1. Ontario

Feb 15, 2022 13:00

We start my memory tour of Canada with Ontario, one of four provinces to enter the Confederation on the first possible day, but first by precedence because then and now it's the largest in population.

So, to start I've been to Toronto four times:
- Once with Phil and Dutton to see Rent in spring 1998. We drove home in a blizzard.
- Once to take my mother to see The Phantom of the Opera in late summer 1999. If I'm recalling the timing right, we did this before hitting my uncle Joe's wedding in western New York.
- Once with my sister, Bybluk and Dutton to see Moxy Früvous's last ever show in early 2001.
- Once with Mike and Micah to visit Jean and see the Blue Jays in May 2005.

I've also been to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls a number of times, mostly in college but also as a kid. However, in all of those trips only for the Phantom and Blue Jays trips did we stay overnight.

I also spent a lot of time as a kid driving through Ontario, or more accurately, riding along as my parents drove. In those days you didn't need a passport to cross the border, so when we visited family in western New York from our home in North Dakota, the route we took most often was to drive east through Minnesota and Wisconsin to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. From there we'd head south over the Mackinac Bridge and dogleg east through Ontario to Niagra. We also did it the other way around on our way home. This doesn't actually require an overnight stay in Ontario (although we may have done so), but it does run up the miles. Somewhat funnily, the more direct road route between North Dakota and my aunt's goes through Cleveland, but I'm we never took that route as I never set foot in Cleveland until my college visit my senior year of high school.

For sheer number of nights in Ontario, the longest was probably a camping trip we took to Thunder Bay for one of my father's dive weekends. I don't recall how old I was at the time, but we took the camper and while my father dove we roamed around the campsite.

1. Ontario

EDIT - My sister pointed out that the wedding I originally cited could not have been on that trip. She also suggests that what I thought was Thunder Bay was elsewhere in Ontario, probably farther west like Kenora. We also went camping with our aunt & uncle and cousins once year in Lake Superior Provincial Park. We also hit an amethyst mine. I still have an amethyst from that trip. Memory is hard!


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