Title: Earnest Attempt
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Owen/Toshiko
Summary: Tosh and Owen go for drinks. Tosh is hopeful. Owen complains.
Spoilers: For Reset, I guess, ignoring the end.
Notes: TWO snow days this year! Which pretty much never happens. Except it’s more of an ice day. So… icy fic, with more fluff.
x-posted to
torch_wood and
torchwood_fic (
Can't bloody see, roads are a menace... )
Comments 9
I like your writing style. The conversations flowed appropriately and the characters were spot on.
Wow, thanks! I actually haven't tried writing this pairing before... I don't even ship them, just think they're cute together.
This is very sweet without being sickly, well done :c)
Haven't watched last night's ep yet so I'm putting stock in them fixing it. Bah.
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