Day One THRESHOLD Logs - [Active / Open]

Sep 03, 2009 22:09

Characters: ANYONE on board the U.S.S. Threshold
Content: What happens on the Threshold with characters waking up.
Location: U.S.S. Threshold
Time of day: All Day
Warnings: Assume violence and swearing
Notes: Treat this thread as party-style, with new subthreads for new cells or events.

pietro maximoff (quicksilver), inara serra, minako aino, roy mustang, harry dresden, boriane daermon, daine sarrasri, kang, agent spin, kazuma kuwabara, kida, zoe washburne, aerith gainsborough, evangeline a.k. mcdowell, starfire, kidagakash, laharl, riku, freudia neuwahl, cloud strife (kh), demyx, tenth doctor, yellow, rinoa heartilly, doctor angelicus, celes chere, jean havoc, hotsuma oboro, tasslehoff burrfoot, daisukenojo "beat" bito, sora, dr. horrible, endgame

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Comments 258

D02: Heather Mason, Doctor Angelicus, Evangeline, Link lilacvampire September 4 2009, 05:47:53 UTC
Evangeline woke up and examined her cell a few moments. No idea who any of these people were. She got up, a little woozy and checked herself. She was all there... a little odd, like she was bitten. Again. After that roller coaster of emotion before vanishing she wanted to do something violent and destructive.

Evangeline growled, "Sick fucks messing with us like this, think a tiny little cell will hold me!?" She swung her arm out, magical energy extending like a blade from her hand. As her blade struck the door it turned to gas, the temperature of the room plummeting as parts of the door seemed to just cease to be.

As the tiny remnants of the door crashed to the ground Evangeline dropped a little and heaved a breath. "So... where to now? Whose next?" Hopefully between her yelling, the temperature, and destroying the door, the useless group in her room would wake up.


Re: D02: Heather Mason, Doctor Angelicus, Evangeline, Link ocarina_hero September 4 2009, 07:55:21 UTC
That was certianly a rude awakening, and Link didn't need the sudden shock. "W-what's going on?" He asked frantically, staring at the only other person who was awake.

But he got over his sudden shock quickly. He wasn't going to be a scared little kid. And he didn't need to know what was going on to know he was going to have to fight. There was a look of determination in his eyes in his years that seemed much older than his 10 years.


Re: D02: Heather Mason, Doctor Angelicus, Evangeline, Link theangelisin September 4 2009, 08:09:21 UTC
The noise did indeed wake Angelicus. Even asleep she'd hovered a few inches above the cot, but now she'd risen and hovered upright beside it instead. This was a strange situation. One she certainly was not familiar with, nor was she familiar with any of the people present.

She hung back and waited quietly for further developments.


lilacvampire September 4 2009, 09:27:10 UTC
"Lemme make this clear. I'm cranky, mad, feeling something I haven't felt since I was alive, want answers, and want to hurt things." Evangeline seemed oddly calm for her words, then again she did just put a lot of energy into destroying the door. "I'm going to go find someone that knows something, politely ask them for information, and eat them. In some order."

"Stay, leave, go help others, don't care. Stay out of my way." Evangeline was not a follower of the light. She followed the Darkness. This meant, right now, she was a creature that wanted her space and to be alone. She had things to do, people to eat. You know, the usual way of things.

She picked a direction and started moving. As soon as she found something she might work with others. Until then, she was quite hungry.


B06 – Freudia Neuwahl, Beat, Minako Aino, Cloud Strife (KH) freudenstachel September 4 2009, 05:48:38 UTC
It seemed her prayer had had some effect; Freudia was still alive. And that much was more than she had been expecting. Though she had little memory of when she had disappeared, it stood that the corporation had finally claimed her. And imprisonment was vastly preferable to eternal rest.

The ice princess had woken up in a cot; though it had only been a few minutes, she had already started using her time wisely. Assessing the situation. Disorientation was to be expected, but her mind needed to stay sharp. Tagruato had, locked in the recesses of what must have been some sort of ship, a dangerous general. Her powers may have been diminished, but her mind was untouchable.

A girl, not much younger than she. A street punk. And what must only have been a warrior. These would be her soldiers.

"Wake up," she barked.

Death would not claim them easily.


Re: B06 – Freudia Neuwahl, Beat, Minako Aino, Cloud Strife (KH) not_asoldier September 4 2009, 06:30:12 UTC

Cloud awoke with a start and slowly sat up, Aerith wasn't there, of course.

He had expected to be dead, but he wasn't. He was in a cell with three unfamilliar people. "Who are you?" he asked the woman who was already awake.

They had made a mistake, keeping him and everyone alive. But before he got his revenge, Cloud had to do one thing.

Find Aerith.


Re: B06 – Freudia Neuwahl, Beat, Minako Aino, Cloud Strife (KH) venusloveshock September 4 2009, 06:46:30 UTC
Minako flinched at the wake up call... That wasn't a voice she was all that familiar with. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up in her bed... Cot? She glanced around, running her fingers through her hair. What the hell...

Lowering her hand, she glanced at her arm (oddly much more sore than the other) and noticed something amiss. "We're still alive?" she whispered, after inspecting the wound. She pressed her opposite hand to the sore spot... (Had they been injected with something? Shit....)


Re: B06 – Freudia Neuwahl, Beat, Minako Aino, Cloud Strife (KH) turnthemearound September 4 2009, 16:55:34 UTC
It was impossible to miss when the last of the cellmates woke up.

"BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Beat screamed at the top of his lungs, bolting upright in bed and leaping to his feet instantly.



A04 – Kang, Jean Havoc, Abby Sciuto, Harry Dresden inthephonebook September 4 2009, 05:54:26 UTC
Harry had been sitting there for a while, waiting for the others to wake up. He had a pretty good idea of where they were right now, having had a place very similar to this one seared into his memory.

After all, once you almost died on an aircraft carrier, you tended to remember what they looked like. Well, Harry supposed it could have been a different class of ship, but based on what Spin had told him, the Slushholes had their own aircraft carrier. They'd taken his weapons away, but he could still feel some of his magic.

He'd wait for the others to stir, and then they were getting the hell out of here.

Harry did not like the look of the injection wound on his leg.


bozakcommander September 4 2009, 06:18:08 UTC
The first thing that Kang noticed when he woke up was that the cot he was laying on was far too small for someone of his size; his back hurt from the position he'd been forced into. Slowly sitting up with a groan, he looked around the small room, muttering a string of curses in Nerakese, "Well, this is new."

His upper left arm hurt, too, and looking at it, he could see the mark of a needle. Great. It was probably the virus, considering they'd snatched the healers before anybody else. They weren't taking any more chances.

Surprisingly, he knew two of the others in the room, one of which was already awake. Havoc and a woman, the only one he didn't, were both still out. Looking at Harry, he rubbed at his arm, "How long have you been awake?"


smoking_gunner September 4 2009, 06:35:12 UTC
Havoc felt hungover. While he did have a few drinks, he didn't have near enough. All he knew he was in a bed, somewhere. He pushed himself up by the elbows, and looked around. There was Harry and Kang. His chair sat in the back of the cell. Dammit, he hated having to get in that thing from the damn floor. But he knew he could do it.

"Hell of a party..." he grumbled, pushing himself up with one arm. He reached over and slid his legs over the edge, and pushed himself up the rest of the way. He gripped the edge of the cot to support himself. "Feel like I missed it. Hey, Harry, Kang." Looks like the last one to wake up was a cute girl.


inthephonebook September 4 2009, 19:57:30 UTC
"Few minutes," Harry replied. "Long enough to know our captors have made a couple critical mistakes."

Sliding off the bed, making sure to favor the leg they'd injected whatever poison into, Harry raised three fingers. "First, they left me my duster. My bullet proof duster. Two, they tried to lock a wizard away with an electronic lock. And three," Harry grinned savagely, "they took my family, then didn't kill us when they had the chance."

Glancing over at Havoc, he said, "Yeah, but the beer wasn't very good, and the strippers were discount. You didn't miss much. Welcome back."

Glancing back over at Kang, Harry said, "Me being in here was probably enough to take out any surveillance gear they might have, but I haven't blown the lock yet. I imagine there's guards out there, and we should have a plan before we make our move."


B01 – Agent Spin, Rebecca Chambers, Etna, Goofy eba05 September 4 2009, 06:29:21 UTC
Spin's eyes burned as they creaked open to the dim light, but a moment after they finished blurring, here he was: a cell, and... this was deja vu, wasn't it. Something about the place, it was just...

A few more blinks. Focus. He was here, and there were people--a woman, a girl, and, uh... wow, that was Goofy. He'd seen the Disney character around but it was still sort of surreal, being--okay now was not the time. Spin groaned, and pushed himself up. His joints gave a familiar protest, the creaking and resistance to movement--but intensified.

He remembered feeling like this. His arm throbbed, and he clutched at it, but that did rather the opposite of help; Spin sucked in a breath, and rolled up his sleeve. A mark stood out clear. There was a numb moment, before it processed. They'd taken out the middle man.

"Wake up," he murmured, shaky but set. Agent Spin knelt to gently try and nudge the others to life. "Our life is calling."


Re: B01 – Agent Spin, Rebecca Chambers, Etna, Goofy clevermedic September 4 2009, 17:18:50 UTC
Rebecca stirred, groaning a little and squeezing her eyes tighter shut for a moment before slowly blinking them open. Her mind went to Billy first, and then to the gun tucked in the holster on her belt. She reached for it, but found the holster empty.

It didn't surprise her, but what surprised her was her medical kit missing from her belt.

"They took my medical supplies," she murmured, frowning a little, her eyes drifting over the small aching prick on her arm. She examined it a little more closely, and frowned. "And injected us with something." She didn't have to think too hard to guess what it was. She looked around at the other inhabitants, her brow furrowed.


Re: B01 – Agent Spin, Rebecca Chambers, Etna, Goofy triosshield September 4 2009, 18:24:39 UTC
The moment Spin touched him Goofy sprang to life, arms flailing as he accidentally threw himself out of the bed and headfirst into the floor in his surprise, taking the blanket with him.

A moment later from under the blanket came a muffled, "Sorry bout that, hyuck. Guess I got a little startled."


Re: B01 – Agent Spin, Rebecca Chambers, Etna, Goofy nextweekondc September 4 2009, 18:26:21 UTC
Grumbling, Etna rolled over and tried to shield herself from the light, curling into a ball against the wall.

"It's too early to be this panicked, tell life to call back."


A02 – Dr. Horrible, Yellow, Balthier, Zoe Washburne serenity2ic September 4 2009, 06:31:38 UTC
Ai ya, this had overtones of the Alliance written all over it.

She had woken up only minutes before, using that time to quickly gather her wits and take note of the other occupants in the room. Two men and a little girl. The latter made her angry, even more so when she realized that the sore area on her arm had the telltale mark of an injection.

Those bastards.

Her only outward show of emotion was a small frown as she slowly got to her feet and headed towards the door, pressing against it to test its weight. No luck. It didn't give. She then turned back towards the other occupants in the room - they needed to get out of here and they needed to get out now.

She went over to one of the men and gently but firmly began to shake him awake.


Re: A02 – Dr. Horrible, Yellow, Balthier, Zoe Washburne pkmn_are_bff September 4 2009, 23:56:03 UTC
Yellow slowly woke up from her cot, a strange sense of déjà-vu creeping in fast on her. She remembered it clearly, she was talking on the network, trying to figure out what was happening and... this feeling, it was exactly like the time she woke up all alone in that park. I guess that explained how they got her the first time.

The feeling of sickness that she had experience only a week or so ago was back too. Crabs? No, she couldn't find a bite, just a sore spot on her arm, just enough to tell her she had been experimented on again.

Well, seeing as she wasn't alone in her cell, not only her. "I guess... I guess the crabs weren't enough for them in the end," she muttered, still half asleep. Even they, who had been made only for that purpose, seemed to have been deemed useless... Was she feeling sorry for the crabs? You bet she was.


Re: A02 – Dr. Horrible, Yellow, Balthier, Zoe Washburne ihasadeathray September 5 2009, 03:17:43 UTC
"Whoa!" Billy flailed a bit as he woke with a start, nearly falling off his cot. Zoe's shaking had done its job. He blinked once, staring up at the unfamiliar ceiling, before hauling himself upright. A sudden wave of dizziness suddenly assailed him, causing him to sway a bit as he swung his legs over and made his way to his feet. At first he chalked it up to the blood suddenly leaving his head, but then the memories of the past few days came back to him. The message. The people disappearing. (Man, what he would give to find out how these people managed to do that...) Was this a side effect ( ... )


Re: A02 – Dr. Horrible, Yellow, Balthier, Zoe Washburne serenity2ic September 6 2009, 00:03:02 UTC
"Looks like it," Zoe said quietly to the girl with a small smile. She then walked over to the remaining occupant in the room and worked on attempting to wake him up too. It was time to go - who knows what the hell was out there, and if the injection marks were any clue, they didn't have much time before they...

She stopped that train of thought, and shook her head in response to Billy's question. "No idea. But-" at this she nodded at the door, "looks like we have a lock to mess with."


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