jei in damned

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Comments 989

arc_wrench May 23 2007, 14:08:57 UTC
"Statement: This food item has undoubtedly been in the vicinity of a number of meatbags before its arrival on this tray. There must be billions upon billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other infectious agents within it." HK's face remained as blank as always, but his voice grew more emphatic. "Query: You expect me to willingly take this plague carrying piece of deceased meatbag and insert it into my body ( ... )


clone_boy May 23 2007, 17:18:20 UTC
No matter how many days he'd been here, a part of him was still mildly surprised to find that food was given regularly and given fairly often. And it was probably a lot less nutritious than the wholesome, balanced food cubes that served as the field rations.

Darman wasn't quite sure what a "sloppy joe" was supposed to entail, but it looked a bit like red, chunky mud lopped onto some kind of bread. The nurse claimed it was edible, so he supposed he'd just have to take her word for it and hope it wasn't mud or some kind of exotic animal vomit (which it also looked like). Looking around, he saw a few faces he recognized - Ordo was otherwise busy - and he headed to one of the more empty tables. Another patient was already there, staring at the food as if it was poisoned. Maybe the same thought it was animal puke had crossed his mind ( ... )


arc_wrench May 23 2007, 17:27:13 UTC
HK looked up at the new target meatbag. "Statement: Even if it is considered fit for consumption by meatbags, it does not mean that this," he pointed at the monstrosity on his tray "is going to be entering my digestive system." The fact that he had a digestive system at all made him feel even more ill than before.


clone_boy May 23 2007, 17:51:11 UTC
Darman blinked. He'd heard all kinds of slang and euphemisms, thanks to his exposure to Kal Skirata, other clones, and outsiders like Etain and Jusik: he was familiar with wet-droids, walking dead, clankers, and cannon fodder, but somehow he hadn't ever run across "meatbags". It could be Earthian, but they'd seemed content with their words like fuck and shit, from what he'd seen, although he'd have to ask Claire about that sometime. Maybe "meatbag" was a universal thing around these parts.

Darman actually grinned.

"Meatbags, huh?" he said. And took a big, hearty bite of the sloppy joe: it tasted meaty, and sopping with some kind of sauce that he couldn't identify other than the fact it had a taste at all. "Well, I don't feel dead yet, so I think it's safe to eat."

This human (well, he looked human, at least) had struck him as eccentric, but then again, so did just about every non-clone he met up close and personal.


seiran314 May 23 2007, 14:26:05 UTC
Then there was food again. Aya wasn't sure if he should have been irritated or amused by the irony of the lack of his appetite when despite everything else, Landel's kept feeding the patients this well.

Moving along with the crowd, he lost the sight of Bast somewhere. Too much people, too close. He hated places like this, with passion. He took his place in the line and picked up a tray, threw some food on it without much caring what it was or how much of it was there. He probably wouldn't eat it.

Something was to be said about his efficiency in the last days. He had been totally useless if he was honest about it. And it irritated him to no end. Yohji and Schuldig, neither one of them had nothing to do with the irritation, no. That at least was clear.

He took a seat at a table, beside the wall, content to have at least a little bit of secured space around him.


daddyslilkiller May 23 2007, 17:31:01 UTC
As interesting as meeting new people was, sometimes you just wanted someone familiar. Or, well... as familiar as you could get when they were five years older than they should be.

It had been a productive morning, but not really one that had worked up an appetite, so Omi settled on one sloppy joe and a handful of different fruit before wandering over to Aya's table and settling down in the seat across from him. "Hello, Aya-kun. Did you have a good morning?"


seiran314 May 23 2007, 17:49:28 UTC
The half eaten cookie Aya had got from Bast was set on the tray beside the plate where Aya had picked up some random food, all of them untouched. He was beginning to develop a perpetual disliking for anything that even remotely reminded him of food.

He looked up from the plate as Omi sat down and nodded at him as a greeting. "Better than yesterday," he said slowly. "How are you doing?" Rare words from a guy who usually avoided initiating any kind of conversation.


daddyslilkiller May 23 2007, 17:56:49 UTC
Rare indeed, and even rarer from the Aya Omi was used to. Thus, Aya was rewarded with a proud smile for his efforts. Omi may be physically the youngest, but he didn't let little things like age and maturity stop him from mothering them all.

"That's good. I'm doing alright. I met some new people, and I think I have plans for tonight now." Which reminded him... "Sorry about last night. I probably should have at least made sure you weren't on your own or something, but Kurama-kun and I were in kind of a hurry. Were you okay?" See above, re: mothering.

And speaking of mothering, Omi was going to have to say something about Aya-kun's lack of appetite if no eating got done soon. He had to make sure his family team friends were taking care of themselves.


i_slay_giants May 23 2007, 14:40:25 UTC
( Continued from hereJack glanced back bitterly at the doorway. "Hospital", the nurse had said. Well, that was fine and dandy if he were sick, but he felt perfectly healthy. Besides, it's not like he ever had to worry about healing anymore, since he had become the most powerful Fable ( ... )


faithful_frost May 23 2007, 16:44:23 UTC
Haku smiled and nodded his head to the nurse escorting him to lunch. He wasn't really listening, but he did visibly pale at actually seeing the food he was being offered. The nurse must have taken it for a sign of weakness, for she suddenly became concerned for 'poor Chris' health. Especially after fainting this morning. Tsk tsk.' Assuring her he was fine, Haku took a salad and fruit instead. He had to work on following Zabuza-san's order to actually eat.

Odd how he hadn't noticed any problems before.

Spotting someone who looked far more confident than he should, Haku put on his best happy, friendly smile and walked over.

"Hi! May I join you?"


i_slay_giants May 23 2007, 16:59:02 UTC
Jack turned to the voice. Ah, some chick. While he couldn't deny his irresistable appeal to the ladies (they knew a sexy man when they saw one, as he often assured himself), he usually favored the attention of more voluptuous sorts. Why couldn't one of them approach him? Well, it wasn't as if he had seen any hot babes yet. He would have to settle for this one at the moment.

Didn't mean he had to be particularly polite.

"Yeah, whatever," He looked at her again. Same outfit as him. Probably meant she was crazy. Just his luck that another psycho woman would be all over him. So long as she wasn't another Goldilocks, he could probably tolerate her. "What is this place?" He had already determined that it was most likely a looney-bin, but he still held out for the slight chance that he had been mistaken.


faithful_frost May 23 2007, 17:03:51 UTC
Haku beamed and sat down. Oh this could prove, at the least, entertaining.

"It's called Landel's Mental Institution, but it's not a hospital at all," he said in response, considering the man for a moment.

"You must be new." He bowed his head slightly in greeting, then smiled happily up at the blond man. You could almost see the little hearts.

"You're in a prison ... of sorts." He shrugged.


tartaros_avatar May 23 2007, 14:47:43 UTC
Recluse sat at one of the empty tables and watched other prisoners begin to enter the cafeteria. The food looked... Well, as long as he didn't think about how it looked (or tasted), it would be fine.

He took out his notebook, making small adjustments to the entry he had made while in the courtyard. The jagged handwriting was nearly incomprehensible, even if he hadn't written the whole thing in code. It never hurt to be careful when one was making a checklist of items needed for weapons and explosives manufacturing.

Haku had pointed out a man who should be interested in the results of Recluse's work. He'd have to keep an eye out for the man- as long as Recluse could make explosives, he could offer a commodity that not many others here could probably create. And that would give him some small measure of power.


tartaros_avatar May 24 2007, 14:16:48 UTC
[[to here]]


stray_shinigami May 23 2007, 14:53:24 UTC
Renji was working out possible teams for the night in his head as the nurses herded him to the cafeteria. While nothing could be final until they'd talked to Roy, it wouldn't hurt to have the broad shape of the plan laid out in advance.

He took his time and lingered; rather than sitting, he'd much prefer to just catch Hitsugaya - and possibly Roy - as they came in. So he loitered near the entrance as best he could and kept letting people get in front of him in line.


haiiro_no_chou May 23 2007, 15:07:50 UTC
Almost as soon as Rukia had sat down with Captain Hitsugaya and Omi, the nurses and orderlies had shuffled everyone back to the cafeteria. Spotting Renji waiting near the door, Rukia veered off toward him. She knew he was meeting with the Captain and Colonel Mustang, but it wouldn't hurt to say hello.

"Hey," she said, smiling somewhat shyly. "Good luck with introductions." Then she chuckled impishly, adding, "I'm sure you can smooth out any disagreements with your boyish charm." Turning, Rukia headed for the lunch line.

[Going here.]


whiteychan May 23 2007, 15:15:12 UTC
By the time lunch came around, Hitsugaya was admittedly hungry. This time there was no nurse to fetch his food for him, which meant that he could actually choose what he picked up. Hopefully there was actual food here this time. When the doctor mentioned a salad bar with plenty of fruits, he secretly hoped for watermelon. If these "sloppy joes" weren't pre-made, he could probably steal some of the buns as well.

Hitsugaya quietly entered, noting Renji waiting at the door. "Abarai-fukutaicho," Hitsugaya said in greetings. "I will get us a table." He didn't bother to ask how things had gone with his and Rukia's conversation. If Renji wanted to speak on it, he would, and it wouldn't be polite to pry.


stray_shinigami May 23 2007, 15:36:41 UTC
Renji grinned at Rukia as she passed by. "No one with more fuckin' charm than me," he commented before she was out of earshot.

He nodded to Hitsugaya. "Understood, sir," he said. "I'll join you shortly. Colonel Mustang said that he'd find me."

He headed into the lunch line, then; he'd mostly just wanted to hang long enough to find Hitsugaya. Renji was well aware that, even in a crowded cafeteria, he was hard to miss. He still wasn't in a big rush to get his food, though.

Those sloppy joe things sounded kind of scary.


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