Day 53: Intercom, Evening

Dec 08, 2010 12:01

The commotion just after the intercom's jingle displayed the same kind of erratic energy that the Head Doctor had been exuding all day.

"Come on, get those papers out of the way - no, I don't...! Ah! Good evening, everyone, and I hope you all enjoyed the activities we had to ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., klavier, intercom, anise, england, sam winchester, indiana jones, goku (dragonball), amaterasu, zex, claire bennet, kinomoto sakura, kurogane, snow, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, the flash, minako, stefan, watson, peter petrelli, mele, damon, two-face, kanda, tomoe, erika, edgar, neku, tifa, the scarecrow, sync, matt, maya, spock, zack, kratos, l, sechs, senna, bella, scott pilgrim, gumshoe, ritsu, sora, gren, holmes, rei, woody, claude, renamon, ami, guybrush, haruno sakura, germany, guy, kairi, gaara, nigredo, rita, castiel, chise, yue, claire stanfield, scar (tlk)

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Comments 306

M50 unheroed December 8 2010, 23:57:36 UTC
The day had definitely been a mixed bag. Having to talk to Gant first thing in the morning had been nothing short of terrible, but meeting Lana's sister had turned out to be more interesting than annoying. It wasn't often that he came across someone under the age of twenty who didn't immediately piss him off, but Ema had at least passed the test, even if she hadn't necessarily aced it. She was still a little too excitable for his taste ( ... )


herr_inspektor December 9 2010, 19:00:22 UTC
Lunge returned to his room in thoughtful silence. He'd just about regained his focus. Just. Bella's appearance just before the end of the day had caused a- a hiccup of sorts, but with the night approaching he had better things to think about than a couple of minor errors. Forward, not back, unless it pertained to the case ( ... )


unheroed December 9 2010, 23:47:36 UTC
Having caught the man's sigh as he walked into the room, Harvey glanced over, immediately curious about what had Lunge visibly annoyed at something. That wasn't a common thing for him, since he had a tendency to keep any emotions he did have hidden away. He hadn't even showed much of a response to being taken for experiments however many nights ago that had been, so it was definitely noteworthy now.

A sigh shouldn't have been able to mean so much, but in the courtroom a twitch of the eyebrow could be a clue ( ... )


herr_inspektor December 10 2010, 20:00:12 UTC
A mine? Now that was interesting. He'd seen mention of a mine here and there on the bulletin board, but Lunge hadn't actually had the opportunity to speak to anyone with first-hand experience of it. There was still, of course, the chance that it was just yet another distraction- but he couldn't rule anything out without a thorough investigation. And, as he was just starting to (begrudgingly) accept, this place was simply too big to explore fully by himself ( ... )


M63 razing_phoenix December 9 2010, 00:10:33 UTC
Having gotten the chance to spend the last two shifts of his day talking about things that had little to do with the night before or his friends who had disappeared, Guy made the trip from the Music Room back to the patient blocks feeling at least somewhat better. In the end, he knew that not much had been resolved. He'd gotten over some of the hurdles he need to travel with Claude, but they were going to have to spend all of tonight finishing up. More than that, there had been no sign of Luke, Asch, or Tear all day, which more or less spoke for itself ( ... )


M36 guardiancomplex December 9 2010, 00:15:50 UTC
As if things couldn't get any more depressing or related to disappearances, Touya's nurse told him, excited, that he had a new roommate. So, Remy had been released then. He couldn't say he had been particularly close to the guy, but it was still rough to hear. As far as he was concerned, it was never a relief when someone vanished.

At the same time though, Touya wasn't at all anxious about having a new roommate. He'd just have to ask if the guy intended on making their room a meeting place or hanging out for a bit after the doors unlocked. If he did, he and Yuki would just have to take their nights off in Yuki's room...

Dinner was a lot of food, in Touya's opinion, though he suspected Yuki would be happy. Turkey, gravy, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, a salad, and pie? How did Landel expect anyone to eat this much? The thought of the food waste made his little waiter-heart palpitate.

He started in before his roommate got in. Hot food was hot food, after all.


M39 poorexample December 9 2010, 00:20:58 UTC
Leaving the Music Room turned out to be a relief for Castiel, as that constant noise had been wearing on him more than he'd realized. Having to deal with his brother in that sort of environment hadn't helped the situation either. Even if Gabriel had come to speak with him for a reason, he was glad that their conversation had been brief ( ... )


Re: M39 broodings December 10 2010, 08:14:04 UTC
So it was decided. Both of them would spend tonight finding some way to feed themselves: Stefan by heading out in search of animals to hunt, and Damon by following an anonymous tip on the bulletin board to... who knows what. He should have been feeling relief, or something very near to it - he had no doubt that his unpredictable moodswings would even out once he drank some blood. And the sooner he could go back to thinking clearly, the sooner he could go back to protecting Elena and figuring out a way out of this place.

But the day wasn't over just yet. First, Stefan had to survive dinner, and as the nurse led him to M39, there was a brief moment where panic threatened to set in. An entire hour locked into a small room with a human, and without any nurses or orderlies around to make sure nothing happen. Could something happen? I wouldn't, Stefan told himself, but there was no way say for certain, was there? Three times today, he'd been on the brink of attacking someone, and fought it, but what if three times was his limit ( ... )


poorexample December 10 2010, 09:09:38 UTC
As the door opened, Castiel half-turned in his seat to watch the young man enter. Stefan's greeting was polite enough, but what stood out more was the way that he immediately moved into some sort of exercise regimen ( ... )


broodings December 11 2010, 09:23:46 UTC
It was hard to say what effect exercise had (or didn't have) on his body. He was technically dead, having been killed by a gunshot wound in 1864, but it wouldn't be correct either to say that his body was essentially unchanged from what it was the night he first transitioned into a vampire. On one hand, his hair still grew and he digested food, but then on the other, he still looked seventeen, and only blood offered him any nutritional value.

He probably didn't need to exercise (Stefan knew of vampires who hadn't worked out a day in their unlives and still looked as lean as ever) but certain routines helped regulate his hunger. Maybe it was all in the mind: food and alcohol made him feel like he was alleviating his hunger, and doing pull-ups made him feel like he was working off his aggression - even if, deep down, Stefan knew that the only dragging a person to the ground and drinking them dry would sate either need.

And that wasn't going to happen, and so he didn't stop his push-ups even when Castiel addressed him. "I'm fine," ( ... )


M01 fuzzy_diablo December 9 2010, 00:31:53 UTC
Another day down--full of pizza, and kittens, and weird guys. And now turkey. Really, totally normal day in the asylum run by lunatics.

The promise of pie made possibly blowing his cover somewhat better, though he was still anxious about returning to his room to pretend to sleep again. He could only do that for so long before his roommate got too curious and stuck around to see if Kurt actually got up and moved around. Anyone must have realized by now that he was hiding something... right?

Turkey and mashed potatoes just couldn't be eaten cold, though. So he'd have to refrain from hiding under the covers at least for the moment...


Re: M01 boketa December 9 2010, 08:59:15 UTC
The door eventually opened to the sound of a boy rambling. "--did ya get me an extra slice of chicken?" Goku stuck right beside his nurse, staring up at the bottom of the tray she carried as he practically salivated onto the floor. He was sooo hungry!

"It's turkey, and you get the same amount of food as everyone else. Honestly, I don't know where you think you're going to stuff it all..." The tray was set down in front of the monkey boy, who scrambled up to inhale it. She left with a smile for the lump of bedsheets that was Kurt and a cheerful, passing "Good night!"

Since he had mastered the art of multitasking while he ate, Goku dutifully stared at what he could see of his roommate. There was no need to look down as he stabbed this and that with his 'fork'.

A few bites into his meal, the monkey boy paused to breathe and say "Hi!" before continuing on.


Re: M01 fuzzy_diablo December 9 2010, 17:53:38 UTC
Kurt watched his roommate come in and offered an awkward, hesitant smile. It was weird enough that they didn't talk very much, and Kurt hid under his covers on an almost regular basis, but he couldn't bring himself to be as cheerful as his roommate was when he had failed to reach out for some kind of connection. Maybe he was feeling brave today, or the encounter last night with Sakura and Ranulf had reassured him, but he was at least a little motivated now to break his silence.

At least... once he was done watching Goku consume food at the speed of light. And Kurt thought he ate a lot too quickly. The greeting in the midst of the eating-fest jarred him a little, caught him off guard.

"H-hi. I guess you like turkey, huh?"


Re: M01 boketa December 10 2010, 04:15:42 UTC
"Ah?" Goku stopped eating for a moment to watch the other boy with a slack-jawed expression. Eventually, his gaping mouth snapped shut and he continued on his way. "Yeah, I like turkey! I like any kinda bird, you know! It's not as good as boar or wolf--oh man, wolf is the best!--but it's good. Better than that sweet cake and crunchy cheese stuff!" He stuck out his tongue in disgust, but since it was already out, the monkey boy laid a dollop of mashed potatoes on it and pulled it back in.

"It's too salty though, bleh! I dunno what they did to it but it's not as good as mine, hee hee!" Goku was rather proud of his cooking skills. He could kill and spit a wolf with culinary prowess! It was never fully cooked ever, but he was just too hungry to care half the time! Meat was meat was meat, even if it was a bit raw.


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