Day 53: Intercom, Evening

Dec 08, 2010 12:01

The commotion just after the intercom's jingle displayed the same kind of erratic energy that the Head Doctor had been exuding all day.

"Come on, get those papers out of the way - no, I don't...! Ah! Good evening, everyone, and I hope you all enjoyed the activities we had to ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., klavier, intercom, anise, england, sam winchester, indiana jones, goku (dragonball), amaterasu, zex, claire bennet, kinomoto sakura, kurogane, snow, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, the flash, minako, stefan, watson, peter petrelli, mele, damon, two-face, kanda, tomoe, erika, edgar, neku, tifa, the scarecrow, sync, matt, maya, spock, zack, kratos, l, sechs, senna, bella, scott pilgrim, gumshoe, ritsu, sora, gren, holmes, rei, woody, claude, renamon, ami, guybrush, haruno sakura, germany, guy, kairi, gaara, nigredo, rita, castiel, chise, yue, claire stanfield, scar (tlk)

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herr_inspektor December 9 2010, 19:00:22 UTC
Lunge returned to his room in thoughtful silence. He'd just about regained his focus. Just. Bella's appearance just before the end of the day had caused a- a hiccup of sorts, but with the night approaching he had better things to think about than a couple of minor errors. Forward, not back, unless it pertained to the case.

Out with L again- to where he hadn't said explicitly, but the reference to Thursday probably meant that he had the ruins in mind. Another attempt to examine the church, perhaps? He doubted the radio clue's 'prize' was still there, and he'd seen everything he needed to see, so he certainly hoped not. If L wanted to look around again there, he could do it alone- they still hadn't looked into any of the other buildings. But then he would potentially miss some of the intercom messages, important as they were with the day's suggestions of a higher authority coming into play...

As he opened the door he let out a small, irritated sigh. Obviously he couldn't limit his activities to the Institute every night on the off chance something important would go out, but it chafed even so. Nodding briefly to Dent he took a seat so that he could pick at dinner. He'd almost forgotten about the man entirely. A testament to how their relationship had changed, he supposed: even if he had a gun Dent wasn't a threat to him. "Any progress?" he asked mildly- he worked with Jones, after all, which meant he could trust the man to be investigating at night even occasionally. It was worth asking.


unheroed December 9 2010, 23:47:36 UTC
Having caught the man's sigh as he walked into the room, Harvey glanced over, immediately curious about what had Lunge visibly annoyed at something. That wasn't a common thing for him, since he had a tendency to keep any emotions he did have hidden away. He hadn't even showed much of a response to being taken for experiments however many nights ago that had been, so it was definitely noteworthy now.

A sigh shouldn't have been able to mean so much, but in the courtroom a twitch of the eyebrow could be a clue.

If anything was going on, though, Lunge wasn't sharing. As usual, all he really wanted was more information. Harvey scoffed and shook his head. "Not much. Been trying to get further into the mine that Jones and I found, but night tends to end right as we're getting inside." Funny, how that worked. He had to wonder if it was even possible in the time they were allotted, but he wasn't the sort of person who was going to give up after two attempts.

He wouldn't mind a change of pace, though, which was why he was considering the basement for tonight.

"Can I take that sigh to mean it's more or less the same for you?" he asked his roommate as he took another sip of his meal.


herr_inspektor December 10 2010, 20:00:12 UTC
A mine? Now that was interesting. He'd seen mention of a mine here and there on the bulletin board, but Lunge hadn't actually had the opportunity to speak to anyone with first-hand experience of it. There was still, of course, the chance that it was just yet another distraction- but he couldn't rule anything out without a thorough investigation. And, as he was just starting to (begrudgingly) accept, this place was simply too big to explore fully by himself.

Hence the sigh, which Dent had apparently caught. Of course. He didn't expect anything less from the man. Annoying though it was to be caught in the act, it wasn't as though it was anything he'd especially wanted to hide. A lack of progress was unprofessional but not entirely unexpected in a place like this. "Something like that," he said vaguely. "Last night was a waste of time."

For everyone but Martin Landel, that was. But that answer strayed too close to anticipating Dent asking for details, so he swiftly changed the subject. "I've not had a chance to look into those mines yet," he said truthfully, putting down his fork and turning slightly so that he could give Dent his full attention- and so that he could gain Dent's attention as well. From the sounds of it, they hadn't gotten very far into it yet, but... "How far down does it go?"


unheroed December 11 2010, 09:27:01 UTC
As far as Harvey had been able to tell, last night had been a waste of time for most people. The majority had been antagonized by those shadows, and while he thought he'd done a pretty decent job of ignoring his, in the end they had still slowed them down. Granted, that idiot on the recreational field hadn't helped matters either, even if he was all apologetic about it now. It didn't matter much to Harvey, seeing how he'd still ended up deterring them when it had really counted.

"I hear you there," was all he said to convey that the feeling was mutual. It was probably a general feeling experienced by the patients here on a daily basis, though, so there was nothing new going on there. That was Landel's goal: lower morale and beat them down until resistance seemed impossible.

He wasn't too shocked to hear that Lunge hadn't made it to the mines yet, seeing how they were pretty annoying to get to. It wasn't a path that was meant for someone who wasn't in decent shape, either. Harvey knew that he barely counted considering his injuries, but he was good at pushing through pain by now. "That's the thing," he said with a shake of his head. "We haven't even gotten far enough to really know."


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