Day 53: Intercom, Evening

Dec 08, 2010 12:01

The commotion just after the intercom's jingle displayed the same kind of erratic energy that the Head Doctor had been exuding all day.

"Come on, get those papers out of the way - no, I don't...! Ah! Good evening, everyone, and I hope you all enjoyed the activities we had to ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., klavier, intercom, anise, england, sam winchester, indiana jones, goku (dragonball), amaterasu, zex, claire bennet, kinomoto sakura, kurogane, snow, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, the flash, minako, stefan, watson, peter petrelli, mele, damon, two-face, kanda, tomoe, erika, edgar, neku, tifa, the scarecrow, sync, matt, maya, spock, zack, kratos, l, sechs, senna, bella, scott pilgrim, gumshoe, ritsu, sora, gren, holmes, rei, woody, claude, renamon, ami, guybrush, haruno sakura, germany, guy, kairi, gaara, nigredo, rita, castiel, chise, yue, claire stanfield, scar (tlk)

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Comments 306

F1 ai_no_minako December 8 2010, 20:14:32 UTC
"But I don't want a new roommate. The old one was just fine."

The nurse sighed for probably the tenth time since dragging her charge out of the music room after the intercom announcement. "Ruth has gone home, Annabel. She's back with her family now, so maybe you should consider being happy for her. Maybe she'll come visit you on Sunday?"

Minako subsided again, biting her tongue before retorting that she fully intended to be back where she belonged well before Sunday (even if she hadn't made all that much progress toward it so far, that could change at any moment) because clearly the woman didn't want to hear any of it. She wasn't really all that unhappy about having a new roommate; meeting new people was often interesting and kind of exciting. But really, Kagura had been a nice girl and it was weird for her to just... not be there anymore.

Once back in her room she flopped rather dramatically into her desk chair, just as she would have back at home, and the nurse sighed just like her mother would have at home as well before taking ( ... )


see_my_back December 9 2010, 06:03:05 UTC
Sakura gathered up her things and moved when the nurse pushed her back toward her room. Nothing new about that, but when she walked in the door it was a very different blonde now sharing her room.


It couldn't really be said that she'd been the best of friends with her last roomie, so a new one would either be just as annoying or hopefully somewhat bearable. She nodded once to the other girl, waiting until the nurse left before she could really say much else.

"Hi," she tried, as soon as the door was firmly shut behind her. The girl hadn't tried to get into her shurikens or other weapons, had she? Sakura had to fight the urge to go rummaging for her things. "I'm Sakura."


ai_no_minako December 9 2010, 06:22:55 UTC
Considering that Minako hadn't been all that absorbed in her dinner to begin with it wasn't hard for the sound of the door opening to immediately grab her attention. She dropped the fork and turned to look as the new roommate entered, offering a cheerful smile in response to the greeting... though she couldn't help the brief glance toward the girl's hair. Sakura? Which had come first, the name or the hair color?

Oh, well. It wasn't like she was one to talk, being one of the few blondes at her school. Or make that two blondes, given that she and Usagi were the only ones.

And wow, did she suddenly miss Usagi a lot right now.

Minako quickly shook off that mood and turned her attention back to the present. "Hi! I'm Minako. Aino Minako, nice to meet you!" It was even true, too. For the moment.


see_my_back December 10 2010, 06:47:11 UTC
At least this girl was pleasant, unlike her last roommate. Sakura smiled faintly in return and nodded. Sure was cheerful too. Maybe she could relax just a little.

"It's nice to meet you too Minako-san," she agreed, "I... didn't really expect to have a new roommate. But I guess you probably didn't either."

She let out a sigh and picked up her dinner tray, looking it over curiously. The things they threw together for meals here sometimes just plain baffled her. She sat on her bed, setting the tray within easy reach and spreading her notes out across the rest of the space.


M11 winged_moon December 8 2010, 20:35:45 UTC
Once again it had been a spectacularly unproductive day, but -- even though he hadn't been able to see her, Yue had definitely sensed Sakura's presence somewhere nearby during the last shift. Was that a positive sign, then? She'd been awake and out of her room, at least, but he had no idea what other signs warned that someone was about to be "released." Nobody really did. People were simply there one day and then not, usually without any warning.

At least Yukito and Touya had broached the subject of what they would do if one of them disappeared; the possibility always existed, but nobody wanted to talk about it. Pretending it wasn't going to happen wasn't productive in the slightest, though it did surprise the guardian a little that Yukito had been the one to bring it up. If he were to be honest with himself Yue had to admit that was more the sort of thing he would point out, even if lately he'd been trying to be more... tactful. It made him wonder yet again about the boundaries between himself and his false-- no, his other self, and ( ... )


Re: M11 itneverwas December 9 2010, 19:29:12 UTC
The final shift before dinner had given the day an appreciated measure of productivity; the conversation with Erika had been a source of useful information. Small pieces and hints, but useful ones nonetheless. Even the smallest pieces of knowledge could bring him one step closer to his goals, after all.

His roommate was already present once Xemnas entered the room. A fortunate development, for he had many questions for the other patient. It remained to be seen whether such answers could be acquired easily, however, but the Nobody was a patient man.

"Good evening," he offered as he made his way to the desk on his side of the room and took a seat.


M11 winged_moon December 9 2010, 20:18:52 UTC
By the time their roommate appeared Yukito had managed to polish off almost all of the food he'd been given; he was just contemplating the slice of pie as the door opened, whereupon Yue gently but firmly pushed him back and reasserted control over his own body. You could have waited until I finished the pie, Yukito observed a little wistfully, but didn't object. He was accustomed to it by now, especially when it came to this situation-- Ken had been friendly enough that Yue hadn't minded him (much) but this Xemnas was different.

Yue inclined his head slightly in dignified and equally impersonal greeting, then pushed the tray away from himself and rose to his feet again, turning toward the closet. He might as well make preparations for the night, such as they were. It wasn't as though he had all that much to do or equipment to carry... especially since his flashlight still was without fresh batteries. They were clearly doomed to never complete that errand.


M11 itneverwas December 9 2010, 22:53:42 UTC
The other went about what could only be preparations for the night, having finished his dinner so quickly. Xemnas merely continued to eat his own, allowing a moment of silence to pass before the inevitable would occur.

Still, considering Yue's behavior it would hardly be surprising if he would not be as cooperative as the Nobody would hope.

"Following previous nights, I find myself rather curious about certain matters," he began calmly. "Would you be willing to answer?" The words had not been spoken on a different tone as the ones he had spoken earlier, but they still contained a certain air of authoritative firmness, as if implying he would not easily take a 'no' for an answer, as if he would continue to pry until the other would finally give in no matter how many dinners it would take.


M16 girlsandgadgets December 8 2010, 22:14:52 UTC
Edgar set his tray on his desk, waiting for the sound of footsteps to make it far from the door before he opened his closet. He breathed a sigh of relief- his new toy was still in there, unnoticed by the staff. He had to wonder why they didn't take the charade the whole way. After all, if they were going to bring in visitors and fill the days with activities based around rest and recovery, it seemed strange the nurses never thought to search the wardrobes or drawers when cleaning the rooms; however, Edgar wasn't going to complain if Landel let his staff slide on that for the sake of his own enjoyment. Any advantage for the patients was a good one at this point ( ... )


Re: M16 for_a_song December 9 2010, 01:32:36 UTC
The music room had been a nice diversion, even if he hadn't done any playing himself, and talking with Leela had been enjoyable, touch subjects aside. But by the time dinner rolled around, Gren was starting to feel exhausted again. Hard to tell if the fatigue was simply from the very busy nights he'd been having, or just mental, but he didn't even bother chatting with his nurse as he got his dinner and was lead back to his room.

Edgar was there when he arrived, so Gren made the effort to put a smile on his face, setting down his tray and waiting until the nurse had left to address his roommate. "You look like something's bothering you." He'd much rather hear about how Edgar's evening and day had gone than discuss his own.


girlsandgadgets December 9 2010, 02:36:26 UTC
Edgar leaned backward in his chair as Gren spoke, a wry grin on his face. "Just the usual. Trapped in a place with drab clothes, few women, and even fewer people willing to work together toward a common goal. One would think that bringing down Landel and securing our escape would be a priority for some, but I'll be damned if I can find even a handful of allies like that. I'm lucky for the few I have." He stood, shaking his head. You couldn't force people into decisions- they had to chose their own paths. Still, certain alliances would have been convenient ( ... )


for_a_song December 9 2010, 06:07:10 UTC
"Unfortunately, there seems to be an 'every man for himself' mentality around here," he replied, settling into his chair to poke a little at his dinner. It looked fairly edible, at least. "I don't really understand it, either. We'd probably get much further if everyone would cooperate." Of course, he realized his own thoughts on the matter were a bit biased. He understood camaraderie, craved it. Not everyone did, and not everyone was capable of putting the welfare of the whole above their own personal well-being. "I'm glad you found someone who could treat your arm." He wasn't really sure what could have been done beyond what the institute had already done, but the proof was right there. His roommate's shoulder was undeniably better than it had been the last time he'd seen him ( ... )


M61 hissecondshadow December 8 2010, 23:10:41 UTC
Dinner with roommates. That explained the other bed in the room that Soren had woken up in. He wasn’t certain of what to expect - the bed had been made when he had seen it, sheet corners tucked under the mattress. However, this was more likely to point to members of staff cleaning their rooms than it was to his roommate being fastidiously neat ( ... )


M24 human_sponge December 8 2010, 23:47:01 UTC
After first talking to Elle and then having to deal with Mohinder, the rest of Peter's day had been pretty relaxed. Having to answer questions really wasn't that hard of a task, and the last shift he'd spent on his own, if with some frequent trips to the bulletin to sort things out with Claire. It sounded like she'd be running off with the younger Peter tonight, but he didn't really mind that. Since the other Peter seemed like a good kid he wasn't too worried. They might run into something, but Claire would at least heal. He had no idea if the younger Peter had any fighting ability, but considering his age he probably didn't. It wasn't like they were trying to get over the wall or run for the basement, though, so he wasn't going to work himself up over it ( ... )


allroadslead December 13 2010, 04:23:16 UTC
If Sam had to be honest, if there was one thing he was glad for, it was that Dean had decided it'd be best if they each took off on their own for tonight. He wasn't sure what it was; it wasn't that this was a new development, wanting to get away from his brother or his family in general-he'd been there a long time ago-but he'd always thought he'd gotten used to it again. It'd always been hard to separate the lifestyle from his family, anyway, and a part of him had blamed it more on the former than the latter even, he'd never been able to say for sure. It was something he tried not to dwell on.

But that wasn't really working as an excuse anymore.

Never mind. He could put all that crap out of his mind for dinner at least, right? Take a break. Talking to Peter was always good for that. It was almost like when he'd been in college-working with a blank slate, where being a Winchester didn't mean being a WinchesterThere was a reason why he'd never been able to properly articulate to Dean why he'd left ( ... )


human_sponge December 13 2010, 11:27:28 UTC
Sam's appearance each dinner was something Peter more or less took for granted at this point, which was strange considering how he'd gone through a few roommates before him. It was kind of a morbid thought, like Landel test-ran people before deciding to "keep" them. Except getting chosen to stay was about the last thing anyone could want ( ... )


allroadslead December 14 2010, 05:01:08 UTC
"Uh." Sam paused with a forkful of mashed potatoes. "Pretty okay, I guess."

He'd sort of given up on the concept of ever having a good day; he couldn't really remember the last time that had happened, even before getting snatched up by this place, so any day where nothing completely disastrous and earth-shattering occurred was...doable. Though he was getting to suspect his definition of disastrous and earth-shattering was becoming kinda a bit looser than it'd once been ( ... )


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