Title: Earnest Attempt
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Owen/Toshiko
Summary: Tosh and Owen go for drinks. Tosh is hopeful. Owen complains.
Spoilers: For Reset, I guess, ignoring the end.
Notes: TWO snow days this year! Which pretty much never happens. Except it’s more of an ice day. So… icy fic, with more fluff.
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torch_wood and
torchwood_fic “I hate the snow,” Owen complained, leaning forward in his seat and squinting to see through the sleet. Tosh sat beside him, staring at her purse and failing to keep the smile off her face. She remembered earlier in the Hub, when he told her that today was a good day for drinks, because neither were doing anything.
Even when it started sleeting, coating the roads in pellets of ice, he’d still shown up at her door, promptly at eight, wearing clean trousers and a nice, pressed jumper. He’d almost looked respectable.
And he’d complimented her outfit, a little dark red dress with spaghetti straps she’d gone out and bought just for this occasion, paired with strappy black heels and a gold clutch. His awkwardness, shuffling his feet and staring at the ground, was even more endearing. She knew Owen hated feeling vulnerable, and that he’d let her see that side of him…
“Can’t bloody see, roads are a menace,” Owen muttered. “Must’ve gone insane to want to drive in this weather.” Tosh looked up to meet Owen’s eyes for just a moment, before he ducked his head and returned to grumbling at the icy roads.
She blushed and stared out the window, watching the ice fall, reflecting off the lights lining the Cardiff streets.
The car came to a stop in front of a club Tosh hadn’t been to in some time. She stared up at the sign. I thought we were just going for drinks?
“Er. I know it was just supposed to be drinks, but I thought…”
“No,” Tosh interrupted him. “I think… it’s nice. Good.” Maybe this can work after all. She wasn’t much of a dancer, but for Owen…
“Well then.” Owen stepped out of the car and moved around the front as Tosh gathered her things, making sure her shoes were tightened and her dress was okay. The passenger door opened.
There was Owen, nervously offering his hand and a slightly-bent black umbrella. Tosh accepted it and stepped out onto the icy parking lot.
As far as dates went-not that Tosh had been on one in some time-it wasn’t a disaster. Owen was uncomfortable at first, and Tosh was nervous, but after the first few drinks they’d begun to loosen up. She managed not to get too jealous when Owen flirted with a pretty blonde, because even as he chatted her up he kept glancing in Tosh’s direction. They even danced, and Owen refrained from teasing her. When the pub closed, Owen called a taxi and walked her to her door, almost like a proper gentleman.
“Well,” Owen said. “It was fun.” Tosh nodded.
“Yes, it was,” she said. “Thanks for giving it a chance.”
“We should do it again sometime,” Owen said. “I mean… it wasn’t a complete disaster, was it?”
“No,” Tosh said. “It wasn’t. And I’d like that.”
Owen nodded, failing to keep a tiny smile off his face. “Goodnight, then.”
“Goodnight,” Tosh said. Owen kissed her fleetingly on the cheek before scurrying back to the taxi, ducking his head against the still-falling sleet. Tosh grinned as she opened her door.
Maybe this is going somewhere, she thought. After all, he said we should do it again.