifted his right hand, the one not holding his sword, and greeted the young boy with a muted smile. "Nice to meet--Whoa!" He quickly got out of the way as one more joined their party behind him. Now he was no longer the tallest one. Luke's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. And it had looked to be such a promising night! Groaning inwardly, the young man made room and stepped closer to Tear who was quick to take the lead. That was fine with him ( ... )


ham_fisted November 9 2011, 15:21:35 UTC
The sounds echoing up and down the hallway were really unnerving, to say the least. Normally, meeting new people in this place might have been enough to distract Gumshoe for a few minutes, tops. But when you combined those ghastly screeches and howls nearby with how the bottom of his boots were slick with blood, how the smell of it seemed to be coming from everywhere, and how his mind kept replaying images of the mess he'd just left behind... It was only a matter of time before Gumshoe would have to let go of all that pent-up, nervous energy ( ... )


melodists November 9 2011, 23:03:48 UTC
Ritsuka presented an answer she had expected. Tear nodded once, keeping her show of understanding to the very basic. She was hardly in a position to question his reasons; she only needed to use the facts to better their journey. Furthermore, Luke answered for both of them in regards to their status, leaving only the stranger without an official standpoint on fighting. Once that was cleared, they could continue on. "We'll make sure you don't have to fight," she assured the boy ( ... )


forgot_it_all November 22 2011, 00:49:49 UTC
Wait, the new guy was a police officer? Ritsuka took a half step back to look up at him curiously, wondering how a police officer could look so much like a human teddy bear. All the ones he'd seen tended to be either the slim-faced bookworm type or the rough and tumble beat cop type.... Then again, most of the police he knew came from television shows, and the man's name - Gumshoe - proved he was from a different country. Which did make him wonder why a police officer had so little combat experience, but Ritsuka decided it would be rude to comment. He seemed sheepish enough as it was and, being a detective, maybe he simply stayed on the investigative end and stayed away from the chase the culprit over fences and across train tracks part ( ... )


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