(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 14:50

I don't know how many more of these I'm going to write but in the meantime ... here you go! For Berlock, just because...

You come off stage and do the meet and greet thing. You smile at the right people, and make all the right noises then you get out as soon as you decently can. You want to get back to your hotel room, you want to get naked and kneel for your Master’s call.

You’ve texted to warn him you’ll be back in your room shortly. He’s texted back. He can’t talk to you tonight he’s been unavoidably detained.

Dully you make your way back to your room and throw yourself on the bed. You’re not crying, you won’t cry. He doesn’t want you anymore; it’s over. The thought of being alone again is unbearable. He said it was forever; he promised you forever. Didn’t he?
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