Night 57: Main Hallway, 1-East

Jul 16, 2011 02:12

[ from here]As far as Riku knew-which wasn't a reliable piece of information in the least-this was approaching new territory for him. It was the first time he tempted fate by going somewhere without one of his friends since he first woke up in this place. If it wasn't Sora or Kairi that was there with him, it was Naminé; to some degree, each one had ( Read more... )

sonia, zero, sechs, albedo, jessica drew, donna, venom, kairi, badd, izaya, rose (tvd), terra branford, claire littleton, castiel, sora, the scarecrow, utena, ippo, riku, zex, yomi, guybrush, meekins, claire stanfield, kratos, zack, gant

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Comments 116

purpletaint July 16 2011, 07:09:38 UTC
Ah, now, what was familiar about this interaction? Hm, let's see... Perhaps it reminded one of a little brother, and the inherent nature to ignore half of what Albedo said to pick and choose what to respond to. The boy rolled his eyes grandly, listening for the name instead. And place ironies where they lay, for he had spoke of colors, had he not? And what had he first thought, when that girl had appeared before him, all false charm and deadly cheer? What lovely violet eyes you have, and here was white touching silver, and here was a name mimicking another ( ... )


tasteoftruth July 17 2011, 00:04:53 UTC
[From here]

No monsters yet, no point in killing off your research subjects before they even got there. Badd wondered how many people would take Aguilar up on his offer, out of greed for a reward or out of fear of punishment. He couldn't be the only one here with someone to watch out for, either, he might not be the only person being blackmailed.

As if he cared right now. Anyone stupid enough to get in his way, monster or human or god knows what else, was going to get a warning punch and after that the gloves were off. He was getting to that medical wing.


tasteoftruth July 17 2011, 00:36:15 UTC

zack_fair July 17 2011, 18:18:39 UTC
[From here.]

This was a part of the institute Zack didn't know as well. He paused for a moment, casting his flashlight beam around as he tried to get his bearings. To the left was a hallway that seemed to go down pretty far and which contained a number of doors. That probably wasn't what they were looking for, and yet it was worth noting anyway.

There was a staircase to the right which was also good to know about, and yet Zack was guessing that they were going to have to press forward to find what they were looking for. He started to do so a bit more slowly, wanting to take everything in and put it to memory.

"So, are you planning to try those drugs?" he asked Rose. He didn't expect her to and it might be best if only one of them took that bullet, but he was curious to hear what she had to say either way. He wasn't going to stop her if she wanted to, seeing how that would be hypocritical, and yet he couldn't shake some of his nervousness about this. It was, no matter what way you looked at it, a bad idea.


loyalrose July 18 2011, 14:35:24 UTC
Rose stayed close behind him, keeping an eye out the way they'd come in case something decided to be clever and try to sneak up on them. Everything looked different after dark, the dimensions, the feel of the building that had seemed so simple and stark a short while ago.

At his question, she glanced up at him and took a moment to think. "I don't know. I haven't decided yet. It would be handy to have a weapon in this place. The voice said we could choose either that or a pin. I'm not sure what good the pins are. Do you?"

The drugs themselves were another matter entirely. What would taking them even do to her? Medicine wasn't something Rose had ever really had to worry about and she doubted that whatever the masterminds here had laid out would have the same effect on her as it would on humans. Or any effect, for that matter. Of course, that could be her being optimistic. The drugs could also do much worse things to her than a normal human, she supposed.

Was it worth a weapon? There was no way to guess without trying, she supposed.


zack_fair July 18 2011, 17:30:20 UTC
So she hadn't decided. In that case it was probably best if Zack took the drugs first, saw what happened, and then they could go from there. That way she could at least keep an eye on him at first and have his back in the event that something completely catastrophic happened. If not, then she could take the plunge herself and then they could both benefit from it ( ... )


poorexample July 18 2011, 00:13:57 UTC
[From here.]

This area was quiet save for one other pair of patients, a man and a woman. Castiel didn't expect that this drug offer was some sort of competition between the patients, and so while he was in a hurry (he always was), he didn't believe that he needed to beat the others to the target.

More than that, he needed to determine where exactly this medical wing was. It had to be around this area somewhere, if the general's words were to be trusted. He'd had no reason to lie.

Castiel strode down the hallway, looking both left and right as he took in the branching corridors and doors and stairwells.


mateswithnobody July 18 2011, 00:50:33 UTC
"It's a figure of..." Donna made a face, amazed that she was having to explain, but let her return fall since he might (emphasis on the might) have been joking. Though if he really didn't understand it, that made him a bit more interesting. Or else dense, which he could very well be. Donna had only spoken to him for like a minute tops.

"Never mind. It should be around here right?" She kept up with him well enough and looked around just the same. "It'd be hard to hide a whole 'wing' after all,..." she stopped abruptly, realizing that she'd just wrangled herself a companion who's name she didn't know. And, she would bet, didn't know her name either.

Good going, Donna.

"Oh, and I'm Donna, by the way. Donna Noble."


poorexample July 18 2011, 04:44:22 UTC
That was a phrase he had heard before: it's a figure of speech. Usually it was Dean who spoke the words, although Castiel realized that he hadn't heard him say such a thing since arriving here. He frowned for a moment, but quickly shook it off. That hardly mattered at the moment.

Either way, the woman quickly focused on the task at hand, which Castiel appreciated. He started to follow the hall to where it ended, noticing the other set of stairs and then a door to the left. It was clearly labeled and the door had been left open, so this had to be the place.

But the woman had offered a name and he turned to her briefly to nod. "I am Castiel." His name was not one that he was ever wary to give here, seeing how it hadn't yet seemed to gain much attention, save for that one message on the bulletin board that still hadn't resulted in anything. Perhaps it had been a simple prank and nothing else. Things were hardly ever that simple, but...

"It's through here," he announced, leading them through without delay.

[To here.]


deadlyjuliet July 19 2011, 03:47:58 UTC
[from hereFinally! A hallway he had never been to before! It sometimes felt as if Grell had crawled over every interesting inch of this Institute only to be disappointed and yet here was somewhere he had never found the urge to visit. Someplace new! Someplace exciting! Someplace ( ... )


deadlyjuliet August 1 2011, 06:42:06 UTC
[from here]

Outside again. What a disappointment. Grell sighed and heaved the chainsaw up onto his shoulders, glancing about the hallway. Something should have happened it was going to happen at all. Instead, however, he was left with nothing but a vague sense of having wasted some time. Shaking his head, Grell glanced up at the ceiling and started down the hall back from whence he came when--

That thing would know all about wasting time.

The death god froze.

Going...finish...time...No! It was fading! He was certain of it! That was the sound of Will's voice! There was no mistaking it! He and William had been working together for years! They'd been together in their training! There was no way Grell would mistake that man's cold, calculating, heartless voice for anyone else! Heart pounding in his ears, Grell knew this was his only chance at getting home. If Will was here, then the death gods must have noticed his absence! Screw the others here! He had to go home ( ... )


train_tracer August 3 2011, 11:38:07 UTC
[from here]

Vino slipped out the door tot he medical wing and back into the hallway. Ah, now here were some people! But strange, hadn't he seen some of these people on the way here? Which meant that he should have passed by them or run into them in the medical wing, at least.

Well, whatever, he had a purpose tonight. But as he turned and started on his way back whence he came, he paused, blinking. What was that on the floor? It definitely looked like some sort of weapon, for sure.

Curious, Vino moved closer. Upon closer inspection, it looked to be a red chainsaw. Of all things to find on the floor at random! He'd never handled one before. Perhaps...?

Vino pondered the possibility for the moment, but a cry interrupted his thoughts. He looked up to see someone frantically running around, seeming to be searching for someone, this "William" person probably. The person had long red hair (the third redhead in a row Vino had seen today!) and he... couldn't quite tell if it was male or female. The voice had sounded male, but the ( ... )


deadlyjuliet August 7 2011, 08:16:00 UTC
"William, if you don't respond I'm going to be very--!!" Grell couldn't finish his threat. Not that threatening William T. Spears ever did any good. The man's heart was frozen solid and his ability to feel mercy as good as nonexistent - which was why Grell loved him so. A good man made you work to catch his attention and was well worth the effort necessary to bask in even a moment of his favor.

And speaking of catching attention... Grell turned, hands balled into fists at his side. Who was talking to him when he was busy trying to find Will?! Apparently a wine-dark redhead who was holding his chainsaw out to him. Grell shot a glance over his shoulder, the green of his eyes flaring for a second, but he couldn't feel anything. It was like the voice had come out of nowhere. Not even the faintest trace of another death god in the area. Either his power had come back and had been lost again or what he'd heard was a phantom. A nasty phantom at that. One that seemed so very real ( ... )


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