academic eek!

Aug 24, 2010 16:34

Just mailed my dissertation director a provisional outline for my prospectus: four pages that contain the bare bones of the ideas I've been developing for literally years now. Keep your fingers crossed that it's workable, and that he doesn't send it back with a comment of THIS IS THE ACADEMIC EQUIVALENT OF MY FIVE YEAR OLD'S FINGERPAINTING ( Read more... )

fandom: farscape, that which will not be named, fandom: doctor who

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Comments 16

isis2015 August 24 2010, 21:55:43 UTC
Crossing my fingers for you, hun. :)


cynthia_arrow August 25 2010, 04:47:48 UTC
Thanks, darling! ♥


inacitylining August 24 2010, 22:17:18 UTC
I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for you, bb.


cynthia_arrow August 25 2010, 04:47:14 UTC
Thanks, doll. *smishes you*


lyssie August 24 2010, 23:41:28 UTC
Eeee! =D

if it helps, my co-worker's newly-minted college-freshman-daughter who is about an hour away in Madison now, has been calling her mother, freaking out about OMG COLLEGE IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL, HALP.

And I have vague memories of that first week, when you'd be rushing around, trying to memorize where classes were, at what time, and how often you could sneak to the computer lab for fanfic reading, and-- etc. =D


cynthia_arrow August 25 2010, 04:46:44 UTC
The first week is a bit like that for teachers, too. We're all hanging out in the lounge, saying, "God, is it time to go back already? Don't make me!"

Yep, definitely NOT HIGH SCHOOL, lol. That's actually why I don't mind teaching freshmen: they're a funny lot to watch grow into themselves over their first year.



gottalovev August 25 2010, 00:48:32 UTC
I am absolutely certain that your outline is great *nods*

ahhh it's the time of flakiness for everyone, don't worry!


cynthia_arrow August 25 2010, 04:45:00 UTC
Thanks, babe. ♥


alissabobissa August 25 2010, 04:16:11 UTC
I'm sure your dissertation director will think it's frakking genius work. :D

Now to the reason I'm really commenting: where are you in your Farspace viewing?


[flisters beware: stray major spoilers for Farscape and Doctor Who] cynthia_arrow August 25 2010, 04:44:12 UTC
All I can say is, I did tell you, didn't I, that they couldn't off Zhaan until they had the spiritual and the medical/scientific covered? I should've realized I was in trouble with Ghostwhisperer McMaskface around, but I talked myself out of worrying. Of course, then, The Shrieking Princess would be a doctor type. *sigh* Tell me she gets less annoying ( ... )


Re: [flisters beware: stray major spoilers for Farscape and Doctor Who] alissabobissa August 25 2010, 05:01:15 UTC
I still can't bring myself to watch the eps with Zhaan's death again. I seriously missed her for the rest of the series. Loved that Blue Bitch. Shrieking Princess does get less annoying, though I'll admit not ever completely warming to her.

TWO CRICHTONS! I feel bad for the both of them (though less for Talyn!John as he has Aeryn). "Dear lord" is indeed the proper sentiment. Buckle up.

Dude, 'Waters of Mars' was intense. Power-crazed Doctor was a tad scary, and anyway, I see all the specials as a giant reaction to the Donna thing, ya know, losing her the way he had to. *sniff* A bit more overwrought than was strictly necessary is a perfect way to put it. I get why they did it that way (yeah, Tennant deserved to get to say goodbye), but it was a little much. And Wilf! I love that old guy.

why oh why does he have to be yet another Doctor who cannot pilot the TARDIS properly? So River Song can mock him?
Yes. Heeeee!


Re: [flisters beware: stray major spoilers for Farscape and Doctor Who] cynthia_arrow August 26 2010, 22:57:24 UTC
It was a great death, though. Really. Surprising, but at the same time not surprising. Fitting and emotional without being overwrought. While she wasn't the character I was most invested/interested in, her presence was so necessary I can't imagine how they'll make it without her. And how Moya will. *sniff*

(Why don't I have a farscape icon? You should make me some. And Doctor Who. *is bossy*)


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