Night 59: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Oct 24, 2011 12:11

[from here]Just like last night, Vino turned the bend to find that he was first in the main hallway again. He couldn't decide if he preferred it or not. Patience wasn't his favorite virtue, but he supposed he'd have to wait. The two meeting places he would have to be at were right next to each other, right? So that was fine. If he had to wait a ( Read more... )

seishin, zero, leanne, venom, gumshoe, rita, two-face, terra branford, rapunzel, edgar, the scarecrow, indiana jones, hakkai, rose lalonde, claire stanfield, chipp, mccoy

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ham_fisted November 9 2011, 15:21:35 UTC
The sounds echoing up and down the hallway were really unnerving, to say the least. Normally, meeting new people in this place might have been enough to distract Gumshoe for a few minutes, tops. But when you combined those ghastly screeches and howls nearby with how the bottom of his boots were slick with blood, how the smell of it seemed to be coming from everywhere, and how his mind kept replaying images of the mess he'd just left behind... It was only a matter of time before Gumshoe would have to let go of all that pent-up, nervous energy.

In all his years, he didn't think he'd ever come across a mess like that. He just hoped no one had been badly hurt in the fights that must have gone on in there, and that they wouldn't find another area like it upstairs.

He had guessed which one of them was Tear on the first try, he realized absently. Not that it had been very hard. Tear didn't really sound like the kind of name you'd give to a boy. Or maybe it did. Believe it or not, he wasn't always good with names.

"And in case it wasn't obvious, I'm Detective Gumshoe," he offered quickly in turn, probably sounding a little too excited for his own good. Now that that was settled... "Anyway, have you three got any idea what's going on!?" he exclaimed, unable to keep his composure any longer. "I must have passed at least a dozen monsters on my way here! Thankfully, nothing tried to attack me."

To the boy's question, Gumshoe scratched the back of his head, failing to notice that his hands were still shaking. "Me? Well, I know how to confront people, if that's what you mean." It was part of his job, after all. In most cases, resisting suspects didn't give him that much trouble. Controlling people was essentially the same as fighting them, wasn't it? It required a lot of strength, at least. (I got into so many wrestling matches as a kid, was a thought that didn't make it out of his mouth.) "I don't know if I'm cut out for fighting monsters, though." If his previous encounters with them were any indication. He remembered kicking that girl after she'd attacked him and Mr. Edgeworth (a thought that brought on a small amount of guilt, even weeks after the fact), but--

The detective glanced between the three kids. "...But I'm pretty good at sprinting! I've taken part in heaps of relays." He was vaguely aware that he sounded too excited again, but it didn't stop him from letting out a short (albeit nervous) laugh.


melodists November 9 2011, 23:03:48 UTC
Ritsuka presented an answer she had expected. Tear nodded once, keeping her show of understanding to the very basic. She was hardly in a position to question his reasons; she only needed to use the facts to better their journey. Furthermore, Luke answered for both of them in regards to their status, leaving only the stranger without an official standpoint on fighting. Once that was cleared, they could continue on. "We'll make sure you don't have to fight," she assured the boy.

As Tear returned her focus to larger man, her eyes widened at the mention of his title. This would be the second member of the law she had the pleasure of meeting. "You work for a police organization?" the Melodist chanced, wonder evident in her tone.

At his question, however, she immediately grew serious and took to explaining. "Something happened earlier tonight to release the binds on our powers. They put up a force field and released a slew of monsters. To contain us, I suspect." A frown. They wouldn't have much room to navigate this night.

When Gumshoe laid out his abilities, Tear blinked. She had expected some combat experience from a member of law enforcement, but it seemed monsters were not common enemies in his world. That left majority of the defense on Tear and Luke's shoulders. She didn't mind the prospect; however, this meant laying down some ground rules. "Alright," said Tear with a nod to Gumshoe. "I'll take the lead. Ritsuka, if you can stay right behind me, I would appreciate that. Mr. Gumshoe, please follow behind Ritsuka, and Luke, could you take the rear?" She threw a significant look at the last person.


forgot_it_all November 22 2011, 00:49:49 UTC
Wait, the new guy was a police officer? Ritsuka took a half step back to look up at him curiously, wondering how a police officer could look so much like a human teddy bear. All the ones he'd seen tended to be either the slim-faced bookworm type or the rough and tumble beat cop type.... Then again, most of the police he knew came from television shows, and the man's name - Gumshoe - proved he was from a different country. Which did make him wonder why a police officer had so little combat experience, but Ritsuka decided it would be rude to comment. He seemed sheepish enough as it was and, being a detective, maybe he simply stayed on the investigative end and stayed away from the chase the culprit over fences and across train tracks part.

"Yeah, alright." Fighting, it seemed, was going to be a necessity tonight. And without Soubi, Ritsuka was pretty much reduced to being a regular kid again. A regular kid with cat ears and heightened hearing, sure, but a regular kid nonetheless. Staying back while the others rushed forward was one way to be efficient, even if Ritsuka didn't like the idea of them cutting through the swathes of monsters that were bound to come after them. Stepping into line behind Tear, he added, "Just...try not to hurt the things too much, alright?"


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