Night 58: Main Hallway, 1-West

Sep 08, 2011 04:57

[ from here ]

Sesshoumaru had not been in the building for nearly long enough to really know it, and his knowledge had not been expanded yesterday as it might otherwise have been, because of the poisons that had been fed into his system - poisons that somehow worked, which had been a disconcerting and unpleasant experience. In the end, though, all ( Read more... )

zero, kirk, klavier, scott pilgrim, anise, izaya, terra branford, gren, sesshoumaru, indiana jones, woody, claude, guybrush, peter parker, snow, brook, albedo, byrne, guy, stefan, nigredo, two-face, rita, castiel, hijikata, trickster, mikado, yomi, ippo, daemon, aidou, claire stanfield, kratos, zack, harry lockhart

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scientist_skye September 8 2011, 22:42:16 UTC
[from here]

Once Ema arrived in the Main Hallway, she stopped and looked around. She couldn't make out anything beyond moving shadows in the darkness, but at least she was out in the open where she could be found. Shifting her weight awkwardly, she played with the strap of her bag while she waited for luck or chance to kick in. Hopefully, she would be found by a friendly face before a monster noticed that she was easy prey and took the opportunity to strike.

The more she waited and thought about it, the more her doubts slowly transformed into dreaded certainties. This was a bad idea. Lana was going to have a conniption fit, and rightly so. Ema hadn't even left a note for her older sister should she stop by, which in hindsight was poor planning. Lana was probably worried sick, assuming she was still in the Institute at all. What if she had been released? The possibility was awful, but that didn't mean it didn't exist. For all Ema knew, she had been out for days. Lots of things could have changed between then and now--for ( ... )


scientist_skye September 20 2011, 03:48:42 UTC
Completely oblivious to Zero's silent warning and Mr. Dent's surprise at her identification of him as a trustworthy ally, Ema shot the pair a smile as she lowered the light's beam back to the floor. "I've been asleep for at least a day, maybe five. The last thing I remember is Sunday morning, so I figured I could go and see what's going on at night and try to find some answers. With all of the changes lately, I thought that maybe the nights were different, too. Zero promised to keep me safe and he needs a weapon, so we're going to find him one before we start with the investigation." A pause. "Have you met Zero? Mr. Dent, this is Zero. Zero, Mr. Dent ( ... )


unheroed September 20 2011, 16:43:10 UTC
The hard stare that Harvey got from the other man as he backed off said quite a lot on its own. He didn't know why this guy was so eager to protect Ema, but he was probably just one of those hero types. The type of person that Harvey had been once; the path that he'd left behind. That on its own was almost enough to be annoying, but he was going to have to shove that to the side for now. He'd managed to avoid Ema's staring, so he could ignore the guy's high and mighty attitude too ( ... )


believein0 September 21 2011, 17:58:24 UTC
... Ema sure was energetic all of a sudden. Better than the way she'd been when Zero had found her a few minutes ago, though. She made up for the once-Reploid's silence by spouting out several questions at Mr. Dent, somehow not managing to overwhelm the fellow in the process. That was quite a feat on his part, Zero had to admit ( ... )


scientist_skye September 25 2011, 20:37:58 UTC
So it seemed like the code that was being used over the loudspeakers was incomprehensible to patients all around, not just to her. That was at once comforting and disconcerting; she wasn't the only one in the dark, metaphorically speaking, but that meant they were all in the dark. Also, Mr. Dent answered a question that Ema hadn't thought to ask--General Aguilar was still in charge of the Institute. Once again, Ema fished out her notebook to try and take notes in the darkness. She only hoped she could decipher her own handwriting in the morning.

Mr. Dent confirmed that they could get a weapon upstairs, a statement for which Ema was grateful. She had only been running off of a hypothesis. Zero's follow up question, however, surprised her. Firearms? People had those? The young scientist shifted her attention from her notepad to Mr. Dent, waiting intently for his reply ( ... )


unheroed September 26 2011, 01:39:23 UTC
The fact that Zero immediately homed in on guns as a possible weapon made the stranger stand out far more than his long hair or protective nature had. Harvey was just hazarding a guess, but chances were that Zero had some experience with using firearms specifically. Of course, it wasn't like there were guns just lying around the place. Harvey had learned that the hard way. (Who the hell had been lucky enough to find a shotgun, though?) He was about to explain the special circumstances under which they could be found when the radio in Ema's bag started up ( ... )


believein0 September 26 2011, 19:05:53 UTC
Before Zero could get an answer to his question about firearms, the group was briefly interrupted by the radio in Ema's bag. The once-Reploid was thrown into a state of alert at the sudden voice - a state that really only amounted to a straightened posture and clenched fists, as his stoic expression didn't change in most situations - but he relaxed a little once he realized it was only a transmission. A transmission that was...troubling, mainly because he didn't know who the speaker was or what, exactly, the transmission meant. Ema and Mr. Dent looked like they probably understood, but Zero was left feeling confused and out of the loop. ...Not like that was anything new thanks to his lingering amnesia, but it was still frustrating.

By listening closely, however, there were a few helpful facts he could gather from the speaker's words. Besides Aguilar, there was another possible enemy through the name 'Landel'. Made sense. The place was named Landel's Institute, after all. The speaker was with this 'Landel', but he was on the prisoners ( ... )


scientist_skye September 27 2011, 19:02:55 UTC
While Mr. Dent's inability to answer her question was framed in a way that pretty much halted discussion for now, Ema had to admit that he was right. They only had so much time to move; they would lose the night if they didn't start walking. Zero seemed to have no protests, looking at her expectantly, so she gave a small nod of her own. "Yeah, we should go. We can't really do anything about Marc or his friend or Dr. Landel right now." Or ever, in Ema's case--she knew that she wasn't really equipped to make any sort of daring maneuvers or rescues, especially not at night. Vision was something of a prerequisite for that.

All agreed on the decision, the group began walking. Ema made it a point to stay near Zero as an orientation point, (occasionally getting too close and knocking into him), but she knew this area of the institute well enough that she didn't need too much help finding the stairs.

[to here]


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