Title: Earnest Attempt
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Owen/Toshiko
Summary: Tosh and Owen go for drinks. Tosh is hopeful. Owen complains.
Spoilers: For Reset, I guess, ignoring the end.
Notes: TWO snow days this year! Which pretty much never happens. Except it’s more of an ice day. So… icy fic, with more fluff.
x-posted to
torch_wood and
torchwood_fic (
Can't bloody see, roads are a menace... )
Comments 9
This is how Owen/Tosh should be.
I added you to the master list of T/O fic at the comm ('deadweird' if you want to check it out). If you want to join and post it I'm sure people wouls appreciate another fic to read (there's so few out there - only 16, including yours!)
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