Closed: A Different Morning After; Reid

Feb 14, 2014 22:18

There were so few ways this day could go worse. The day after the full moon tended to be almost as bad as the full moon itself. At least Sebastian got to stay human, which was the only plus. Not that be felt human at all. Unless pain made you human? That was a little too deep for his throbbing head and aching body ( Read more... )

reid chambers, third

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reidinggg February 15 2014, 06:00:16 UTC
Everything else was still very much reeling in the back his mind - anger (no, fuck you for not telling me), worry (are you okay, is Sabrina okay), anxiety (you're fine, right, and you're not leaving, right), frustration (were you seriously not going to tell me), all mashed up along with the lingering disbelief, the surreality of what he had seen ( ... )


reidinggg February 16 2014, 04:26:24 UTC
Reid didn't question it, couldn't be bothered to question it, when Sebastian's fingers twined through his, the comforting warmth of that grip, combined with the way he could feel the insistent thudding of Sebastian's heart beneath his ribs, providing the most solid kind of anchor he had been able to get a hold on in the past twelve hours ( ... )


daleysebastian February 16 2014, 05:55:11 UTC
Sebastian didn't take much convincing to shift around and make space. Aching muscles and tired limbs or not, at the first opportunity, Sebastian shifted again until their feet were tangled together and he could feel the comforting heat radiating off of his body where they were pressed so close together ( ... )


reidinggg February 16 2014, 07:16:08 UTC
Reid slid up into the narrow space that had opened up on the couch, instinctively careful and slow in the way he wriggled up against Sebastian, all firm yet deliberately gentle movements as their limbs crossed and tangled.

He leaned in to lightly press his forehead to Sebastian's, a clipped sigh of comforted relief escaping him as the touch of his hand wandered, Reid's eyes momentarily fluttering shut before those fingers finally settled in a light grip around his wrist. Reid's hand curled up against Sebastian's shoulder, lightly bunching up the soft, worn fabric of his shirt.

"Mmhm. Shut up. Like I'd actually fucking leave-" Once again, despite the intended sharpness of his words, phrases that usually would have been brimming with biting snark and sarcasm, there wasn't much Reid could do to mitigate the slightly shaky softness of his tone, nor to avoid the way a clinging sort of desperation snuck into how he curled up next to him.

"I'm not that easy to shake, apparently. Deal with it-"


daleysebastian February 16 2014, 07:55:10 UTC
Everything hurt and ached, muscles still trying to heal and joints a bit confused on what exactly their function was. The ever present heaviness in his chest was still there, but it was a little looser.

That's the kind of effect Reid had on him, which had yet to stop being surprising. It was only slightly less shocking than the near fierce need Sebastian had developed recently - more accurately since last night - to keep Reid from looking distraught and exhausted.

He squeezed Reid's wrist the slightest bit as the fabric over his shoulder pulled. Sebastian tilted his head, quite frankly nuzzling against Reid before he sighed and pressed a sift kiss to the corner of his lips.

"I'm okay with that," his voice was soft, barely a whisper.


reidinggg February 16 2014, 15:20:25 UTC
If Reid had been starting to get confused about just where it was he and Sebastian stood at this point considering the fact that, no matter how stubbornly he tried to rationalize it, they had decidedly gone past the point of 'just sleeping together', this whole development had done absolutely nothing to help clear anything up ( ... )


daleysebastian February 16 2014, 18:29:09 UTC
Sebastian shook his head the slightest bit and carefully shifted to hook his ankle over Reid's. His eyes were so dark and vaguely glass with trying to fight off sleep, eyelids drooping and fluttering open again in a way the tugged at something deep in Sebastian's chest.

As soft as his voice was, Sebastian could tell it was off. He wanted to follow up about it, curled up as they were in this weird little bubble of exhaustion and comfort they somehow kept finding themselves in. But he was too weary and emotionally drained to fight off the tired feelings pulling him down and settling into his healing bones.

"Only if promise to sleep with me now - " He shifted the tiniest bit closer, as if that was actually possible, in response to the added pressure of Reid's hold on him "- and continue the freak out you've got happening later. Yeah?"


reidinggg February 16 2014, 21:18:25 UTC
"Hm? Who's freaking out? There's no freak out. I'm fine," Reid insisted, more of a blurred mumble than clear cut words as he tipped his head slightly, his nose bumping against Sebastian's cheek. Never mind that his hold on Sebastian's shirt had steadily solidified into more of a vice grip. Totally fine.

He did finally give in and let his eyes droop shut, squeezed perhaps a bit more tightly than necessary against the images he stubbornly tried to ignore as they flashed behind his eyelids. Completely fucking fine.

"Shut up and sleep, mkay-"


daleysebastian February 16 2014, 21:50:18 UTC
"Terrible liar," Sebastian accused, but his heart wasn't in it, the actual concern getting a little lost in a held back yawn. His voice had gone just as soft around the edges, words more of a sigh than anything.

Later. Sebastian would own up, and they'd actually talk about things later. When he was in a better head space, and Reid was a little less likely to fuss, when he was in less pain and Reid wasn't so exhausted.

"Okay, bossy." Sebastian acquiesced, pressing their foreheads carefully together.


reidinggg February 17 2014, 04:35:03 UTC
Reid managed to relax at least the slightest bit more as Sebastian somehow closed just that much more space between them, a thin sort of sigh escaping him, that initial urge to defend his (admittedly nonexistent, his face really just wasn't made for it) lying skills easily brushed aside by the cumulative weight of exhaustion and anxiety and sleeplessness and still-lingering mild terror ( ... )


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